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Doubt this will impact agencies...

The federal worker receives locality based on their location. GS Locality does not change because a person works from home or the office.
They became remote and must stay within proximity for most agency requirements. That means they *should be within the same locality pay if that was their residence when they turned to remote work.
I hear ya. Sounds like agencies need a policy revamp instead of a gutting.
GS Locality does not change because a person works from home or the office.
They became remote and must stay within proximity for most agency requirements. That means they *should be within the same locality pay if that was their residence when they turned to remote work.
Uh, yes it does if you're designated remote.
This push is a stupid move and designed solely to push folks out and give a reason to the base showing that our leaders are making "common sense" decisions. You know for a fact that they aren't doing this for efficiency.
It’s just another battle in the culture war, a legacy of Covid
I hear ya. Sounds like agencies need a policy revamp instead of a gutting.
Maybe so... though sounds like that's the purpose. Return to work, all is well. Don't want to? Find another job. We'll cover you for 8 full months of your pay to assist your time finding a new, "remote" job or not.
Comical, any competent IT team can monitor your email, chat, calls etc and they’ll know right away who’s not doing their job. Easy fix to get rid of folks that can’t do it.

All in all, they need to make management feel like they are still needed.
Any competent slacker knows there are bots you can install to get around that 😜.
It’s funny that folks argue we need to grind employees to the bone to prove any worth. The French work 36 hours a week and have a ton of vacation time. Their productivity ranking (GDP per hour worked) is 2 or 3 places behind the US in international rankings. (OCED and ILO measurements, respectively)
You French?
Uh, yes it does if you're designated remote.

Remote job
Yes - The selectee of this position may be assigned to an official duty station within or outside the Washington, DC commuting area. Accordingly, pay will be set based on the locality area/official duty station assigned.

Remote job
Yes - The selectee of this position may be assigned to an official duty station within or outside the Washington, DC commuting area. Accordingly, pay will be set based on the locality area/official duty station assigned.
Right, so if my duty station is Laramie and I'm designated remote, I don't get D.C. locality pay.
This is a political move and I get it. A broad brush reduction like this is never going to be any good at keeping the high performers and removing the slackers. But this is a quick and dirty way to get results.

I hope that there is a long term plan to help agencies be more effective rather than just smaller.

I'll say that a lot of the discussion about telework or protection from at-will firing sounds more like jealousy than anything else.
Right, so if my duty station is Laramie and I'm designated remote, I don't get D.C. locality pay.
You choose your locality... Only a self righteous fool would expect to be paid DC locality while living in Wyoming...

Come on Buzz, we're both fed employees. Both work as Union reps. You know the drill...

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