Deer Hunting in MI


Well-known member
Oct 20, 2020
Welp we're shirking our traditional bird hunt in South Dakota this year because my dad bought some land in N Michigan and can't wait to deer hunt on it. Last time I was deer hunting was when I was 11:


I'm used to tromping up ridges and kicking my own ass out here hunting elk.

Sitting in a deer stand and freezing my ass off...well I have questions.
Odds of deer actually walking by?
Timing - dawn 'til dusk in a blind/tree stand?
What else do I need to know? If freezing ass off in tree stand - what do you do to pass the time/not freeze ass off/not spook deer?
Congrats to your dad on the purchase. Long straight shooting lanes are a plus. Any ag land nearby or is it big woods?

I think MI has an 11/15 opener. That will still be good rut hunting for a couple of days. Sit dark to dark and post updates as it happens.
Did my first Midwest tree stand hunt last fall. Deer were everywhere.

I killed the time with a lot of tobacco in my lip.

I think I sat on hunt talk quite a bit too. But holy cow did I enjoy the serenity and the lack of stress about just sittin and being in tje whitetail woods and would just sit and soak it in.

Would recommend, everything about it.
Hand warmers are your friend lots of hand warmers everywhere. I get slammed by friends occasionally for bringing a book especially on dark to dark sits. I don't think it's any more distracting then looking at your phone especially if you don't get to engrossed. I read a paragraph then scan another paragraph and scan and never during prime time.
If you are sitting in a ground blind a small heater (I use my jet boil) under your chair (turned down very low) with a towel/jacket draped over your lap can help keep you warm. Can also make coffee or other hot beverage if you like.
First of all, love the artwork. Really cool and I plan to share with my daughters.

Second, I have a tendency to get distracted by my phone on stand and regret not just focusing on the woods that I have so little time to enjoy the rest of the year. My hunting opportunities are very limited, and I look forward to getting away from the stresses of life for just a few short days each year. I seldom get bored, but I do get distracted when I get a text, check it and respond, then “just want to check the score on the Georgia game real quick,” which then becomes “I wonder if anyone else is seeing anything so I’ll check HT (or another local forum that I’m on),” then “ I wonder which direction the predominant wind will be tomorrow so that I can plan my next hunt,” and so on. Before I know it I’ve been staring at my device for 20 minutes without looking up. My goal for this year is to use my phone less while on stand and just enjoy God’s creation while I have the chance.

I guess that I didn’t answer your question too well, but it has made me think a bit more about my goals ahead of season.

Oh yeah, on keeping warm I definitely agree with the hand/body warmers. Also, hike into the stand while wearing as little clothing as possible to avoid sweating. Carry in your mid/outer layers and put them on in the stand if you can. If you wear all of your layers in then you will likely break more of a sweat than you realize and that will make you colder later. Also loosen your boots a bit when you get in to increase blood flow and loft of your wool socks
The UP is thin on deer right now due to a variety of factors. The Lower is plumb full of deer.

It's whitetail hunting, so remember they are creatures of habit. Tree stands or ground blinds are preferred but you can still hunt deer, especially in private land. Focus on the feeding areas, find their paths and be ready to sit for a lot of time. Hand & feet warmers if you aren't in a blind, a small heater with a thermos of coffee or tea to warm your insides. It's not elk hunting by any means but it's still fun.

Please consider filling as many down tags as possible if it's in the Lower.

And, you also may want to keep an eye out for grouse. ;)
Not everyone can sit all day. I tip my hat to anyone who can, but don't beat yourself up if you want to take a break. Depending on what kind of public land is around, you could always switch it up some days and sit the private land morning and evening, doing little pushes/still hunting public mid-day. Or, sit from sun-up to about 1:00pm, then take a break before the evening sit. In my experience, early afternoon is the slowest part of the day for deer movement. Remember that it's supposed to be fun.
Sounds like I should be prepared for brisk! I tend to keep books on my phone, great for when you take a break elk hunting and just post up on a slope somewhere to recharge. Agree though that paying attention and not getting too distracted is part of it. The land is in lower. Probably the most midwest sentence one has ever constructed: While deer hunting I can just play euchre on my phone to pass the time :LOL:
Welp we're shirking our traditional bird hunt in South Dakota this year because my dad bought some land in N Michigan and can't wait to deer hunt on it. Last time I was deer hunting was when I was 11:

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I'm used to tromping up ridges and kicking my own ass out here hunting elk.

Sitting in a deer stand and freezing my ass off...well I have questions.
Odds of deer actually walking by?
Timing - dawn 'til dusk in a blind/tree stand?
What else do I need to know? If freezing ass off in tree stand - what do you do to pass the time/not freeze ass off/not spook deer?
These panels have everything! My three sons perfected their reading skills at a young age on Calvin and Hobbes. Good memories.
Sounds like I should be prepared for brisk! I tend to keep books on my phone, great for when you take a break elk hunting and just post up on a slope somewhere to recharge. Agree though that paying attention and not getting too distracted is part of it. The land is in lower. Probably the most midwest sentence one has ever constructed: While deer hunting I can just play euchre on my phone to pass the time :LOL:

It isn't the heat (or lack thereof), it's the humidity. :)
Sounds like I should be prepared for brisk! I tend to keep books on my phone, great for when you take a break elk hunting and just post up on a slope somewhere to recharge. Agree though that paying attention and not getting too distracted is part of it. The land is in lower. Probably the most midwest sentence one has ever constructed: While deer hunting I can just play euchre on my phone to pass the time :LOL:
I have been looking at land the last couple of years in the mitten and HOPEFULLY am growing closer to pulling that trigger. Saw this and literally said out loud "Damn, I miss euchre!!" There is so much about the Midwest I miss and being in the deer woods in November eases it. If you can make yourself comfortable enough to sit all day it is the move......if not, take a little midday/lunch break and don't beat yourself up about it. Check out what tags are available to you, and as mentioned above, shoot the does!!!! Is this place above or below the rifle line?
Dumb question - I can't bow hunt during rifle season (Nov 15th) right?
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