Drought for the west

I’m seeing a bunch of standing water in E Idaho. Definitely Ides of March this year
I hope they leave it closed for a decade or so. The south & southwest shorelines are disgusting.
Slight improvement in South Dakota from last year, but with the lack of spring rains we're starting the march to a nasty drought again IMG_2477.png
This has been one of the wettest springs here on the colorado front range in my life time.

Front range cities average around 14” of precipitation a year and the entire front range corridor is basking in 8-10” of rain since May 1 and handful of places have hit 12-13”. And again, that’s only rain.

And we’ve hardly broken 80 degrees yet down here on the lower elevations. Snowpack is having a very nice slow melt so far. Reservoirs chock full, rivers are brimming.

Also, my truck is totaled from hail in early may and the roof has to be replaced. Crazy spring we’re having.
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