Colorado voters

Apparently you don’t feel for low income family’s one little bit…
Self righteous attitude.
Man if eggs go down in price, I hope some low income family throws them at your house.
I feel like the price of eggs is at best a lame talking point and I'm tired of hearing about it.

It's a political distraction to take away from, oh, I don't know 5,423 other issues that low income as well as other Americans are impacted by.

Health care is in shambles, but, oh, the price of fuggin' eggs.

Prescription drug prices are plumb ridiculous, but man, if we could just lower the price of eggs.

I bet I would have better draw odds if it weren't for the price of eggs.

If the price of eggs go down, we could have better mule deer management.

Get a grip.
It's never made sense based on the price of eggs, but it might soon...
Id argue it mostly does. Especially if you can get a nice setup some yuppy bought and no longer wants lol.

I feed them a lot of food that id throw out. In the summer/spring/fall (i live out of town) they eat enough bugs/grass that i dont feed them a lot.
I feel like the price of eggs is at best a lame talking point and I'm tired of hearing about it.

It's a political distraction to take away from, oh, I don't know 5,423 other issues that low income as well as other Americans are impacted by.

Health care is in shambles, but, oh, the price of fuggin' eggs.

Prescription drug prices are plumb ridiculous, but man, if we could just lower the price of eggs.

I bet I would have better draw odds if it weren't for the price of eggs.

If the price of eggs go down, we could have better mule deer management.

Get a grip.
Chicken in the coal mine, Buzz.😁
I feel like the price of eggs is at best a lame talking point and I'm tired of hearing about it.

It's a political distraction to take away from, oh, I don't know 5,423 other issues that low income as well as other Americans are impacted by.

Health care is in shambles, but, oh, the price of fuggin' eggs.

Prescription drug prices are plumb ridiculous, but man, if we could just lower the price of eggs.

I bet I would have better draw odds if it weren't for the price of eggs.

If the price of eggs go down, we could have better mule deer management.

Get a grip.
Should 90% of the eggs go to residents of the state the eggs came from? 🤔
9 meals worth of excellent protein for $12 is still a bargain. And of course you can get 18 eggs for less than 12 bucks still. They won't be the very best but they'll still give you plenty of protein and nutrients. So eggs are still a bargain. I think they have been underpriced for a long time.
What??? That's only 2 eggs per meal. I just finished scrambling 4 with 2 strips of bacon. Could of easily done 6.
Getting chickens for the free eggs is very similar to going hunting for the free meat... most expensive omelet you'll ever eat, especially the first one.
We have 30 laying hens I believe. All various ages and laying cycles.

Feed is expensive.

When we have a surplus, the pigs and dogs eat real good.

Doesn't make things cheaper, just "robs Peter to pay Paul" so to speak.

But we enjoy the chickens (and ducks), and pigs and dogs. And it keeps my busy since I can't work right now.
We have 30 laying hens I believe. All various ages and laying cycles.

Feed is expensive.

When we have a surplus, the pigs and dogs eat real good.

Doesn't make things cheaper, just "robs Peter to pay Paul" so to speak.

But we enjoy the chickens (and ducks), and pigs and dogs. And it keeps my busy since I can't work right now.
This right here!

The enjoyment of watching the chickens run around the yard makes them more enjoyable than buying them from the store. They eat our table scraps so have a little compost factory and fertilize the lawn. But getting chickens for a cost savings measure is definitely on par with hunting for a cost savings measure.
We have 30 laying hens I believe. All various ages and laying cycles.

Feed is expensive.

When we have a surplus, the pigs and dogs eat real good.

Doesn't make things cheaper, just "robs Peter to pay Paul" so to speak.

But we enjoy the chickens (and ducks), and pigs and dogs. And it keeps my busy since I can't work right now.
Nuttin wrong with having chickens, better than watching TV when they get chasing bugs. Nuttin wrong with going hunting either. Just dont do it for the "free". Had an ermine break in one night and killed 17 chickens and ate part of one head, piled up the rest next to the wire.
Should 90% of the eggs go to residents of the state the eggs came from? 🤔
Colorado should create a law that requires a resident "friend" or a "certified" resident chef cook any eggs a non resident would like to eat in Colorado. The basis? Non Resident safety concerns for properly cooking eggs in Colorado. ;)
This is from someone who spent his life working with pinto beans. Eat more cheap Pinto protein! ;)
That’s right! Those whiney, entitled non residents are stealing my children’s birthright to those eggs! We are 58th generation **insert Montanan, Wyomingite, Idahoan, New Mexican**.
Nothing stopping you from leaving the bayou, well, I mean other than the price of eggs.