
Covid-19 Data, Models, References - NO DISCUSSION

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She also has a last name of Frank - I sense a connection :)
I saw this link a few days ago. It seems to me that the method really doesn't capture the difference in rural areas vs more urban areas. For instance, every day, this time of the year, I travel five miles each way to feed my horses. At no time am I within close contact with anyone. If I need to go to town to get groceries, the drive did not get shorter due to the virus. It does not factor in that, that the shopping is done at times to minimize the number of other shoppers in the small town grocery store.

We are definitely sheltering in place, but any chore involves a drive of some distance.

In AK most of those areas don't have roads, let alone cell coverage.
Maybe we’re looking for a cure to the wrong disease. I remember the stat from Italy, 99% had preexisting conditions. Obviously not a short term solution, but something to think about.

Well here's some small-scale data. One elderly family member with health problems has tested positive and another has been admitted to the hospital with symptoms though not tested yet.

Both had contact with someone who knew they were exposed but didn't think it was a big deal.
The first 2 deaths in our county were a husband and wife living in different care facilities with no direct contact between them. You don't have to be an epidemiologist to figure the most likely link was an infected family member.
WOW - he was happy to receive emergency treatment when he was the one who was sick early enough that there was room for him but doesn't give a damn about others who come after him - cuz hell, it's margarita night. According to his math he is perfectly ok with 11 million covid US deaths because he feels better on focusing on the 316 million that wouldn't die. This little snapshot does explain a lot.
Good old Frank and the fan club screwed the pooch.
Whos the next facebook expert we hang our hats on?

On sadder note you can still find morons comparing this to the flu.
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No need to test when the ones "in charge" downplay the situation to the public. Right?
From "no problem", to "it's under control", to "maybe we need to quarantine 3 states - 30 million people".
No problem to - holy crap, seal the problem from the rest of us.......
Not all of "the US" was blind to the issue. Not even close.
Utter and complete systemic failure.
Call a spade a spade.
I did get POTUS's guidelines in the mail today. Thank you, leader.
If you read this, BHR - hopes for your dad............................
This is going to be wonderful.

US Deaths are up 20% in the last 24 hours .....Frank and flu boys?? Where are you all at?
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