Fall Hunt related: Covid-19 On The Rise <See Post #9 before posting>

It seem that people were under the assumption that quarantine was a cure, it wasn't, it was to curve the spread. We did that! Now it's time to see where the cards land.
We didn't do that here. Our numbers are going through the roof right now even though everyone around here thought it was a hoax, and then laughed at NYC.

Everyone's turn will come eventually.
I’m hunting the home state again like always , OTC archery Roosevelt then OTC rifle blacktails, All the land I hunt is private property owned by logging companies and they haven’t said diddley squat to us about closing anything , some of the property I have paid to access and all they had was one small sentence in there email please be mindful and observe social distancing while out in the woods and of course the majority of us when we’re out in the woods were by ourselves or with a close hunting partner or partners Who are family or who are like family and even though there’s other people out here hunting the majority of the time there’s almost 0 close contact with anyone so it’s not really on my mind because even if they close the state forest I’m not hunting that anyway and never really have . For the species that live around my area .

that might’ve had something to do with why the permits sold out so fast this year , in years past it’s always taken six weeks or more for the permits to sale out for the logging property and this year it’s sold out in 3 1/2 to 4 minutes. And we weren’t sure if it was hikers and non-hunting people that wanted access to Forest lands or if more hunters figured logging properties aren’t closing Or haven’t even mentioned it , but the state might close stuff and has , so they wanted to make sure they had a place to hunt and bought it ASAP , It sure created a free-for-all and when it was over you felt like you were damn lucky and you just punched a tag , I sure celebrated , because there are other people I know that got left out this year and they’ve always got him in the past. A few people were quick on the fly and were able to pivot when they realized the drive-in permits were sold out and were able to grab one of the few remaining walk in permits so they could at least to have access to the logging property even if only on foot.
Open her up and let’s see what this thing can do.
I’m about to say one of the most controversial things that’s ever been said on this forum and I really hope I don’t get blocked for it, but I could probably live without deer hunting Colorado this September, but if the ski hills are closed and I’m locked in cold, gray, damp, miserable district 5 all winter idk wtf I’m gonna do.
I guess I’m just gonna have to throw a bunch of BF’s, settle down with one of these raghorns off tinder, drink more and accept my fate of midwestern mediocrity.
It just really pisses me off that after 10 years of mind numbing boredom, I finally found some fun hobbies and now, apparently because some rich asshole like the CEO of Fuyao glass in China ate a pangolin because he thought it would give him a BWC I’m not allowed to get sendy in New Mexico.
The whole worlds out to get me man.
I swear to god.

Ps. Where’s that delete button Oak’s talking about?
Death rate seems to be on a decline
Here; https://public.tableau.com/profile/peter.james.walker#!/vizhome/COVID-19SeeYourState/YourStateKeys
you can view any state you’d like and see test numbers, positive numbers, hospitalization numbers, death numbers.

I find it hard to look at those without thinking there is just a touch of hysteria involved with what we are hearing about this ‘surge’ from our always honest friends in the media.
Living in the middle of the AZ surge, we see that 20-44 year olds have the most cases by greater than 3:1 and that positive antibody tests are being counted as new ‘daily’ cases, according to the AZ Department of Health.

That’s not to discount the higher levels of hospitalization or the rising % positive, it is just to look at the full, big picture before thinking that the world is ending.

I’m going to NM, CO and MT.
Maybe even AK, but they might not allow that.

I’m really surprised by the people that are worried about stopping for gas or getting a hotel on the way to a hunt. You’re getting gas, not going to a night club. If you don’t believe the CDC that transmission on sun exposed surfaces outdoors is incredibly low, get some hand sanitizer and go hunting and Don’t eat at the buffet if there is one.
It takes a little critical thinking to see why covid cases and "covid" hospitalizations are spiking up, yet the death rates are holding steady or declining. It mainly has to do with more testing and hospitals opening up. In the beginning almost everything was shut down and the only testing was done on heavily symptomatic patients. You couldn't get a test unless you were pretty sick with several severe symptoms. Hospitals were virtually shut down except for emergencies and covid patients. Most were too scared to go to the hospital unless it was for something very severe. No elective procedures were allowed.

Hospitals have opened up to almost normal levels and people are driving at much higher levels as the economies have begun reopening. Well, now hospital traffic is up dramatically. Every person that goes into the hospital now gets a covid test. Doesn't matter if you come in for a car accident, broke your leg water skiing, having a baby, choked on a chicken bone, etc....if you test positive for covid, you are now considered a covid hospitalization. So of course the numbers are going to spike. There is also a monetary incentive for hospitals to count covid patients.

I’ve got tags in Wyoming and New Mexico. My 13 year old daughter tested positive for Covid yesterday (results yesterday, test was Monday) and my 10 year old son is right now running a 102 fever and my wife just started feeling sick and running fever. My daughter had the test because she was scheduled for a routine procedure at the hospital this morning (which didn’t happen) other than the positive test she is 100% asymptotic. Provided we all survive and recover from the ‘Rona I will be hunting my tags if I cAn legally get there.
I’ve got tags in Wyoming and New Mexico. My 13 year old daughter tested positive for Covid yesterday (results yesterday, test was Monday) and my 10 year old son is right now running a 102 fever and my wife just started feeling sick and running fever. My daughter had the test because she was scheduled for a routine procedure at the hospital this morning (which didn’t happen) other than the positive test she is 100% asymptotic. Provided we all survive and recover from the ‘Rona I will be hunting my tags if I cAn legally get there.
Prayers for your family. Hope they recover soon.
Open her up and let’s see what this thing can do.
I’m about to say one of the most controversial things that’s ever been said on this forum and I really hope I don’t get blocked for it, but I could probably live without deer hunting Colorado this September, but if the ski hills are closed and I’m locked in cold, gray, damp, miserable district 5 all winter idk wtf I’m gonna do.
I guess I’m just gonna have to throw a bunch of BF’s, settle down with one of these raghorns off tinder, drink more and accept my fate of midwestern mediocrity.
It just really pisses me off that after 10 years of mind numbing boredom, I finally found some fun hobbies and now, apparently because some rich asshole like the CEO of Fuyao glass in China ate a pangolin because he thought it would give him a BWC I’m not allowed to get sendy in New Mexico.
The whole worlds out to get me man.
I swear to god.

Ps. Where’s that delete button Oak’s talking about?
Hey man, I lived through 6 So IL winters. I'm not judging you. ;)
It takes a little critical thinking to see why covid cases and "covid" hospitalizations are spiking up, yet the death rates are holding steady or declining. It mainly has to do with more testing and hospitals opening up. In the beginning almost everything was shut down and the only testing was done on heavily symptomatic patients. You couldn't get a test unless you were pretty sick with several severe symptoms. Hospitals were virtually shut down except for emergencies and covid patients. Most were too scared to go to the hospital unless it was for something very severe. No elective procedures were allowed.

Hospitals have opened up to almost normal levels and people are driving at much higher levels as the economies have begun reopening. Well, now hospital traffic is up dramatically. Every person that goes into the hospital now gets a covid test. Doesn't matter if you come in for a car accident, broke your leg water skiing, having a baby, choked on a chicken bone, etc....if you test positive for covid, you are now considered a covid hospitalization. So of course the numbers are going to spike. There is also a monetary incentive for hospitals to count covid patients.

yea, that must be why Greg Abbott just instituted a statewide mandatory mask declaration.
I’ve got tags in Wyoming and New Mexico. My 13 year old daughter tested positive for Covid yesterday (results yesterday, test was Monday) and my 10 year old son is right now running a 102 fever and my wife just started feeling sick and running fever. My daughter had the test because she was scheduled for a routine procedure at the hospital this morning (which didn’t happen) other than the positive test she is 100% asymptotic. Provided we all survive and recover from the ‘Rona I will be hunting my tags if I cAn legally get there.

Hope you all get through it unscathed.
I’ve got tags in Wyoming and New Mexico. My 13 year old daughter tested positive for Covid yesterday (results yesterday, test was Monday) and my 10 year old son is right now running a 102 fever and my wife just started feeling sick and running fever. My daughter had the test because she was scheduled for a routine procedure at the hospital this morning (which didn’t happen) other than the positive test she is 100% asymptotic. Provided we all survive and recover from the ‘Rona I will be hunting my tags if I cAn legally get there.
Prayers for you and your family each night. Wow! That's a heavy hit! Keep us updated, please.
I’ve got tags in Wyoming and New Mexico. My 13 year old daughter tested positive for Covid yesterday (results yesterday, test was Monday) and my 10 year old son is right now running a 102 fever and my wife just started feeling sick and running fever. My daughter had the test because she was scheduled for a routine procedure at the hospital this morning (which didn’t happen) other than the positive test she is 100% asymptotic. Provided we all survive and recover from the ‘Rona I will be hunting my tags if I cAn legally get there.
Prayers headed your way.
The more I think about it,
if it goes too far and we can’t or won’t go to Montana, I’ll have a couple weeks of vacation freed up to chase whitetails down here. I’ll need to adjust my vacation dates from the 1st two weeks of November for Montana to the last week of November and first week of December to catch the rut on this side of the State.

I hope it doesn’t come to that though.

If the nonchalant manner in which I see a lot of people behaving toward taking simple precautions is any indicator of things to come it could get pretty rough.
Not to mention my dad and I have hunted WY together whether it’s birds, deer, or antelope for the past 5 years. With him belonging to a couple higher risk categories to begin with.

Logistically it was just going to be too hard/risky to do a joint hunt this year.
I am fortunate to live in Montana and I will be hunting deer and elk here either way. But as someone that cashed in 13 points for a deer tag in CO and drew an oryx tag in NM, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t concerned about my out of state hunts.
I am fortunate to live in Montana and I will be hunting deer and elk here either way. But as someone that cashed in 13 points for a deer tag in CO and drew an oryx tag in NM, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t concerned about my out of state hunts.
Hopefully you can go on those!!! Forsure if that oryx is a once in a lifetime
Yea, nothing political about that move. Guess that is why protesting is an exception to wearing a mask in public

Did you read post #9?

I almost posted this warning after you made your off-topic post in #64. Then you have to chime in with this one that drags the discussion further off the tracks.

I just searched your post history for the last few hundred posts you've made and I did not find a single post about hunting. When is the last time you posted something about hunting? I went back for pages of your post and every single post was on COVID, race issues, or a thread that got locked. You might want to rethink your posting habits here.

I don't care if it is R/D, left/right, or whatever/whoever. Your post is exactly why these threads go in the ditch and you damn well know it, but you can't resist the temptation to divert the thread with some crap that has nothing to do with the worthwhile discussion at hand.
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I am quite concerned about not being allowed into ID. Thankfully I didn't actual buy any tags and just planned on being a spotter and sherpa, but being relegated to WA for the year will be quite depressing.
I drew squat. DM me if you end up needing a pack mule.