
Extra Stupid Window Stickers

No real Texan drives a little car like that anyways…to hard to stick the crossbow out the window while holding your beer to get a good shot at the feeder.
Hey Now!!! That hits a little close to home, u can’t help the family ur born into LOL!!!
It just shows how dependent/obedient on the govt people are now; at least that’s why it bothers me, driving by urself n feel u have to wear a mask because that’s what they were told to do, come on now!

Maybe they just like knowing how easy it is to jerk your chain. Man, the things people fret about...

Maybe your governor will pass a law making it illegal to wear a mask in one's car when alone. God knows, mine loves to do stupid stuff like that.
Makes about as much sense as people walking down the street by themselves with a mask on. But hey to each his own if that's your cup of tea then that's cool. #merica

Or they just discovered that wearing a mask is a whole lot easier than being zonked out on allergy meds.

But mostly, I think they do it because it's easier than taking it off only to put it back on at the next stop.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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