Devaluing Non-Residents

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If you want to rekindle the Sagebrush rebellion movement, this is a good way to get it going.

There already exists a viable way for anyone to enjoy hunting a state that offers good big game hunting. You can move there and establish residency. There are more than a few that realized how important hunting was in their life and did exactly that.

I made that move over forty years ago. Somehow I convinced my pregnant wife to move here with me, without a job in hand, that this is where our future awaited.

Earlier I mentioned an air of entitlement, it's pretty pungent in your post.

Entitlement? No your smelling realism. It won’t take much to push this model , like so many other models in this country towards bending over and getting a capitalist enema.
True to a point, in particular about actual knowing about issues and getting the word out. The various NGO's and Departments could definitely do better there, no question.
I wonder if the HT forum could be setup to more easily organize the various hunting and wildlife related "need to knows". If it wasn't for all the garbage off season threads (of which I know I'm a contributor to at times) a person could find the important action item threads much easier.
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