Covid-19 Data, Models, References - NO DISCUSSION

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Those USA and NYC charts from a couple days ago on the first posts of this thread look very optimistic. The last 2 days of data would be completely off the chart.

I'm still hoping the doomsday charts are equally pessimistic.
It took a month to go from the 1st death in US to 1,000. It took 48 hours to go from 1,000 to 2,000.
Aew we really gonna go down the "I told you so" route when talking about people who have lost their lives? Classy

My post was not intended to be going down the "I told you so" route at all. I think we are all trying to figure out where this thing is going and still are pretty early in that process. That's why I have been looking so intently at Italy and Spain as somewhat indicators of where we are possibly going to be here in the US for the next week or so.

The difference between 3,000 deaths and 125,000 deaths is a very wide gap and I think it would be great to know as soon as possible which one of those numbers is most likely to be the actual result of this mess.
Aew we really gonna go down the "I told you so" route when talking about people who have lost their lives? Classy
We have several on here that mimicked president pretty much every chance they had, proclaiming this a hoax and downplaying and undermining every precautionary measure to come down the pike.

Its about time we call a spade a spade a point their bull chit out.
Aew we really gonna go down the "I told you so" route when talking about people who have lost their lives? Classy

Big Jay -
SO many have been studying, working on, rehearsing, and preparing for this for a long time.
So many haven't listened.
Here's a link to something someone real close in my life has. Microbiologist type. Just a blue collar scholarly article about this stuff. 2010. Practical. Very pertinent to today.
I hope all read the first lines of the abstract.
Will we learn?.................

Big Jay -
SO many have been studying, working on, rehearsing, and preparing for this for a long time.
So many haven't listened.
Here's a link to something someone real close in my life has. Microbiologist type. Just a blue collar scholarly article about this stuff. 2010. Practical. Very pertinent to today.
I hope all read the first lines of the abstract.
Will we learn?.................

I agree with you, lotsof people have a different take on things than you and I do, but it seems tacky to throw it in their faces when it's a death toll
We have several on here that mimicked president pretty much every chance they had, proclaiming this a hoax and downplaying and undermining every precautionary measure to come down the pike.

Its about time we call a spade a spade a point their bull chit out.
Yes they have, but it doesn't make them bad people. Seems like theres some that want a high death toll just to say they were right. Feels icky
My post was not intended to be going down the "I told you so" route at all. I think we are all trying to figure out where this thing is going and still are pretty early in that process. That's why I have been looking so intently at Italy and Spain as somewhat indicators of where we are possibly going to be here in the US for the next week or so.

The difference between 3,000 deaths and 125,000 deaths is a very wide gap and I think it would be great to know as soon as possible which one of those numbers is most likely to be the actual result of this mess.
My apologies then. I'm in agreement with you on your views of this whole thing. Trying to be optimistic, but realize we need to be realistic.
I agree with you, lotsof people have a different take on things than you and I do, but it seems tacky to throw it in their faces when it's a death toll

Compassion, empathy, and facing reality will be growing commodities in the weeks and months to come. For many/most?. That's my optimism.
Yes they have, but it doesn't make them bad people. Seems like theres some that want a high death toll just to say they were right. Feels icky

If this was limited to internet conjecture I would agree with you whole heartedly.
However in the previous thread there were several of us that posted some pretty revealing first hand experiences about what we where seeing and how quite frankly it didnt match the dismissive bull $hit. And you know what the responses where? More dissmissive bull $hit.
So I am not all that sympathetic to a "told you so" hurting feelings.
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If this was limited to internet conjecture I would agree with you whole heartedly.
However in the previous thread there were several of us that posted some pretty revealing first hand experiences about what we where seeing and how quite frankly it didnt match the dismissive bull $hit. And you know what the responses where? More dissmissive bull $hit.
So I am not all that sympathetic to a "told you so" hurting feelings.
But their opinions do no damage. Nobody died or got sick because someone's opinion differs from yours. Dont take internet discussions personally, the web is a fantasy land, nobody would talk to each other in person the way they do through a keyboard.
nobody would talk to each other in person the way they do through a keyboard.

I do.
Can't believe I'm the only one. I think tjones does.
It's called genuine....................
It's called something else by most, but you do you. I'm not arguing with you, just saying there's bigger issues at hand than who's right, and who's wrong. You think the people who are sick give 2 shits about any of this?
You think the people who are sick give 2 shits about any of this?

Nope, they do not. They probably just hope those who are caring for them, will be able to do just that.....................................
But their opinions do no damage. Nobody died or got sick because someone's opinion differs from yours. Dont take internet discussions personally, the web is a fantasy land, nobody would talk to each other in person the way they do through a keyboard.

If their behavior matches their opinion,,,then YES they may well do damage. If they are dismissive about the risks, they will take them. They may not pay the ultimate price, but an elderly neighbor or relative could.
US Deaths are up 20% in the last 24 hours .....Frank and flu boys?? Where are you all at?

Until I’m allowed to discuss the data there isn’t much for me to say. People be posting data (and editorials with a political bent) here.
We have several on here that mimicked president pretty much every chance they had, proclaiming this a hoax and downplaying and undermining every precautionary measure to come down the pike.

Its about time we call a spade a spade a point their bull chit out.

There’s a lot of room between complete denial and acceptance of doomsday.

At no point have I advocated that people be less than extremely careful.
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