Doubt this will impact agencies...

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I think some of you “doth protest too much”, but carry on, as a former federal employee I love to hear about how awesome I am.
Sounds like you would be an ideal candidate for working for the new administration!
Your a hands on parent and obviously a good parent. Lots of kids needed school to learn and as an escape from the hell that's their home life.
Your children will prosper either way because you and your wife are attentive parents.
Thank you. That's genuinely the nicest compliment I've had in a long time. I hope it's true.
I am not surprised by a lot of the responses here on the distaste for our government and its employees. I am not federal but do work for the government. I have a semi short career just started my 10th year. In that time i am sure i have been called every name in the book and then some that were new and made up. The entitlement and power people think they have over us government workers is truly mind blowing. If i had a dollar for every time i heard " I pay taxes I'm your boss, or i pay your salary" I'd be retired by now. I have been threatened numerous times, ran off the road, road blocked to stop my travel, yelled at, screamed at, spit at. Yet those same people come back with their hands out looking for assistance or guidance. I have yet to turn anyone away.

One thing i think most people forget us govt workers are taxpayers too. We all want to see our money being used wisely. Most of us probably have had offers in the private sector for a lot more money. Most of us stay because we care about the jobs we do. Is there waste in our govt? For sure there is. I would bet there is waste in every job private or public. Waste in the private sector results in higher prices for us consumers.

It's always the ones that have never done the job that think they know what's best.
Besides a few teachers and police officers I can’t think of a single person I personally know that works for any form of government.

This thread is interesting, I never realized how many HTers have some form of government job.
I grew up around state employees. I learned that no one complains about government workers more than other government workers. And I never viewed those that complained as real go-getters themselves. I found humor in thinking that at some other coffee table in the city someone was complaining about them. I suspect some similarities here.
The bottom line is, there are good and bad employees everywhere. It doesn’t matter if they work for a private company or the government. I do a lot of work with government contracts and have met some people that are awesome. I’ve also dealt with a couple that were absolutely garbage. The one thing I can say is that it seems like it’s harder to fire a poor government employee. Either way, both sides have good and bad apples.
The bottom line is, there are good and bad employees everywhere. It doesn’t matter if they work for a private company or the government. I do a lot of work with government contracts and have met some people that are awesome. I’ve also dealt with a couple that were absolutely garbage. The one thing I can say is that it seems like it’s harder to fire a poor government employee. Either way, both sides have good and bad apples.

Here's another fun fact:

We have been informed that different funding arms are being frozen from making payments. If it lasts too long, those payments, by law, accrue interest due on top of the initial invoice amount. Short story, it costs the govt more money. Good times.
That's why the Union pays for top shelf attorneys...we'll see what they say.

"It is unclear what authority the Trump administration has to offer a payout to effectively the entire federal civilian work force. Under the Homeland Security Act, agencies that are downsizing or reorganizing can offer federal workers $25,000 in exchange for their resignation, known as a Voluntary Separation Incentive Payment. In many cases, though, the payments proposed in the email would far exceed that sum.

Other actions mentioned in the email could run afoul of civil service laws, which are intended to safeguard most federal employees from political pressure and interference, as well as union contracts. Anticipating those limits, the email said that the effort to cull the federal work force would be pursued “to the extent permitted under relevant collective-bargaining agreements.”
I'm not certain, but I would think that there would have to be legislative approval to fund this endeavor.

MAGA may be able to point to cost savings over long periods of time with a reduction in force but in the next year or so, there would be no way that paying even a small percent of takers what is essentially a severance could be considered cost effective.
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