Yeti GOBOX Collection

Devaluing Non-Residents

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Youre not wrong. Its stayed just cordial enough to not get locked.
I'd love to view the "Reported" whines of Hunt Talk members... just once. Actually, he should have a locked thread where he posts them and the names of those who cried woof yet again... I bet there is a select click of chumps that would stand out. Some people lack the internal fortitude to not entertain a thread they find displeasing.

Oh right, back to the protaganistic programming. :ROFLMAO:

NR and out of county R's are a PITA! Get out of my honey holes! Wait - I'm an out of county R hunter often. FIFM: "NR are a PITA! Get out of my honey holes!"
Boy, I could see that comment going places...
There is a Canadian province that doesn't have Sunday hunting before a fixed date to allow berry pickers unfettered access to crown lands
Can't turkey hunt past 1 here for the mushrooms hunters. Of course illinois is so #@)(*%* up it applies to private land as well.
I'd love to view the "Reported" whines of Hunt Talk members... just once. Actually, he should have a locked thread where he posts them and the names of those who cried woof yet again... I bet there is a select click of chumps that would stand out. Some people lack the internal fortitude to not entertain a thread they find displeasing.

Oh right, back to the protaganistic programming. :ROFLMAO:

NR and out of county R's are a PITA! Get out of my honey holes! Wait - I'm an out of county R hunter often. FIFM: "NR are a PITA! Get out of my honey holes!"
Boy, I could see that comment going places...
just because some states are closer in line to what R vs NR ratios SHOULD be doesn’t mean that they should be moving in the direction the states that ratios that even more unfairly disproportionate distributed.

Keep taking tags off the table for NR hunters makes transferrable land tags, outfitter set asides, sale and leashing to private entities become an increasingly viable option to get your plate back on the table. Furthermore by creating a less broad base of hunters that have stake in advocacy for federal lands you open the door to other stakeholder groups who value their positions ….which may appose and lessen hunter opportunity.
Just don't agree with any of that.

I'm still looking for all these advocates that we have, and the view from here is that there is currently no evidence to support any type of assertion of a broad base of hunter advocates exists.

Where are they?

Furthermore, if the few that are actual advocates are going to do all the work, they may as well have the tags too.

Wayyyyyy too many people on the take and I'm not opposed to cutting them off.

Put your shoulder to the wheel and I'll change my mind, until then, not going to happen. The real advocates are tired of doing all the work and catching nothing but grief.
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The feds don’t have to demand an allocation. They can require it as stipulation for access for the activity.
The state can choose not to and then access for that activity isn’t granted. Laws change and rules change. Federal mandates aren’t a new thing.
It wouldnt be the first federal mandate that MT thumbed its nose at. MT still doesnt have a primary seat belt law in effect, and nobody has kicked us off the Interstate highways.
I'd love to view the "Reported" whines of Hunt Talk members... just once. Actually, he should have a locked thread where he posts them and the names of those who cried woof yet again... I bet there is a select click of chumps that would stand out. Some people lack the internal fortitude to not entertain a thread they find displeasing.

For the record, I have never reported anyone. Thats a bitch move and it takes the sport out of a good argument. lol
If I was buzz I would rip all you NRs that bitch and moan to. Everything guys like buzz does in Wyoming benefits NRs. Even if it's supporting 90/10. That 10 benefits from what guys like buzz do. We as NRs spend our hard earned money on tags and get gas a few times and a hotel for a night or 2 and we're heros that deserve better.
Yeah Buzz you’re the only one that does anything we know, cause you only allude to that like 153 times a day on here.
Do you look at yourself in the mirror when you’re patting your own back?
View attachment 314118
I am the person driving across Wyoming, Montana, etc. and the "help" is pretty thin. The people whining has increased dramatically on every hunting board with the increase in everyone wanting to hunt every state, every year, and they all want a tag everytime they apply.

In 45 years of doing this chit, I see the same faces at nearly every meeting. Where is this broad base of advocates you claim exist? Just point them out, I'm not seeing them.

You might feel the same in your State if you actually do any kind of advocacy, maybe it's different there.

FFS, many in the WYGF beg 3-4 of us to carry THEIR water on issues. Shouldn't be that way if all these advocates you claim are around every corner exist.

Funny that...
I am the person driving across Wyoming, Montana, etc. and the "help" is pretty thin. The people whining has increased dramatically on every hunting board with the increase in everyone wanting to hunt every state, every year, and they all want a tag everytime they apply.

In 45 years of doing this chit, I see the same faces at nearly every meeting. Where is this broad base of advocates you claim exist? Just point them out, I'm not seeing them.

You might feel the same in your State if you actually do any kind of advocacy, maybe it's different there.
This is spot on. I don't think its state specific. At all the meetings and discussions I attend regarding matters near my home, its exactly the same faces that show up. There is a legit logistical hurdle for attending meetings in person. There is about zero however though from stopping a person from being able to provide a written comment however. Knowing an issue even exists is probably the largest hurdle.

Just because someone doesn't show up in person to the meetings in a state doesn't mean that they don't advocate on wildlife's behalf in someway or another. Hell just being on this forum and the act of reading and providing a comment on issues facing wildlife is technically some form of advocacy (I know, I'm really stretching there to try and make a point).
This is spot on. I don't think its state specific. At all the meetings and discussions I attend regarding matters near my home, its exactly the same faces that show up. There is a legit logistical hurdle for attending meetings in person. There is about zero however though from stopping a person from being able to provide a written comment however. Knowing an issue even exists is probably the largest hurdle.

Just because someone doesn't show up in person to the meetings in a state doesn't mean that they don't advocate on wildlife's behalf in someway or another. Hell just being on this forum and the act of reading and providing a comment on issues facing wildlife is technically some form of advocacy (I know, I'm really stretching there to try and make a point).
True to a point, in particular about actual knowing about issues and getting the word out. The various NGO's and Departments could definitely do better there, no question.

Lots of meetings are on-line now, very, very few attendees and the written public comments are all available here as well.

Again, the participation is dismal to say the least, in person, written, or via teams/online. I'm still looking for all these advocates some claim exist.
And the majority of the hunting takes place where ?
Public land whose management and administration is paid for by tax dollars that come from the federal budget and is paid for by all taxpayers not just residents of the states that issue the tags to hunt wildlife.

Seems reasonable that continued access to hunt on federal owned should hinge up a reasonable allocation that gives all taxpayers, no only resident tax payers the some stated minimum acceptable allocation ratio.

If you want to rekindle the Sagebrush rebellion movement, this is a good way to get it going.

There already exists a viable way for anyone to enjoy hunting a state that offers good big game hunting. You can move there and establish residency. There are more than a few that realized how important hunting was in their life and did exactly that.

I made that move over forty years ago. Somehow I convinced my pregnant wife to move here with me, without a job in hand, that this is where our future awaited.

Earlier I mentioned an air of entitlement, it's pretty pungent in your post.
There is a Canadian province that doesn't have Sunday hunting before a fixed date to allow berry pickers unfettered access to crown lands.

Bunch of commies.

In all seriousness, it's hard for me to complain about NR issues in the US when my Province is one of the most restrictive for NRs and us residents are pretty Okay with it.
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