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Ditching GoHunt

I haven’t had GoHunt for quite a while, since before they started maps. I’m good with OnX, but also downloaded Spartan Forge just to give it a go.

The lidar stuff is pretty cool. Found a couple water holes, a wallow, and perfect bedding benches in my elk area that I’ve hunted for 5 years and never knew they were there.
I downloaded Spartan Forge based on your comment. Holy high quality satellite imagry. The Lidar is pretty sweet too. I hope OnX is hot on their trail. I don't need to pay for another app...
I downloaded Spartan Forge based on your comment. Holy high quality satellite imagry. The Lidar is pretty sweet too. I hope OnX is hot on their trail. I don't need to pay for another app...
Do they have lidar of vegetation?
I had trouble with GoHunt maps not matching Onx but also not matching very obvious physical property lines that for sure separate public and private and their map doesn't match. Also I've bugged them several time about the fact that their maps don't work with the Apple Magic Mouse. Every time they just say they've gotten use to it in the office. Well it works like garbage, but is flawless on Onx. So I currently pay for both to get draw odds and mapping.
GoHunt has some serious lag for updating your location via maps. It often shows the wrong location then zoooom catches up after a few minutes. I don't use their mapping because of that issue alone.
In my mind they’re two different services for two different purposes. OnX is the best mapping service. GoHunt is the best research service. Both are good enough to warrant spending the money to have both at the same time.

This, I got all excited when GoHunt announced the mapping, but they are still waaaay behind on that.
I experienced the opposite on my moose hunt. I was miles deep on USFS, but OnX little blue direction pointer kept saying I was looking 90° off from my actual eyeline.
If the compass is off, it's your phone, not the app. Just so you know!
One compass on the phone. Both apps using it. Onx says one thing, goHunt another. They should agree.
goHunt agrees with the compass heading on my inReach, which is another device.

I trust routes on these devices to get me home, never their compass bearings. Even they can disagree with the inReach when routing. inReach is the bible.
I learned in the fogged-in alpine on POW a couple of years ago that the inReach is the accurate one. It walked me right to my tent in zero/zero conditions.
I may be the youngest angry curmudgeon I know, but I really wish people actually had to go explore an area in person to figure out what was there. I’m sure I’m in the minority, but I’d get rid of all of the mapping and online scouting tech in a second if I could.
I may be the youngest angry curmudgeon I know, but I really wish people actually had to go explore an area in person to figure out what was there. I’m sure I’m in the minority, but I’d get rid of all of the mapping and online scouting tech in a second if I could.
I find myself looking at and relying too much on onx when in the field. Losing some of my woodsmanship.
Buying Onx Elite (multi state) includes the following added free benefits (TopRut draw odds website and HuntnFool online magazine that also posts draw odds and state by state info for the draws. Toprut odds seem perfectly fine to me so I am not wishing I had access to a different draw odds service. The huntinfool piece also includes ability to call them, report a drawn limited tag and you receive a list of names and numbers for guys who have drawn same tag in recent years.

Nothing 'great' about Onx or huntinfool, just sharing the info....

Personally, I like Gaia GPS mapping on my phone the best as far as maps goes, but it is less popular so perhaps not as ideal when hunting and sharing with guys who do not use GAIA GPS
A little embarrassed I didn't know about the Huntn' Fool and draw odds for Elite OnX membership. Immediately went and got logged in, never had GoHunt but glad I have access to the odds in one place rather than going from state to state web pages. Huge thanks.
Huntin Fool gets their draw odds from OnX, who got them from Toprut when they purchased that company from steve cordle. OnX will be dropping Toprut in 2025, so I was told by staff, and what we'll be left with is the OnX version seen from their web map product, labeled as "research tools" and a to put it mildly, really poor from a draw odds perspective when I looked at it again yesterday.
Huntin Fool gets their draw odds from OnX, who got them from Toprut when they purchased that company from steve cordle. OnX will be dropping Toprut in 2025, so I was told by staff, and what we'll be left with is the OnX version seen from their web map product, labeled as "research tools" and a to put it mildly, really poor from a draw odds perspective when I looked at it again yesterday.
I consider GoHunt to be THE most important factor in my ability to draw tags. Year after year it continues proves its value to me.

I have never purchased, owned, or even seen the app.

However, I watched Randy’s YT videos on how the app works. As @Khunter alluded to, the GH presentation format of the draw data drives applicant behavior in highly predictable patterns.

Users think that they are out-smarting other applicants, but in reality they are almost all doing the same thing as one other, and end up piling up their applications for the same tags, and then don’t draw them. Meanwhile, this can dramatically lower draw odds for other tags. (Hint…put your app in for THOSE tags).

Paying the GoHunt subscription is a lose-lose. You lose your money, AND you get worse draw odds (and now, apparently unreliable and shoddy map software).

Subscribers think they are getting “inside intel” on application data. Sure, the first year or two GH was in business this could have been the case. By now, everyone and their cousin, neighbor, and mistress (in some areas of the country those are all all the same person) has GH too.

In for the thread lock…
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