Caribou Gear Tarp

Colorado voters

I guess I’ll have to do without; my daily breakfast of elk tenderloin & eggs will just have to be elk tenderloin with a side of elk tenderloin 🥩
Are mostly intelligent people, but vote for some really stupid laws. Just got back from King Soopers, eggs are $12 for 18 eggs. Now I know there are also shortages due to bird flu, but the cage free law is definitely a big chunk of the increase from $4 pre cage free law. Hey, I'd trade pricey eggs over a mountain lion hunting ban, but damn I feel for lower income families. Little Debbie- $2.50/ eggs,-$12, and we wonder why there's an obesity and diabetes problem.
I sell 18 for $5. My chickens roam anywhere they want
I feel like the price of eggs is at best a lame talking point and I'm tired of hearing about it.

It's a political distraction to take away from, oh, I don't know 5,423 other issues that low income as well as other Americans are impacted by.

Health care is in shambles, but, oh, the price of fuggin' eggs.

Prescription drug prices are plumb ridiculous, but man, if we could just lower the price of eggs.

I bet I would have better draw odds if it weren't for the price of eggs.

If the price of eggs go down, we could have better mule deer management.

Get a grip.
I feel like the price of eggs is at best a lame talking point and I'm tired of hearing about it.

It's a political distraction to take away from, oh, I don't know 5,423 other issues that low income as well as other Americans are impacted by.

Health care is in shambles, but, oh, the price of fuggin' eggs.

Prescription drug prices are plumb ridiculous, but man, if we could just lower the price of eggs.

I bet I would have better draw odds if it weren't for the price of eggs.

If the price of eggs go down, we could have better mule deer management.

Get a grip.
Shit’s getting real now….
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