Fall Hunt related: Covid-19 On The Rise <See Post #9 before posting>

Mandatory masks in Montana as of today....

Makes sense to me. We’ve been forced to wear masks in NJ since early April and they seem to work. Less and less Covid in the state by the day. Everyone wears a mask in stores and people are just used to it by now.
If it helps even a little I don’t get why everyone in the country wouldn’t want to jump on the band wagon and just wear one.
If it helps even a little I don’t get why everyone in the country wouldn’t want to jump on the band wagon and just wear one.
That’s the way I see it. The CDC folks are a lot smarter than me, and they say it helps. It’s a very minor inconvenience that might help, I don’t see any point in fighting it.
Humor, JLS. If serious... well, to each his/her own and I too hope mhp happens behind one so *bold... :)
I lost a walleye fishing trip to Quebec in June and another one in early August. We have not been able to cross into Quebec to attend our favorite restaurant since March ( normally a weekly event ... a 10 mile drive from home). I am thinking my planned drive to Saskatchewan in late September for waterfowl , and visiting friends and relatives is probably out also. Hoping we can get to Kansas with our whitetail rifle tags.
I have been planning to go back to Idaho this season for 18 months running working out traning to get into back country, due to work and family I cant get out every yr but maybe every 3
the virus kinda shut it down I didnt apply for tag was in a bit of waiting mode they sold out in june .I kinda regret it now but this thing has stuff changing all the time so maybe it is for best I would have been pissed if I bought a elk tag and couldnt go due to a change in travel ban
So im hanging my cams for our Pa archery bear season and deer, going to focus on my grandsons first deer,turkey, even squirel and going to have a great season here at home
Who know maybe Ill get lucky and my name gets pulled for a Pa elk tag !!!!!
Hunting is just one form of tourism. Where I live we are seeing TONS of out of state plates, so what effect? They are in stores, restaraunts, all over the place, in the fall hunters are the same. First half of October is the invasion of out of state plates, not all hunters "isolate" many stay in hotels, go to restaruants, bars and other stores. So increased contact with locals from other places.

Will this cause spikes? Beats me. so far it hasn't, at least here, but who knows.

My hunting isn't effected at all, but I have resident tags and base out of my house!
I still have these to slap on my truck if need be. I’d hate to think about missing November pheasants at home....
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Too bad your rig didn't have the permanent tag. My old beater truck now sports them. I guess those plates will be worth something, even when the truck bites the dust.:cool:

An added plus is that they don't have the three on the plate.
Well as I was worried about my work is implementing extra “precautions” they are putting something together now that if you travel to a “high risk” area you must self quartine for 14 days and since you chose to go to that area this is without pay obviously. Luckily as of now they are only including out of country travel for this but I could see it expanding in the next few months. So we will see what happens
We are keeping an eye on it. But as of now. I'm hunting regardless. No better social distancing as far as I'm concerned. Also taking my dad on a trip in oregon, really hoping that doesn't get derailed
Thank goodness for pay at the pump gas stations, and dispersed camping on NF land. I have a NM deer tag in my possession and I just have to get through Northern AZ. Barring an all out Outbreak in Santa Fe, I should be able to do my hunt and get back with a minimum of human contact.

We have been wearing masks since April 13. Recently rolled back a phase like NM with same restrictions.

I will say I don't like the worry this is creating in my parents.
I must have missed his story. Bet it was a good one.

TopGun was a great old guy who helped a lot of us (and unfortunately passed a year or so ago). He was very black and white on legal rules. He would equate parking on the shoulder of a state road with "once you start breaking the law you might as well be a bank robber". Several other members would bring this up from time to time and wait for his expected rant - it ended up being a bit of a running joke. I offered this as a light-hearted reminder of a valued former member.

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