do we start worying about trump for president?

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Looking only at the land transfer I'm voting for Hillary.....Transferring public federal land to the states has been a Republican backed idea from the start (listen to Big Fin's podcast on the subject)! Yes sometimes Democrats may stumble in the management of the land but they have never tried to sell it off. Policies and procedures can be adjusted but once its gone its gone. Trump is a coward, a racist, a bigot, sexist, xenophobic, unintelligent, selfish baby. Never in a million years would I vote for someone who can't restrain from mocking a man with a physical disability. Hillary is big government all the way and is also a terrible choice. Sometimes I wonder if voting for Gary Johnson is a the way to go....I know im wasting my vote but by thinking that I'm playing right into the hands of BOTH parties. Finally, the posts on here about how Hillary will "get rid of all public land" are from those who are too lazy to google the role calls from the senate floor or actually look into the matter themselves. Don't let the media inform you, put some effort into it!!
I don't care how he does it or if he even succeeds in slowing down illegal immigration. At the very least he could start by demanding that our current immigration laws be enforced. They're now being ignored at Obama's request. The fact is Trump wants to stop illegal immigration and Hillary does not. The illegals who are here, she would like to grant them citizenship. So I'm voting for the candidate who I agree with, whether he can accomplish all that he wants to accomplish, I don't know. But I'm sure not going to vote for someone like Hillary who supports illegal immigration and is anti gun and anti hunting.

In MT we don't have a large hispanic (or non-white besides on the reservations) population so I assume the illegal immigration isn't a prevalent here. Serious question, what about illegal immigration affects you or people you know in such a negative way that it is one of your major issues? Not trying to be snide, just interested in what led you to that position.
RobG, many, many errors in your post but I'll just address one- this is the first time Trump has ever ran for the Republican nomination. Not sure where you got the idea that "he has been trying the last few terms." In fact he's never ran for ANY political office, until he began his current campaign in 2015.
You nailed his political experience, but, sorry, The Birther was embarrassed so bad when he tried to make a run for it in 2012 he bailed very early. Here's a good reminder for you..
I don't care how he does it or if he even succeeds in slowing down illegal immigration. At the very least he could start by demanding that our current immigration laws be enforced. They're now being ignored at Obama's request. The fact is Trump wants to stop illegal immigration and Hillary does not. The illegals who are here, she would like to grant them citizenship. So I'm voting for the candidate who I agree with, whether he can accomplish all that he wants to accomplish, I don't know. But I'm sure not going to vote for someone like Hillary who supports illegal immigration and is anti gun and anti hunting.

Try to get your cherries picked in July and tell me how many people you can find that will do it that are non-hispanic. That's not racist that just reality. I say let in all that will work. I thought our country prided itself on it's work ethic. You want to bust your tail, come on board, we'll find a spot for you.
Try to get your cherries picked in July and tell me how many people you can find that will do it that are non-hispanic. That's not racist that just reality. I say let in all that will work. I thought our country prided itself on it's work ethic. You want to bust your tail, come on board, we'll find a spot for you.

Let them come in LEGALLY. We need to know who these people are. And their children, when born here should not automatically become citizens. Lots of people do come into the country legally. They follow the law and the procedures. Why is it okay to simply disregard our laws?

Oh, and I bet plenty of high school kids would love to make money picking cherries. Wouldn't you you rather that money go to our citizens so it stays in the country rather than being sent back to Mexico?
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In MT we don't have a large hispanic (or non-white besides on the reservations) population so I assume the illegal immigration isn't a prevalent here. Serious question, what about illegal immigration affects you or people you know in such a negative way that it is one of your major issues? Not trying to be snide, just interested in what led you to that position.

There are so many reasons and I don't have time to list them all. But just one- education. Illegal immigrants come here, and their kids go to our schools. They don't speak English so the schools have to spend more money just because it takes special teachers just for all the kids who don't speak English.

This is expensive and we're all paying for it through our property taxes. These kids also end up going to our colleges when they get older and they can't afford to pay so it's subsidized by the government and again, us taxpayers are paying the bill.

There are many more issues. Do some research. Google illegal immigration. You'll find more than enough to keep you busy for a long time.
And their children, when born here should not automatically become citizens.

Hunter, please fill in the blank: The ____________ granted citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the United States,”

I just want to know if you are aware of the problems implementing your vision for the US.
As a small business owner, I have found that many jobs are not such that Americans won't do them; rather, many jobs are such that Americans *can't* do them. Cleaning a toilet and making a bed is no longer unskilled labor. Rather, apparently, it takes a Phd. and extensive training. Most kids are too busy on their GD phones or whatever. I've even heard that Mexicans are getting that way (now that we've shipped so many jobs down there and raised their standard of living). If you want the old fashioned, hungry work ethic, you have to go further south, to Guatemala.

But if you obey the law, as I do, you just end up doing a lot of the work your own damn self. If you raise wages (mine are above the going rate around here) to attract talent, you have to raise the cost of your goods and services and people don't want to pay. And even then, there is no guarantee you will get a good worker as you lose business.

So, I'd take a hungry immigrant with a work ethic over your typical lazy-ass American who hates me anyway. Do I owe my fellow Americans anything? Maybe. Maybe something. But I don't owe them a living unless they want to work for it. And if they are disrespectful, inconsiderate and dishonorable, then I don't owe them S just because they are American.

That said, I have found some American gems, but they are slim pickins. And I do believe immigration should be legal.

In the end, supply and demand applies to labor and human life itself. The more people you have, the cheaper they become. If you open markets up to billions in India, China and Mexico, then the value of Americans drops accordingly. It will level out when American workers are living like and making the same wages as the Chinese worker. And when we are trashing our land and air and water like they are.

Every argument about free trade always has both parties agreeing to the mantra "Well, yes, there will be some winners and losers."

So, are you going to be a winner? Maybe if you are invested in emerging markets. Otherwise, I bet you'll be a loser.

The answer is not necessarily isolationism. The answer is FAIR trade. And make those fking winners pay in. After all, "free trade" is not their right UNTIL the treaty is signed. So, we should negotiate and say:"How much of your winnings can we take from you if this goes through before you decide to take your ball and go home? Well, we won't take *that* amount, but we will get a whole hell of a lot closer to it than we have been!"

Tax those winners to pay for their externalized costs that the rest of us bear. And if they try to hide their winnings over seas, strip them of their citizenship and deport their illegal, un-American, un-patriotic ass to whatever country it is they are hiding "their" loot in.

End rant.
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There are so many reasons and I don't have time to list them all. But just one- education. Illegal immigrants come here, and their kids go to our schools. They don't speak English so the schools have to spend more money just because it takes special teachers just for all the kids who don't speak English.

This is expensive and we're all paying for it through our property taxes. These kids also end up going to our colleges when they get older and they can't afford to pay so it's subsidized by the government and again, us taxpayers are paying the bill.

There are many more issues. Do some research. Google illegal immigration. You'll find more than enough to keep you busy for a long time.
Correct me if I'm off base here but it seems your primary opposition to illegal immigration is for economic reasons. We pay for illegal immigrants to receive services and get nothing in return.

Apologies to the OP for steering this thread off of Trump.
Hunter, please fill in the blank: The ____________ granted citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the United States,”

I just want to know if you are aware of the problems implementing your vision for the US.

I understand that. It still makes no sense for a child of people who are in the country illegally, to be rewarded by automatic citizenship. So I suppose if that can't be changed, when the mother is in the hospital giving birth and can't prove her citizenship, send her and her baby home to Mexico or wherever she came from. Are we so stupid that we must continue to allow this to happen? Best thing of all, don't let anyone across the border in the first place.
I understand that. It still makes no sense for a child of people who are in the country illegally, to be rewarded by automatic citizenship. So I suppose if that can't be changed, when the mother is in the hospital giving birth and can't prove her citizenship, send her and her baby home to Mexico or wherever she came from. Are we so stupid that we must continue to allow this to happen? Best thing of all, don't let anyone across the border in the first place.
I don't think you understand... Fill in the blank.

And you also want the mother to produce papers before she gives birth? What, are you going to stuff it back in and put her on a bus if she can't?
Well, I had just got out from the county prison
Doin ninety days for non-support
Tried to find me an executive position
But no matter how smooth I talked
They wouldnt listen to the fact that I was a genius
The man say, we got all that we can use.
Now i got them steadily depressin, low down mind messin
Working at the car wash blues
I don't think you understand... Fill in the blank.

And you also want the mother to produce papers before she gives birth? What, are you going to stuff it back in and put her on a bus if she can't?

No, you don't understand. Anytime it becomes apparent that someone is in the country illegally, they should be sent home. If that place happens to be in the hospital, so be it. Of course, after the baby is born. She will have benefited already by the taxpayer financed hospital stay. Now it's time to send her home rather than continuing to spend more money on someone who is a criminal for having come here. Do you think Americans could go to Mexico and expect to receive free health care and a free education? If not, then why should we be providing that for them?
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