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Let’s see your historic skulls (bison, Dino, etc)

Ok, I didn't find these skulls, but I was fortunate enough to go on a small private tour of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science yesterday with my wife and daughter, given by the museum CEO. And not the upstairs, it was down in the basement where they keep the real cool stuff, the other 98% of the collection. We hardly even scratched the surface, I could spend a month there just poking through the shelves and looking in the storage cabinets, enjoy!

Irish elk, that sign card is an 8.5x11" sheet:
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Dire wolves, pleistocene horse, saber-tooth cat, bison antiquus, bison latifrons skull on the wall:
View attachment 965C4AA6-1BF6-4B49-B1B9-14BC2B732FB2.jpeg

Mammoth and mastodon skeletons from the Snowmass site:

This place was mind-blowing:

These are meteorites, literally the oldest objects on earth...