
Devaluing Non-Residents

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I never knew what a bunch of whiny little bitches hunters are until I joined forums. I been doing it wrong for so many years. Boots on the ground with my dad volunteering for whatever needed done since I was able to walk...when all I really had to do was be a little whiny bitch about everything under the sun to be a hunter..
Thanks dad!
I never knew what a bunch of whiny little bitches hunters are until I joined forums. I been doing it wrong for so many years. Boots on the ground with my dad volunteering for whatever needed done since I was able to walk...when all I really had to do was be a little whiny bitch about everything under the sun to be a hunter..
Thanks dad!
Stop playing the protagonist... ;)
The feds don’t have to demand an allocation. They can require it as stipulation for access for the activity.
The state can choose not to and then access for that activity isn’t granted. Laws change and rules change. Federal mandates aren’t a new thing.

i mean think about WOTUS and how nuanced that was and how much intense legal backlash ensued from it due to 10th amendment concerns.

then let's just pretend and make a wild assumption that exactly half the land west of the mississippi is federal public land and therefore half the animals reside on it. the feds denying 50% of the access to a state public trust resource activity that has far from insignificant economic consequences in western states..... woof, i just don't see it. it's an empty threat.
And the majority of the hunting takes place where ?
Public land whose management and administration is paid for by tax dollars that come from the federal budget and is paid for by all taxpayers not just residents of the states that issue the tags to hunt wildlife.

Seems reasonable that continued access to hunt on federal owned should hinge up a reasonable allocation that gives all taxpayers, no only resident tax payers the some stated minimum acceptable allocation ratio.
10% of the tags in more than a reasonable allocation, Wyoming goes wayyy past that.

You also know that wildlife and land ownership are mutually exclusive.
Sure is, let the Feds keep that open since the type of recreation isn’t limited by residency.
Otherwise if a minimum allowance (ratio ) that is set by the Feds, why allow anyone to access for that purpose. Seems like it’s discriminatory in its use of federal property that is own by all Americans.
Every time you draw a tag, you have the exact same right to hunt all the federal property as a Resident.

You're in no way being denied access to federal land when you have a STATE tag.
Every time you draw a tag, you have the exact same right to hunt all the federal property as a Resident.

You're in no way being denied access to federal land when you have a STATE tag.

...if you don't mind paying large sums of money to a group of people who manipulate the laws for their own direct economic benefit.

just because some states are closer in line to what R vs NR ratios SHOULD be doesn’t mean that they should be moving in the direction the states that ratios that even more unfairly disproportionate distributed.

Keep taking tags off the table for NR hunters makes transferrable land tags, outfitter set asides, sale and leashing to private entities become an increasingly viable option to get your plate back on the table. Furthermore by creating a less broad base of hunters that have stake in advocacy for federal lands you open the door to other stakeholder groups who value their positions ….which may appose and lessen hunter opportunity.

There is a Canadian province that doesn't have Sunday hunting before a fixed date to allow berry pickers unfettered access to crown lands.
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