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Devaluing Non-Residents

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I don't believe knowing you're being gouged and saying so portrays a sense of entitlement. I get it, no one is forcing me & have willingly paid the toll over two decades, but I have every right to shake my head & grin at the disparity.

I actually agree that the gap between the price of a resident tag and non resident tag should be closed some. Resident hunters in the inter mountain west have let non residents fund their F and G departments for decades.

However if a state wants to trim how many tags go to non resident hunters...I'm pretty fine with that.
I think that many resident hunters (I know in my case) begin to think NR's are the enemy when an air of entitlement becomes apparent. Any tag offered by a state to a non resident is a privilege granted by that state to a non resident. When you are a guest in a state, it is sorta rude complain about how large your slice if the pie is.
Do you actually run into non-resident hunters who complain about “their slice of the pie” in the field. If so that is pretty rude. I run into tons of non-residents in the field and most all are pretty dang happy about the opportunity. Actually the only place I hear non-residents question diminishing tag allocations and price increases is in forums like this. Mostly during the offseason too.

Title of the OP “Devaluing non-residents” seems pretty dramatic if we are just talking about raising tag prices. Some don’t even seem to keep track with inflation.
Do you actually run into non-resident hunters who complain about “their slice of the pie” in the field. If so that is pretty rude. I run into tons of non-residents in the field and most all are pretty dang happy about the opportunity. Actually the only place I hear non-residents question diminishing tag allocations and price increases is in forums like this. Mostly during the offseason too.

Title of the OP “Devaluing non-residents” seems pretty dramatic if we are just talking about raising tag prices. Some don’t even seem to keep track with inflation.

I would say that most of the big game NR hunters I've met have been good guys. My experiences with NR bird hunters are not as positive.
Do you actually run into non-resident hunters who complain about “their slice of the pie” in the field.

I am a NR, but I think of an exchange I had from Wyoming this past year often when I start to get heated by some of the discourse on here.

My buddy and I walked up on their camp as they were glassing some high stuff above. I apologized and expected them to be a bit annoyed (wouldn’t blame them), but we started talking and next thing you know an hour went by showing pictures, talking about kids etc. At the end of the conversation the one dude had me look through his scope at a small bunch of trees and then showed me a pic of the buck that was sitting right behind it.

I’m like “that’s awesome, hope you get him.” They said he was a bit small for what they were there for, and said we should go get him. I was shocked, and he goes “man, you had to wait so long for this tag, it would be awesome to watch you go shoot him.”

I was taken aback and initially said no, didn’t want to wreck their hunt but they persisted and we went up. The buck turned out to be a bit too small for me on opening morning (although not by much), but it was such a cool exchange that it honestly made the trip.

*Wyoming guy who gave my buddy the spike elk shed to give to his son- if you’re reading this, he loved it and you guys are awesome. I ate my tag but had a blast.
Why is wyoming the easy target? they guarantee 16 percent of the elk tags and 20 percent for deer and antelope tags. Then with the general tags and antlerless tags wyoming is probably the most generous state to nr with the exception of Colorado

Montana and Idaho are upto 10 percent of the lq tags yet everyone seams to focus on wyoming as limiting nr to much.

Alaska recently limited nr hunter for caribou and you don't see much about that

Colorado is going to eliminate otc elk tags for nr here soon. I hope they do anyways and I guess we will see how some respond about that.

One thing is clear through all of this and it is a repeating theme for hunters and will determine our fait regardless of residency status if the animal is only a value to some if they can shoot it we will not be looked at in a good way its not the anti hunters that need to be influenced its the ones on the bubble that can lean either direction.

I spend alot of time in the outdoors with my kids they enjoy being outdoors just watching wildlife fishing and learning why the animals do what they do. They enjoy that as much as hunting and it extends our time outdoors
Why is wyoming the easy target? they guarantee 16 percent of the elk tags and 20 percent for deer and antelope tags. Then with the general tags and antlerless tags wyoming is probably the most generous state to nr with the exception of Colorado

Montana and Idaho are upto 10 percent of the lq tags yet everyone seams to focus on wyoming as limiting nr to much.

Alaska recently limited nr hunter for caribou and you don't see much about that

Colorado is going to eliminate otc elk tags for nr here soon. I hope they do anyways and I guess we will see how some respond about that.

One thing is clear through all of this and it is a repeating theme for hunters and will determine our fait regardless of residency status if the animal is only a value to some if they can shoot it we will not be looked at in a good way its not the anti hunters that need to be influenced its the ones on the bubble that can lean either direction.

I spend alot of time in the outdoors with my kids they enjoy being outdoors just watching wildlife fishing and learning why the animals do what they do. They enjoy that as much as hunting and it extends our time outdoors
A few reasons for Wyoming being an easy target.

1. The hunting is good so everyone wants to hunt here.

2. Wyoming has been overly generous for way too long, leads to an entitlement attitude.

3. Wyoming is one of the first states for elk applications.

4. Tags were easy to come by in the past now that game numbers are down, NRs are pissed they can't hunt every year.

5. People just like to complain.
This thread is a silly as the Grammy’s. Bunch of sniveling, entitled a-holes that keep “claiming” they are entitled to killing every last animal because they pay exorbitant “fees”. It feels like 2006-2008 but without social media BS. People were complaining at the gas pump how much it cost meanwhile they are sucking down a $1.50 liter of bottled water…. Give me a break. Insufferable suffering. Mental illness at its best.

You are the problem. I bet several you waited or accosted people to get a dumb Stanley cup for your kids then complained how the company is up charging for a product. Supply and demand…dummies.

I still don’t where I can get entertainment that lasts 365 days for $140 for a sportsman package in my resident state. Hell for the 5 states I apply to.

Cry me a River. This thread is so ridiculous, but look the Gen Z OP and others feel they are entitled to 1990 prices when they weren’t even in a sperm bank at the time.

It’s nauseating. Enjoy living at your parents while you apply for these ridiculous app fees. Wait maybe you’ll need a co signer in the future.

As Buzz used to say. LAFFIN..
Should just cut out the middle man and book with the landowner. There needs to be an app for that...:unsure:
Some of the landowners are getting outfitters to run their land and closing that land to No residents and residents.
Add $20 to my resident elk tag and cut all non resident tags. Problem solved and more tags for Wyoming residents. Totally fine with this as a Wyoming resident.
Not to cause more waves but, if it worked that way let's do it because now I'm lucky if we can draw a bull tag in our area every 7 years. Lol
This thread is a silly as the Grammy’s. Bunch of sniveling, entitled a-holes that keep “claiming” they are entitled to killing every last animal because they pay exorbitant “fees”. It feels like 2006-2008 but without social media BS. People were complaining at the gas pump how much it cost meanwhile they are sucking down a $1.50 liter of bottled water…. Give me a break. Insufferable suffering. Mental illness at its best.

You are the problem. I bet several you waited or accosted people to get a dumb Stanley cup for your kids then complained how the company is up charging for a product. Supply and demand…dummies.

I still don’t where I can get entertainment that lasts 365 days for $140 for a sportsman package in my resident state. Hell for the 5 states I apply to.

Cry me a River. This thread is so ridiculous, but look the Gen Z OP and others feel they are entitled to 1990 prices when they weren’t even in a sperm bank at the time.

It’s nauseating. Enjoy living at your parents while you apply for these ridiculous app fees. Wait maybe you’ll need a co signer in the future.

As Buzz used to say. LAFFIN..
Me thinks you needed to stop drinking before sending this reply.....LOL
This thread is a silly as the Grammy’s. Bunch of sniveling, entitled a-holes that keep “claiming” they are entitled to killing every last animal because they pay exorbitant “fees”. It feels like 2006-2008 but without social media BS. People were complaining at the gas pump how much it cost meanwhile they are sucking down a $1.50 liter of bottled water…. Give me a break. Insufferable suffering. Mental illness at its best.

You are the problem. I bet several you waited or accosted people to get a dumb Stanley cup for your kids then complained how the company is up charging for a product. Supply and demand…dummies.

I still don’t where I can get entertainment that lasts 365 days for $140 for a sportsman package in my resident state. Hell for the 5 states I apply to.

Cry me a River. This thread is so ridiculous, but look the Gen Z OP and others feel they are entitled to 1990 prices when they weren’t even in a sperm bank at the time.

It’s nauseating. Enjoy living at your parents while you apply for these ridiculous app fees. Wait maybe you’ll need a co signer in the future.

As Buzz used to say. LAFFIN..
Are you drunk? Or just not very bright?
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One thing that I see in this thread.
How the Anti-hunters operate. They will divide you as a group,resident-non resident.
Bow hunter against crossbow hunter.
Hunters that walk against those lazy road hunters.
They tell you there is a wildlife shortage….with a success for antelope in Wyoming of over 70-80% ????
You call this a shortage?I call it just hunting!!!Very good hunting,just don’t believe successful hunt is only a kill only.
So you see them here,antis,giving you all the environmental cliches “we need wildlife advocates “…we need more hunter advocates. Don’t believe they are there for you. They want to destroy you and all you love to do.
They did it up here ,even took control of our wildlife federation. When I questioned their leader he told me “it is a wildlife advocacy group “ while we have over 55thousand members all hunters!!!
They created an alliance with “Raincoast” that buys hunting territories and shuts them down. They claim they hunt them,just haven’t decided what to kill yet.
Like they all say “I am a hunter just haven’t harvested anything yet.
All the time working against you. They will buy land and shut all access… Montana?Those Seattle guys are smart!!
Just can’t trust those snakes…wildlife advocates.
Wait till they make it political and crucial to a politicians re-election…. Montana???
Fight like hell,otherwise welcome to the club.
Unite and take out all the personal stuff out of it.
We need Hunter Advocates and believe we are Conservation.
Not to cause more waves but, if it worked that way let's do it because now I'm lucky if we can draw a bull tag in our area every 7 years. Lol
Each licensed resident would have to pay about $320 more to make up the 43 million dollar difference that the NR pay each year. It would have to come in the form of the conservation stamp or similar to get all sportsman. I wouldnt be opposed to paying that either. Shit, I would happily pay $1500 for my 3 tags each year with a smile, if the conservation and managment were done well enough.
And the majority of the hunting takes place where ?
Public land whose management and administration is paid for by tax dollars that come from the federal budget and is paid for by all taxpayers not just residents of the states that issue the tags to hunt wildlife.

Seems reasonable that continued access to hunt on federal owned should hinge up a reasonable allocation that gives all taxpayers, no only resident tax payers the some stated minimum acceptable allocation ratio.
And the majority of the hunting takes place where ?
Public land whose management and administration is paid for by tax dollars that come from the federal budget and is paid for by all taxpayers not just residents of the states that issue the tags to hunt wildlife.

Seems reasonable that continued access to hunt on federal owned should hinge up a reasonable allocation that gives all taxpayers, no only resident tax payers the some stated minimum acceptable allocation ratio.

Lots of other recreation to be had on federal public lands that doesn't involve a resource held in trust by the state.
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