Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Electric golf cart


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2014
Who's got experience using electric golf carts for hunting? I see the lifted carts are more and more popular, but I also see modifying and building is its own hobby.

I don't need another hobby. I can set one up, but continual maintenance and repair will send it down the road.

How reliable are they once set up?
Who's got experience using electric golf carts for hunting? I see the lifted carts are more and more popular, but I also see modifying and building is its own hobby.

I don't need another hobby. I can set one up, but continual maintenance and repair will send it down the road.

How reliable are they once set up?
Who's got experience using electric golf carts for hunting? I see the lifted carts are more and more popular, but I also see modifying and building is its own hobby.

I don't need another hobby. I can set one up, but continual maintenance and repair will send it down the road.

How reliable are they once set up?
If you're going to do it, do it right. Swap the motor for a tesla motor and really let those ponies run!!
Yes, lifted electric golf carts are popular for hunting. It's a thing. Think in terms of hunting small acreage many times over several months.
I live on a lake with neighbors that own golf carts (plain-Jane stockers to lifted and with larger wheels/tires, etc. customs). They get used to haul people and gear to-and-from the beach during 'open water' season. Over the years, those that bought electric went to gasoline when they updated/upgraded. No one still uses an electric... for what its worth.
Kind of a cool idea. Nice & quiet. Polaris makes an EV Range as well but you don't get the "Cassanova of the Retirement Community" perks that a cart brings.

Throw in a sub & bang out some Ludacris:



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