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Devaluing Non-Residents

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I remain facinated by people wanting an orginization to match their individual values.

Theyre all gonna do stuff you dont love...
Never said otherwise- and similarly, the orgs can’t have “perfect “ members that shut up and do as they are told.

Only one way to make a difference either way.

Be part of an organziation making a positive difference for wildlife.

If you dont like the ones that exist - start one.
I used to give to the nature conservancy, ruffed grouse society and BHA. Now I give more to nature conservancy and ruffed grouse society. My lack of faith in BHA has nothing to do with my lack of concern for wildlife and their habitats - and not my problem to fix the “cool kids club”.
Some years I apply for hunts in NM. Not this year. I can’t afford it and have to prioritize what I can and can’t make happen. Talk about a state that completely screws the NR unguided hunter.. maybe I should boycott, go on strike, or post silly shit online about how unfair it is. Nope. That’s for folks that won’t work harder for their appropriate vacation/leisure time.
Cop out. Get booed off stage and give up never got anything accomplished.

I've seen what @VikingsGuy is talking about first hand.

The gatekeeping that happens with groups is very real. If you don't fit a certain model, you're likely going to get ignored or dismissed even if you are knowledgeable. Women are made to feel like less than worthy, kids are told to shut up & don't ask questions & new people looking for mentorship get met with "don't ask for honey holes."
I've seen what @VikingsGuy is talking about first hand.

The gatekeeping that happens with groups is very real. If you don't fit a certain model, you're likely going to get ignored or dismissed even if you are knowledgeable. Women are made to feel like less than worthy, kids are told to shut up & don't ask questions & new people looking for mentorship get met with "don't ask for honey holes."
Oh I know it's real. I experienced it when I moved west 12 years ago. I almost got in a couple knock down drag out. Told one guy his grandpa might be a dipshit. Didn't go over well. Haha
You got some typos here? I am kind of scratching my head on this one
My bad. So some ranchers are hiring outfitters to run their land for hunting and closing it to NR and R in Wyoming we will all need to hire a outfitter to hunt prime land. Better?
Not wrong. I attended the RMEF meeting in Cheyenne this evening. Ten people were there, four were RMEF employees or chapter heads, one was my wife who isn’t even a member.

The email invite maybe had 20 others. Maybe.

Residents once again tasked to do the heavy lifting. Kudos.

To soon?
Residents once again tasked to do the heavy lifting. Kudos.

To soon?
Curious, how many Montana/Wyoming residents attended BHA meetings in MN in the last few years? My experience says zero. It is silly to think out of staters will drive cross country for a routine administrative club meeting. It is also wrong to believe the only way NRs can/do help wildlife in the mountain west is by attending local club events.
The pint night of 307hunters playing pass the cracker. No thanks, I'll pass.

I mean why would anyone want to go attend a meeting to listen to a bunch of blowhard's rant about their lack of opportunity and how NRs are diminishing their ability to draw their 10th big game tag that year?
We can all just sit in our slippers and view their hatred of NR's from hundreds or thousands of miles away. No sense in being in person to have someone throw that in your face. lol

If I thought that my voice would be listen to and heard, I would be on a plane and would attend a meeting or two every year. Unfortunately, the fix is in and there is nothing a NR can do other than e-mail or call board members in the background (which I do, and I encourage other to do). I sent a member of the CPW an email on Friday. I even received a reply which was the FIRST time that has ever happened.

Join foundations and donate, petition w/signatures, take surveys and send e-mails with suggestions. Thats about all we as NR's can do on an individual level.

Well, that and bitch publicly on places like this. Which just provides temporary feel-good relief.
My bad. So some ranchers are hiring outfitters to run their land for hunting and closing it to NR and R in Wyoming we will all need to hire a outfitter to hunt prime land. Better?
If the outfitters are closing the ranch to both NR and R in WY, who is hunting and paying the outfitters bills? Absentee owners are buying ranches all the time and closing off hunting to everyone. I have never seen an outfitter do this.
Curious, how many Montana/Wyoming residents attended BHA meetings in MN in the last few years? My experience says zero. It is silly to think out of staters will drive cross country for a routine administrative club meeting. It is also wrong to believe the only way NRs can/do help wildlife in the mountain west is by attending local club events.
Ever heard of zoom or teams?

Nobody is expecting anyone to attend a state chapter meeting for an ngo.

You've missed the point.
Not wrong. I attended the RMEF meeting in Cheyenne this evening. Ten people were there, four were RMEF employees or chapter heads, one was my wife who isn’t even a member.

The email invite maybe had 20 others. Maybe.
I didnt even know it was happenening. Shoot me an PM next time. Im planning on going to part of camo at the capitol on the 15th.
Ever heard of zoom or teams?

Nobody is expecting anyone to attend a state chapter meeting for an ngo.

You've missed the point.

Part of what buzz and I are getting at is that if the base of advocacy/ support is expanding shouldn't we be seeing it with our local projects and regional groups as well? I've seen a down tick in participation in the last 5 years. The older folks who many times built the organization are aging out, and recruitment efforts to get new folks involved frequently feels like a waste of time.

As well though, shouldn't this effort of RRR and advocacy education have led to an increase in hunter testimony at commission meetings/ legislative hearings by now? I've largely not seen that (maybe in one case that I can think of). Is that anyone else's experience? Sure doesn't sound like it's the case in Wyoming.
I've seen what @VikingsGuy is talking about first hand.

The gatekeeping that happens with groups is very real. If you don't fit a certain model, you're likely going to get ignored or dismissed even if you are knowledgeable. Women are made to feel like less than worthy, kids are told to shut up & don't ask questions & new people looking for mentorship get met with "don't ask for honey holes."
MTWSF has done a great job bringing in new, young, and energetic membership over the years. Every banquet sells out. Events are fun. Number of attendees come in from out of state.
Up coming Missoula fundraiser in less than 3 weeks. Not sure if any banquet tickets remain, but all other events are free to attend, members or not.

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