Covid-19 Data, Models, References - NO DISCUSSION

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This is incredible. I had to forward to my work email so I could look at it on the big screen. Wow. I really I wish I was smart enough to understand the mutation/strains issue better. It's fascinating to me.

I just briefly scanned a bunch of the specific nodes. Most have no mutations, they are just confirmations of the original sequence in different geographies.

There are some that show mutations at the nucleic acid level (RNA in the case of corona viruses) - this alone has no effect on the virus as there are some nucleic acid locations that don't code for resulting amino acids and some which are "redundant codons". Each 3 nucleic acid set ("codon") relates to a amino acid used to create a particular protein - but, many amino acids have several codons. For example, GGT, GGC, GGA and GGG all result in the amino acid glycine, so a change in that 3rd spot has no effect on the resulting protein. A smaller number report both a nucleic acid mutation and a resulting change in amino acid as well.

So, while there are 2,000+ sequence in the graph, a much much smaller number show mutations actually resulting in changes at the protein (amino acid) level. In simple terms, amino acid changes can have no effect, a weakening effect or a strengthening effect on the virus depending on where in the given protein and which particular protein. Most likely have little effect, but some could be significant (for example, the mutation(s) that allowed the virus to jump to humans in the first place).

This graph has no data on real world impact of any of these particular mutations as it can take a long time to do that type of research. But it does highlight the relatively high mutation rate of RNA viruses in general. One hope is that the covid proteins that are allowing an immune response are not in mutation "hot spots", otherwise the chance of a one time vaccine is low (think influenza).
And a follow up....
the stay at home thing.....
Mind numbingly simple idea.
Much of this story will, in the end, be written with this concept being one of the main themes.
With more testing, the number of new cases is likely to increase due to an increased sample size of new tests.
The number of new US deaths declined on 29-March
A grim reminder this is not just the seasonal cold/fu:

Very scary how the right conditions can create a perfect storm for disease transmission.
A note I also found interesting from the article:

Marr, the Virginia Tech researcher, said that the choir outbreak reminded her of a classic case study in the spread of infectious disease.

In 1977, an Alaska Airlines flight returned to Homer, Alaska, after experiencing engine trouble and sat on the tarmac there for four hours with the ventilation system off.

Of the 49 passengers on board, 35 developed flu symptoms and five were hospitalized. Researchers ultimately traced the outbreak to a woman who felt fine when she boarded but later became ill.

The case jolted epidemiologists into the realization that influenza could spread through the air.

Research has already shown that the coronavirus is nearly twice as contagious as influenza and far more deadly.
With more testing, the number of new cases is likely to increase due to an increased sample size of new tests.
The number of new US deaths declined on 29-March
View attachment 133762

First significant Global drop as well. 3,521 deaths on Mar28 and 3,204 on Mar29. Something to watch to see if a trend.

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First Global drop as well. 3,521 deaths on Mar28 and 3,204 on Mar29. Something to watch to see if a trend.

Hopefully it will be a trend, the lagged result of increased "social distancing" two weeks ago?
Hopefully it will be a trend, the lagged result of increased "social distancing" two weeks ago?

Possibly. Hard to say what impact that is having at this point. Sweden might be a good "control" to follow and see if they have similar outcomes or vastly different. They are not doing near the social distancing measures as most countries.

(Unlike its immediate neighbors Denmark, Finland and Norway, Sweden has not closed its borders or its schools; neither has it closed non-essential businesses or banned gatherings of more than two people, like the U.K. and Germany.

“Sweden has gone mostly for voluntary measures because that’s how we’re used to working,” Tegnell added. “And we have a long tradition that it works rather well.” )
"Oh well, got to flatten and elongate the curve".

If one desires to heighten the curve, themselves, feel free to go out and lick/sniff door handles and gas pumps. Maybe pick up tissues on the sidewalks - public service thing. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone........................
"Oh well, got to flatten and elongate the curve".

If one desires to heighten the curve, themselves, feel free to go out and lick/sniff door handles and gas pumps. Maybe pick up tissues on the sidewalks - public service thing. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone........................
Do you do any of those things on a regular basis before the end of days begin? If so you’re probably immune.
I did not do any of those things before and I don’t plan on starting now.
My wife just informed me that our long time friend -attorney 's father just passed away this afternoon. He came up ill about 4 days and quickly succumbed. As per his wishes he was not vented nor had any artificial respiration devices.

A 5th medic at my station came up postive today, he was home with his 2 month old daughter and his wife before he knew about his exposure. They are all quarantined. Hoping for the best for him. Three of the 5 medics have been hospitalized so far.

I am still working showing no symptoms however I just got tagged for another exposure, my third in a week. I have a test ordered for when I get off this shift tomorrow morning. I will be out pending results and might have to schedule test for my wife, son and daughter. Hopefully I get results back quick.
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