Caribou Gear

Fall Hunt related: Covid-19 On The Rise <See Post #9 before posting>

It is becoming increasingly unlikely I’ll be heading to AK in September.
Still PLANNING to go next month. Realtor said there is a showing of our cabin today. May not have a place to go if it sells!
I wonder how this will change the New Mexico hunt for our sweepstakes winner?

First year applying in NM and I drew a low-odds 1st choice mule deer tag....really hoping it works out. Any western hunt I've been on so far has basically been the definition of self quarantine anyway, I don't think this year would be any different...just hope the state authorities see it that way too......
First year applying in NM and I drew a low-odds 1st choice mule deer tag....really hoping it works out. Any western hunt I've been on so far has basically been the definition of self quarantine anyway, I don't think this year would be any different...just hope the state authorities see it that way too......
I agree I'd go hunting if they let me in the state if I were you. Not like your going to the city and hugging on pple. I've been out of state twice now since the 14 day quarantine deal has been placed. But all I do is go to work anyways when I get back
And what does that have to do with traveling to hunt and COVID? Nothing.

Evidently you didn't read Post #9.

It is posts like this that drive threads in the ditch. Get it back on the rails, folks.

Sorry, just responding to the post I quoted. I’ll be happy to delete the comment if you or the OP would like.
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I did mention it to the game warden when talking the unit and hunt....hope COVID-19 doesn't mess it up for all of us....his reply was basically "...dont worry about it you've already got a license and a tag, I'd go hunting, I don't think there's anything I could do to stop you."

Who knows?? Lots can happen between now and November....good or bad. We will see.....
I predict the Kung flu will disappear the morning of Nov. 4th. :unsure: With all these businesses jumping in and demanding their employees self quarantine 14 days after traveling to one of the hot states; unpaid of course; they wont be going.
"...dont worry about it you've already got a license and a tag, I'd go hunting, I don't think there's anything I could do to stop you."

Just pulled 20# of butts out of the your brother likes to say, "that pulled pork goes damn good on a elkcamp cheeseburger!" I'll save a few vacbags for you guys.

Prayers for your family. Hope they recover soon.
Well, right at two weeks from the first Covid diagnosis in my house it looks like we’re past it, none the worse for wear. My 13 yo daughter had a positive test on June 29, results July 1. She never had a symptom. My 10 year old son was sick for 5 days, my wife came down with it night of July 2nd, she’s on the mend now, two days since she’s had any symptoms. She never got real bad sick but had all the typical symptoms; fever, nausea, fatigue, dizziness, loss of taste and smell, mild cough and shortness of breath - she did not require medical attention though. I have not had any symptoms and my test was negative despite being around two sick individuals and one positive tested asymptotic teen for the last two weeks. All this to say, my Wyoming scouting trip for my general Elk tag is not gonna happen next week. Looks like we’ll be flying blind come September
I wonder how this will change the New Mexico hunt for our sweepstakes winner?

Being the wise guy you are your probably already going to be testing your crew & hunters...just to be safe. Take your whole kit&kabottle. Plan on the tents in NM self quarintined. Wear a mask in public,getting gas or ice cream.
Right now just advisories from NMSP at border. I would not fly in & rent.
Louisiana mandated wearing of masks starting at 12:01 A.M. this morning:

The statewide mask mandate applies to all 64 parishes in Louisiana. However, parishes with a COVID-19 incidence of fewer than 100 cases per 100,000 people for the most recent two-week period for which data is available could choose to opt out of the mandate. Parish presidents do not have to opt out and may choose to keep a mask mandate in place. Currently, only three parishes in Louisiana do not exceed this standard, which will be updated every other week by the Louisiana Department of Health: Grant, Red River and West Feliciana.

The order requires face coverings for everyone ages 8 and older except for the following:

  • Anyone who has a medical condition that prevents the wearing of a face covering
  • Anyone who is consuming a drink or food
  • Anyone who is trying to communicate with a person who is hearing impaired
  • Anyone who is giving a speech for broadcast or to an audience
  • Anyone temporarily removing his or her face covering for identification purposes
  • Anyone who is a resident of a parish without a high COVID incidence that has opted out of the masking mandate
Masks are strongly recommended for children ages 2 to 7.
I actually have a busy fall planned with a deer, 2 elk, 2 pronghorn hunts, and a bunch of duck hunting. Along with a deer and pronghorn hunt for the wife. I don't see anything set to stop these in state hunts from proceeding.

The only one I'm worried about is we were planning on a honeymoon to Hawaii next month with me getting permission to do some bow hunting. As of right now we are playing it super safe. Not that I'm worried about covid but because I don't want a positive test to ruin my hunting plans lol. So if all goes as planned I'll be able to social distance and hunt Hawaii in a little over a month.
I too have been worrying about this. I know worrying won’t solve anything. So I rationalize my way through things. I figure if you add up the money that states would have to refund, it makes me a lot more confident that they will find a way to make this work. They have a few hundred million reasons to figure it out.
I actually have a busy fall planned with a deer, 2 elk, 2 pronghorn hunts, and a bunch of duck hunting. Along with a deer and pronghorn hunt for the wife. I don't see anything set to stop these in state hunts from proceeding.

The only one I'm worried about is we were planning on a honeymoon to Hawaii next month with me getting permission to do some bow hunting. As of right now we are playing it super safe. Not that I'm worried about covid but because I don't want a positive test to ruin my hunting plans lol. So if all goes as planned I'll be able to social distance and hunt Hawaii in a little over a month.
And we just got a call that Hawaii is extending the mandatory 14 day quarantine so that trip is out for the fall
My thoughts still question the validity of the testing because my own doctor has doubts on accuracy of the tests. He still thinks they pickup other forms of the corona virus family as false positives. I also wonder if there aint a financial incentive for states and certain cities to have a number of "positive tests" rather than accurate test results?
My friend, his late 70s post op grandmother and his 80 something year old grandfather all have it. So far they are fine.
His grandpa says ‘it's weak’ while he does yard work in his Trump hat in the 110 degree heat, drinking beer.

my friends fever and everything has gone away but he says the worst is that he can’t taste anything for the last couple days.
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