Deadheads - Let's see 'em

Since we have another month or so before hunting gets going, thought it would be cool to start a thread about Deadheads. Given the miles all of us hike in the woods each fall, I am sure we have some cool picks of Deadheads (no sheds, just deadheads).

I'll start.

Not allowed to keep these bighorns skulls in MT, so after taking a bunch of pics, FWP was called. They asked us to bring it to town for them and provide coordinates of where it was discovered. Later scored by FWP at 199 6/8 and now resides in one of their public offices.

How it was found, laying in the sage.
View attachment 48115

Cameraman Loren holding it here. HUGE!
View attachment 48116

Would love to have it sitting on a pedestal in the Randy Room.
3537.jpegMy participation trophy of

The elk antlers are sheds that I found near Boulder, CO in the '60s, the ram is a domestic that I found near Craig, CO in the early '70s, the two outside buffalo skulls I found in Colorado in the '60s ... one near Leadville and the other in North Park. I found the white buffalo skull near Bozeman pass, MT a few years ago.

The elk antlers are sheds that I found near Boulder, CO in the '60s, the ram is a domestic that I found near Craig, CO in the early '70s, the two outside buffalo skulls I found in Colorado in the '60s ... one near Leadville and the other in North Park. I found the white buffalo skull near Bozeman pass, MT a few years ago.
I'd love to find a buffalo skull
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