Corona virus

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View attachment 130595

It's all about changing the slope of your line. Hats off to Japan and Singapore.


but you also gotta figure, total area of country, population of country, population density of country, healthcare status of country etc., all play into that graph

but no doubt, response time and appropriate measures will also change the height, and the change/time of those lines
What do you think the chances are that there is not going to be a NR hunting season this fall due to travel restrictions and quarantines?

Would be the best hunting Colorado residents have ever seen.

Paper said UW faculty, students. etc are to quarantine for 14 days if they travel to Colorado and almost half the states in the country. With spring break coming up I'm starting to wonder if school will even resume after the break.
View attachment 130595

It's all about changing the slope of your line. Hats off to Japan and Singapore.
I am waiting to hear how great the Danes are doing - we love comparing a huge complex diverse country with strong individual liberty to small homogeneous (in the case of Scandinavia), low personal freedom (Singapore) locales.
What do you think the chances are that there is not going to be a NR hunting season this fall due to travel restrictions and quarantines?

Would be the best hunting Colorado residents have ever seen.

Paper said UW faculty, students. etc are to quarantine for 14 days if they travel to Colorado and almost half the states in the country. With spring break coming up I'm starting to wonder if school will even resume after the break.

Oregon universities are considering going full remote/ online after spring break.
What's the alternative?

"Run for the hills"?

"Duct tape yourself indoors"?

What exactly is he supposed to say?
You just don't get it. I'm not answering your questions in hopes you get it. This is for others reading this thread who may be swayed by the recklessness of some of the prevailing attitudes.

One of my wife's very good friends works in an infectious disease unit at a major NW hospital. She has repeatedly expressed the seriousness of the current situation. Many of her thoughts have already been encapsulated in previous comments, so I am not going to rehash all of them.

Certainly good hygiene is the easiest thing all of us can do on a daily basis. Your hyperbole makes light of the need to be responsible about social mingling. It would be relatively easy to overload our emergency rooms and ICU capacity.

I was scheduled to attend a very large public expo next week. I told my supervisor that unless I was required to go, I had no plans to. It's about social responsibility. That's already been explained, and if someone doesn't get it at this point then it's a foregone conclusion they are determined and destined to be part of the problem.
Not completely irrational, what if the folks running the power plants are fixing the routine outages are sick? I am not saying it will come to this, but not completely lacking logic.

They don't count.

Those are the folks that get to just do there job. And will do so without masks, gloves, sani
My prediction. The US will be the worst outbreak yet. Too many people not taking it seriously, and there is about a zero chance we see a Wuhan style lock-down. 50% of the people are too important to care about others.

Hate to break it to you.

China New about the bug in December(supposedly).

How many flights back and forth out of Wuhan to Us happened in the month?

Do the math. It's already a huge outbreak.
Prairiehunter, I sure hope that doesn't happen. My plans are to go hunting and fishing as much or more than before as long as I can anyway. I figure I don't need much, just wipe down the gas pump nozzle and keep on trucking!
Dispite the national guard and containment area ....NY has cases breaking out distal to it.

Probelm is by the time there is something to contain its to late.
Not completely irrational, what if the folks running the power plants are fixing the routine outages are sick? I am not saying it will come to this, but not completely lacking logic.
Suddenly having a garden full of food that has not been touched by dozens of people and that you don't have to go anywhere to get seems like a great idea.
You just don't get it. I'm not answering your questions in hopes you get it. This is for others reading this thread who may be swayed by the recklessness of some of the prevailing attitudes.

One of my wife's very good friends works in an infectious disease unit at a major NW hospital. She has repeatedly expressed the seriousness of the current situation. Many of her thoughts have already been encapsulated in previous comments, so I am not going to rehash all of them.

Certainly good hygiene is the easiest thing all of us can do on a daily basis. Your hyperbole makes light of the need to be responsible about social mingling. It would be relatively easy to overload our emergency rooms and ICU capacity.

I was scheduled to attend a very large public expo next week. I told my supervisor that unless I was required to go, I had no plans to. It's about social responsibility. That's already been explained, and if someone doesn't get it at this point then it's a foregone conclusion they are determined and destined to be part of the problem.

I noticed you didn't answer the question.

What is the President supposed to say?
Dispite the national guard and containment area ....NY has cases breaking out distal to it.

Probelm is by the time there is something to contain its to late.

And you infect the first responders and national guard.
Prairiehunter, I sure hope that doesn't happen. My plans are to go hunting and fishing as much or more than before as long as I can anyway. I figure I don't need much, just wipe down the gas pump nozzle and keep on trucking!
I have a feeling it's coming. Places like Colorado are at a huge risk due to out of state travelers coming to ski, hike, hunt, fish, etc... By shutting that down it could slow the spread but also cause huge economic impact.

So far the Wyoming response has been this is no big deal but I had neighbors asking for toilet paper for the first time as well. My guess is there is a chance we see school not resume after spring break and state borders closed down to non commercial traffic.
The stress of the thing is more likely to kill me than the virus itself.

On another note, people here in NYC seem to be carrying on pretty normally aside from so many people working from home. I’m heading up to my cabin this weekend and will have a hard time leaving come Monday morning. This thing better not get me sick come turkey season!
I noticed you didn't answer the question.

What is the President supposed to say?
Maybe the truth? Maybe what scientist and medical professionals are telling him? Maybe speak to the issue at hand instead of making things out to be a political rally about him? Maybe deliver coherent and factual information? FFS, he obviously didn't even proofread his teleprompt last night, or he wouldn't have mistakenly told the nation we would be banning goods from Europe?
My prediction. The US will be the worst outbreak yet. Too many people not taking it seriously, and there is about a zero chance we see a Wuhan style lock-down. 50% of the people are too important to care about others.
Not arguing this as I would normally agree. There is an air of, entitlement within Americans that creates an imaginary shield from significant issues. However, I'm surprised at the actions taken that will cost NBA millions upon millions of $$$ for sake of working to reduce large gathering potential contamination areas.
When private interests take an actual road different than the greed side of action - I am surprisingly impressed. Greed seems to lead and in this case, greed took a back seat.
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