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Happens everywhere.

I spend a lot of time on I80 in Nebraska. I’ve drawn several conclusions about people from different states. Mostly Iowa. Law enforcement must give speeding tickets out like candy in that state. I’ve yet to ever see someone from Iowa speeding. Generally they are going the speed limit to 5 under, which baffles me. If someone is Lolly gagging in the hammer lane, 9/10 it’s someone from Iowa. I’ve tried to be polite about it, but now I just run up on em and honk until they get over, the sad part is they don’t even know they did anything wrong. As a general rule in Nebraska you need to be going 5 over the limit to avoid being ran over. You can get away with anything 10mph over the limit and under in most cases on highways.

The Nebraska govt is gonna spend $500,000,000 of the Covid relief money on some new lake. I think it would be better spent building a wall on our eastern border to keep Iowans out. BUILD THAT WALL!
I spend a lot of time on I80 in Nebraska. I’ve drawn several conclusions about people from different states. Mostly Iowa. Law enforcement must give speeding tickets out like candy in that state. I’ve yet to ever see someone from Iowa speeding.
Clearly, you haven't noticed being passed by me.

The Nebraska govt is gonna spend $500,000,000 of the Covid relief money on some new lake. I think it would be better spent building a wall on our eastern border to keep Iowans out. BUILD THAT WALL!
Good luck with that.

See ya soon. :)
I spend a lot of time on I80 in Nebraska. I’ve drawn several conclusions about people from different states. Mostly Iowa. Law enforcement must give speeding tickets out like candy in that state. I’ve yet to ever see someone from Iowa speeding. Generally they are going the speed limit to 5 under, which baffles me. If someone is Lolly gagging in the hammer lane, 9/10 it’s someone from Iowa. I’ve tried to be polite about it, but now I just run up on em and honk until they get over, the sad part is they don’t even know they did anything wrong. As a general rule in Nebraska you need to be going 5 over the limit to avoid being ran over. You can get away with anything 10mph over the limit and under in most cases on highways.

The Nebraska govt is gonna spend $500,000,000 of the Covid relief money on some new lake. I think it would be better spent building a wall on our eastern border to keep Iowans out. BUILD THAT WALL!
When I travel through Nebraska I always do 2 things. Drive really fast to get through the state as fast as possible and drive at night.
I agree,i spend alot of time on the interstate and us sconie drivers sure do like to camp in the left lane.
Driving in the left lane isn’t nearly as annoying as someone who doesnt set their cruise control on a two lane highway. Or someone who goes 53 in no passing zones but speeds up to 63 when there is a passing zone.
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