Caribou Gear

Fall Hunt related: Covid-19 On The Rise <See Post #9 before posting>

Saw this today as I was planning a backpack trip with my wife.

I suspect we will see similar orders issued. Definitely something to pay attention to.
I can get from my driveway to huntable areas of the unit I drew for my mulie tag in NM. That hunt is me alone so I will be able to live out of the truck and meet the 14 day quarantine requirement for non residents. I plan to stick with that plan unless they do something more restrictive. I don't hold a lot of hope of being able to meet up with my brothers in Oklahoma for whitetails. The buddy we stay with is at risk and I have no intention of doing anything to endanger him. Unless something changes drastically I just don't see it being smart to have people from urban areas in two different states meet up in a 3rd state even if we are camping. I also can't take any more risk than I am forced to with my son still doing chemo. I am playing wait and see right now on the OK trip, but I don't see it happening.
New York still has 235,000 active cases. I think it might be a little early to say they have it contained LOL. I get the general idea though.
what is the states definition of an active case????? Really 235,000?
what is the states definition of an active case????? Really 235,000?
Not sure how NY classifies their cases. I believe their new cases has been steadily dropping but I also think that they are still in somewhat of a lockdown state.
I honestly think what we’re going to see the remainder of the year is anytime a state opens up the cases are going to increase again. Lock down, cases decrease, open things up cases increase and so on.
I think about the only thing a guy can hope for is that their specific season falls on low point.
Bwaahahaha! Cuomo da shmo. His hands drip with the blood of thousands. Good thing as an Arizonan I wasn’t planning any trips to the lawless NY. So many police officers have filed for early retirement that NYC had to freeze it. 400 or so, epic.
Staying on my side of the pond and hunting as much as I can.
Not sure what the future holds in terms of flying to the US or anywhere for that matter, I would hope to get back one day, but maybe I would be restricted as a non-res?
Or maybe New Zealand as I know @Big Ears is thinking about a visit with his son.
I have 2 tags in NM in late Oct and early Nov. I also have a early muley tag in CO beginning of Sept. I usually hunt solo so quarantine myself isn't an issue, but my wife is planning on coming with me to CO so I really hope they let me in. We already had to cancel a trip back in May to Banff. I hope this thing goes away in the near future :(
None of us can know how this plays out over the next few months.

It seems that nearly every day, Montana is setting a new record for new cases. Our total numbers are still relatively low,,, but other states have shown how fast things can go downhill.

Frankly, when I am out running any errands,,, I'm in a small minority of people wearing a mask. It does not seem things are on a good glide path.
I have 2 tags in NM in late Oct and early Nov. I also have a early muley tag in CO beginning of Sept. I usually hunt solo so quarantine myself isn't an issue, but my wife is planning on coming with me to CO so I really hope they let me in. We already had to cancel a trip back in May to Banff. I hope this thing goes away in the near future :(
If you just drive to camp & such fine. Just observe proticols.
Don't check into motel & expect restaurant service & visit sites like you normally would,to be realistic
NM is back on lockdown after a increase in cases. Masks,distancing. 14 day quarintine.
Restaurants & such closed for inside service.
State parks & such open to residents only now.

I'll be calling elk for my buddy in northern NM in Sept, apparently there is also some great fly fishing in the unit...guess I'll have to explain to my wife that I'll be required to stay for the full 14 days 🤷‍♂️
Not sure how NY classifies their cases. I believe their new cases has been steadily dropping but I also think that they are still in somewhat of a lockdown state.
I honestly think what we’re going to see the remainder of the year is anytime a state opens up the cases are going to increase again. Lock down, cases decrease, open things up cases increase and so on.
I think about the only thing a guy can hope for is that their specific season falls on low point.

As testing increases cases increase. You could shut down for two weeks and increase testing and I'm guessing cases would increase if testing increased. We will be hunting this fall we might have to alter our plans a bit but we will be hunting. One of my trips a few years ago we had a friend who was waiting on TB test results and he received them the afternoon before we left for the trip and we delayed the trip until he got the results.
Yeah I hear ya. I’m going about it the same way. If the highways are open I will be hunting. If I have to camp the entire time and avoid restaurants and hotels that’ll be just fine with me.My hunting partner won’t be happy but I guess we can either stay home or go about it that way.
I was supposed to go down to South America at the end of the year for a trip while it is still on the books I have pretty much excepted that more than likely will not be happening.

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