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do we start worying about trump for president?

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Not in my opinion. I'm very thankful he decided to run. It's not often we get an opportunity to vote for someone for president who is not a career politician. Of the other 16 Republican candidates, who would have stood up to Hillary's corruption and called her out for her lies? Nobody but Trump.

I am also glad he ran. He proving to be a good asset to ensure we at least continue on the status quo for another 4 years before hopefully someone with some competence and integrity will run for office again. The last thing I wanted was Cruz to sell off my happy hunting grounds...
It's sad that anyone wouid ever consider voting for her.

Even more sad that the R's cant find someone better and that they're going to lose to her. Given the choices, and looking at the platforms and issues, I can see exactly why they are going to vote for her.

That should be troubling to anyone that still claims the GOP...

The R's have finally carried their ideology a bridge too far, and burned it behind themselves.

Like I said, the last straw for many in the West was the transfer of public lands. One more group, in a long line of groups, that the R's cant afford to lose...and yet they seem to not care. I'll vote accordingly on that issue alone, because I do care...headed to the voting booth right now for the Wyoming primaries.
I sure don't hear much talk about the transfer of public lands issue, except on this forum. I don't think it's even in the top ten issues that people consider when voting. The biggest issues are the economy and national security. With a strong economy and a safe country, I'm confident our public lands will remain public.
Some of you talk like Crooked Hillary has already won the election. She hasn't. And Trump has tons of support and enthusiasm for his campaign. Even the people who intend to vote for Hillary, aren't enthusiastic about her. She's a total joke of a candidate. Unbelievable that this is the best the Democrats could come up with. It's sad that anyone wouid ever consider voting for her.
If they had picked Joe Biden would you have been enthusiastic about him? Is there any Dem you would have been enthusiastic about?, be honest. I really could care less what any of you think of Hillary, I think she's more than qualified to be POTUS and I'll proudly cast my vote for her. She isn't perfect, and neither is Trump or any one who has ever posted on this sight since it's inception, so it would sure be nice if you'd all quit acting like you're the Pope and every one else except for you chosen candidate is a lying SOB who isn't fit to take in a breath of oxygen. Just my opinion.
If they had picked Joe Biden would you have been enthusiastic about him? Is there any Dem you would have been enthusiastic about?, be honest. I really could care less what any of you think of Hillary, I think she's more than qualified to be POTUS and I'll proudly cast my vote for her. She isn't perfect, and neither is Trump or any one who has ever posted on this sight since it's inception, so it would sure be nice if you'd all quit acting like you're the Pope and every one else except for you chosen candidate is a lying SOB who isn't fit to take in a breath of oxygen. Just my opinion.

Can you list her accomplishments, or what you think they are? Is she honest? Trustworthy? Can she keep national secrets? Will she use her position to make money?
I hope this thread can stay civil and on track. I think it could have some value in our observations of where we are at in this country, such that we can have two large dominant parties with hundreds of millions of dollars to spend and as much/more in free media attention, yet these two are the supposedly their party's "most qualified" according to the results of their primary voters.

Ranting on one another is not going to change any minds, so don't go there. Feel free to give your observations. I am interested in seeing more discussion, but not the normal level of schoolyard chicanery that often accompanies a thread about politics or candidates.

My observation is that regardless of who you vote for, or if you vote for a third/fourth party candidate, or if you vote for a write-in, the fact that these two are the remaining choices shows why American optimism is so low. If this is all we can produce for leaders of the next four years, we don't have a lot to be optimistic about.

Add to that a Congress that does absolutely nothing, has not done anything for 30 years, and it is easy to be pessimistic. Congress has been a far bigger PITA to America over the last 30 years than any of the Presidents who have sat in the Oval Office during that time. Congress knows that every four years they get a free pass for most of them sitting on their arses and collecting unearned paychecks, thanks to the Presidential election. Until those clowns get off the R and D team buses, I expect much more the same.

I am thankful that I have structured my life such that my economic future is as distantly influenced by this messed up election result as I can possibly make it. Two hucksters, two insiders, and we are supposed to choose as a function of which candidate offends us the least. The "Race to Zero" is gaining momentum.

Whatever the end result, I hope people decide to take a look at how screwed up this process is, how incestuous the two parties really are, and hopefully Americans plan to do something a bit more profound in their actions four years from now when we get to vote again. Neither side has anything to be proud of and can speak of no measurable benefit they have provided. Thankfully America has some very ingenious/industrious citizens who can persevere in spite of the obstacles Congress and the two parties want to selfishly place in the path of progress.

The rest of the world must be looking on in disbelief that a country as great as America cannot cleanse itself of the parasitic infestation of a corrupt two-party system that come to closely resemble professional wrasslin', each needing a villan for their own relevance, puffing their chests and posturing against the other while in the public arena, only to go out for cocktails following the match.

I fear to rhetorically ask, "Can we do any worse?" as the answer might be, "Yes, we can, and we will. Just give it four more years."
This country has a terminal illness, Hillary is part of the disease. Trump might ease the symptoms or might just be a placebo, but he is the only treatment availible.

I do believe trump loves America.
I 'll add another of my 2 cents and will try and be civil. I'm not that pessimistic about this Country as a lot of folks seem to be. Screwed up Congress for sure, but they're not all asses, that's being a bit to general in my opinion. There a lot of good folks there and a lot who aren't, and not a damn one of them elected themselves. Bash the 2 party system all you want so then I guess the alternative is the Tea Party or Libertarian, good luck with that, thanks but no damn thanks. I know for a fact what every candidate I've ever voted for believed in and stood for and I have no regrets for any of those votes. They did exactly what I expected them to do. I scoff at those who say, "those damn politicians never do what they campaign on once they get in office", and love to challenge me with their questions of "what the hell have they done for me, what are his or her accomplishments over the last 2,4, 6, 8 years etc". They can only try, they only have 1 vote and if the rest of the Senate or Congress votes the other way what the hell are they supposed to do? Personally I think our current President is about as honorable a man as I've seen, and his wife seems to be that way too. He tried his ass off and I think he accomplished a hell of a lot and could have a done a hell of a lot more had there been a Congress who actually tried to help him and not taken a vow to oppose every thing he tried to do. He always took the high road IMO showing nothing but dignity and respect for the office along the way, real class act. Remember, the clowns we love to hate who support the transfer of our public lands to the private sector were elected by the voters, so they are a reflection of us, like it or not. If the R's are going to continue to support the asinine agendas that I oppose, then I'm supporting the other side. There is a difference in the 2 party's, they're not all the same, and I think you're kidding yourself if you believe otherwise.
I don't believe Trump ever started a fight in this entire mess. Now, while some people may think it's juvenile to say "But he/she/they started it!" I'm afraid that sometimes that does indeed matter. Especially if those who pretend to objective mediation, like a parent, actually see who started it and do nothing, but get all up in Trump's butt when he strikes back. This idea that he should "rise above" and be more mature, and whatnot is clearly not how the game is played in Washington and on the airwaves. The corporate media should no longer be allowed to sit aloof, and interrupt, and voice-over, and egg, and play gotcha with impunity. F them. It's about time they got called out. If they were true investigative journalists then they would investigate who's pocket they are in and why they play this game. They think we are stupid and that we fall for their crap.

You want to pull out the Gold Star folks? Guess what? You just politicized them. Fair game. You want to pull out the babies? The women, the minorities, the whatever? Same-same. These smug, sanctimonious, self-righteous talking heads and the media hacks who interrupt and tease and egg and try to get a rise out of Trump have no room to move when he fails to rise but, instead, hands them their ass. The only thing they are left with is trying be appalled, shocked, horrified and traumatized. Bunch of pussies.

Example: When he said "extreme vetting" and then said "extreme" like twenty times, he is doing that because that is EXACTLY what his opposition wants to call him: Extreme. He's calling them out and saying "Yeah, extreme. So Fking what. You got a problem with that, biatches? I'll say it again, just to get a rise out of YOU: 'Extreme.'"

I'm voting for Jill Stein but not since Ollie North have I seen anyone give the establishment such a good poke in the stupid eye. I'm loving this show. I just wish he was more extreme and better at it. I wish he was quicker, wittier, and more lethal in his verbal swordsmanship. I wish he'd 'John Stewart' these asshats even better, funnier and more cruel. But since he's the only one around with the sack to F with these tools, I'll take him for now. The real question is, where is the media on this? They should help him kill them. That's how they'ed earn their right to serve in the Fourth Estate.

End rant.
There actually isn't a difference of any significance in the two parties. You're a useful idiot and an enabler of the perpetuation of the failed status quo if you think there is.
They depend on you to buy into their divide and conquer scheme to stay in power.
Both parties support : perpetual war, more taxes, more spending, controlling more aspects of your life they have no business in, at gunpoint or with incarceration if necessary, corporate welfare, foreign aid and weapons sales, even to our enemies, the Fed Reserve, regulations that favor Wall St at the expense of mom and pop, the drug war, deportation, violating the 4th Amendment, and that's just a quick list off the top of my head.
Both parties are owned by big oil, big banks, big pharma, and as we see recently foreign interests.
The differences are subtle and over stupid social topics that are divisive but mostly already settled. They are also insignificant without a country or economy. They are to keep you distracted away from the real issues and give you the illusion of choice. ( it seems to be working) on you, and millions of others like you.
What is a substantive difference, sans genitalia, between Hillary Clinton and Dick Cheney?
The sheepish masses allow them to continue their ploy.
You're the audience cheering against the villain at the play, but the hero is just a puppet.
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There actually isn't a difference of any significance in the two parties. You're a useful idiot and an enabler of the perpetuation of the failed status quo if you think there is.
They depend on you to buy into their divide and conquer scheme to stay in power.
Both parties support : perpetual war, more taxes, more spending, controlling more aspects of your life they have no business in, at gunpoint or with incarceration if necessary, corporate welfare, foreign aid and weapons sales, even to our enemies, the Fed Reserve, regulations that favor Wall St at the expense of mom and pop, the drug war, deportation, violating the 4th Amendment, and that's just a quick list off the top of my head.
Both parties are owned by big oil, big banks, big pharma, and as we see recently foreign interests.
The differences are subtle and over stupid social topics that are divisive but mostly already settled. They are also insignificant without a country or economy. They are to keep you distracted away from the real issues and give you the illusion of choice. ( it seems to be working) on you, and millions of others like you.
What is a substantive difference, sans genitalia, between Hillary Clinton and Dick Cheney?
The sheepish masses allow them to continue their ploy.
You're the audience cheering against the villain at the play, but the hero is just a puppet.

We all have an opinion and you've stated yours. I disagree, I think you're wrong, I think I'm right and that's just the way it is. I have better things to do than go tit for tat with you or anyone else on this discussion because it's going nowhere and it's a waste of my time.
There actually isn't a difference of any significance in the two parties. You're a useful idiot and an enabler of the perpetuation of the failed status quo if you think there is.
They depend on you to buy into their divide and conquer scheme to stay in power.
Both parties support : perpetual war, more taxes, more spending, controlling more aspects of your life they have no business in, at gunpoint or with incarceration if necessary, corporate welfare, foreign aid and weapons sales, even to our enemies, the Fed Reserve, regulations that favor Wall St at the expense of mom and pop, the drug war, deportation, violating the 4th Amendment, and that's just a quick list off the top of my head.
Both parties are owned by big oil, big banks, big pharma, and as we see recently foreign interests.
The differences are subtle and over stupid social topics that are divisive but mostly already settled. They are also insignificant without a country or economy. They are to keep you distracted away from the real issues and give you the illusion of choice. ( it seems to be working) on you, and millions of others like you.
What is a substantive difference, sans genitalia, between Hillary Clinton and Dick Cheney?
The sheepish masses allow them to continue their ploy.
You're the audience cheering against the villain at the play, but the hero is just a puppet.

This ^^^^.

If anyone thought there was a difference then I'd like them to answer me this: 1. Why is Trump not hailed as a hero by the left? He destroyed the Republican Party, single-handedly. 2. Why is the Republican establishment aligned with the media and the Democrats in trying to take him down? The answer is, the Republicans and the Democrats (and the corporate media) are all owned by the same cabal. The facade of a difference has come down under this threat to them.

They'd like us to believe Trump is so out there that even Republicans are afraid of him. Not true. He is not all that far out there, when viewed objectively and from a distance. They like to say he's not "presidential" but the real reason they don't like him is they can't control him. And they are used to being in control, no matter which Party is in the White House, the House or the Senate (or the Supreme Court). When the national security "experts" and the foreign relations "experts" are all aligned against him, then you *really* know the establishment is afraid. Those errand boys are the real shields in front of the cabal. The cabal only trots them out when things are getting dicey.

(I don't know who the cabal is; one person or a hundred. I just know there is one. And they own all the power. And they aren't liking this S one bit.)

Oh well, as has been said, I ain't gonna change anyone's mind. I'm going to hit the rack.
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