Colorado Assault Weapons Ban Submitted

Look all I’m saying is this, the state of California passed legislation that said I had to register or forfeit my 50 bmg. At the stroke of a pen I had to do this or I was a criminal. I’m a completely law abiding taxpayer. At the same time my cousin is driving in the carpool lane alone, drinking a 40, twice convicted felon with a sawed off shotgun in his trunk. Gets pulled over and they give him a notice to appear. And somewhere out there is a fellow gun owner telling me if we just came up with or passed more laws to appease the other side that it will be ok. I say bullchit.

The solutions don’t involve guns, they involve fathers. It’s a men’s issue and men should do something about it.
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Haha, yeah, Lori Lightfoot the crime-fighting champion, who has 1,000 vacant police positions and a nearly $2 Billion budget for law enforcement in her city. I heard the other day they were already up to 10 homicides for 2023, right on track for a typical year. I'm sure the new gun laws will slow that friends in Chicago are thrilled with her

One side proposes bad solutions and/or is unable to follow through on decent ones, and the other side complains and has no solutions.

Business as usual.
Which side wants the laws currently on the books enforced on criminals and which side wants to make new laws that make currently law abiding citizens into criminals?
Democrats have bad solutions
Republican's have no solutions.

Neither is helpful.

I'm not saying you're wrong, I agree with you but we aren't seeing someone run that is articulating a solution.
Again, not about ARs or guns or anything else. If you can’t get that then I can’t help you.
Did you read the first paragraph? Or just the second? The point is, as the laws get more and more foolish and outlandish, less are going to be enforced. They're not going to penalize people for stupid reasons. There's a lot of real problems that need addressing.
In your very unlikely scenario, yes, I would be ok with that (ok, it doesn’t really work that way, but it’s your fantasy world). it wouldn’t get that far because it would be challenged in court immediately, as this should be.

Again, we are a nation of laws. We have to agree on that or democracy doesn’t survive. Ogle county’s 50,000 residents may not like the law, but Cook county’s 5,000,000 residents do. It’s a State law. Democracy and chit. We can’t have counties deciding which laws they want to follow and which ones they don’t. Challenge it in court.
So you will just roll over when the government says to? I'm going to assume you got vaccinated as soon as possible because the government said it was a good idea? Crazy how that worked out. Over the past few years, the mainstream media and government has proved how incompetent they are. They just traded an arms dealer labeled "The merchant of death" for a drug addict who couldn't go more than a few hours without sucking on a hemp vape. The icing on the cake was they could've traded the arms dealer for a US marine veteran who has been over there for over 4 years.

But yeah, the government is super trustworthy and everyone should just do whatever they say without question. They're certainly not in it for the money, they just want to make the US a better country.
Which side wants the laws currently on the books enforced on criminals and which side wants to make new laws that make currently law abiding citizens into criminals?
The more people they can make look bad, the better they make themselves look.
Did you read the first paragraph? Or just the second? The point is, as the laws get more and more foolish and outlandish, less are going to be enforced. They're not going to penalize people for stupid reasons. There's a lot of real problems that need addressing.

So you will just roll over when the government says to? I'm going to assume you got vaccinated as soon as possible because the government said it was a good idea? Crazy how that worked out. Over the past few years, the mainstream media and government has proved how incompetent they are. They just traded an arms dealer labeled "The merchant of death" for a drug addict who couldn't go more than a few hours without sucking on a hemp vape. The icing on the cake was they could've traded the arms dealer for a US marine veteran who has been over there for over 4 years.

But yeah, the government is super trustworthy and everyone should just do whatever they say without question. They're certainly not in it for the money, they just want to make the US a better country.
Man your taste in sensationalized news is the same as your taste in optics. #VIP ;)

But for real, this thread has devolved even faster than usual. Offseason sucks. ✌️
I think the problem is not so much that folks love their ARs, although some may. We have a couple that we bought during the glut, not in love with them as I like walnut and blue, they were just cheap (buy low sell high). Grudgingly, do have to say that the Rock River Arms Predator shoots as well as my Coopers and Dakotas. Heck, I gave away 2 semi-auto shotguns I won in raffles. Prefer my shotguns to have 2 barrels.

The problem is that we are increasingly not a nation of laws, at least laws not uniformly applied to all. Anyone who says otherwise is disingenuous or dishonest.

Don't like our laws on immigration? Fine, just say you're a sanctuary city and ignore them. That's OK right?

Fentanyl kills way more kids than all mass shootings combined by orders of magnitude. So do we close the border by enforcing immigration laws on the books? Nope. Or tariff China if they ship substates, or Mexico for making it, or cut off aid to other countries who ship it to kill our kids? Of course not.

And felons who commit crimes with firearms are on the street the next day following arrest, often to recommit.
Because "equity". I thought justice was blind? Pretty sure felons can't possess firearms in the first place. But we can ignore that law, correct?

And we're not even into the Twitter files, with suppression of free speech coordinated by the government; pretty sure that's against the First Amendment. And likely hundreds of thousands of lives and untold livelihoods lost because of said suppression of robust scientific discussion of covid, vaccines, etc. I hate pseudoscience, i.e., that which assumes things not known as certainty.

And churches closed, pretty sure that violates the "free exercise" clause of the First Amendment.

And now young kids, athletes, falling dead. Nothing to see here folks. Say otherwise and we'll take your medical license away.

So if we're a bit "twitchy" about things done by government "for our own good", to more than a casual observer, the reaction should be understandable.

In almost all instances of mass shootings, the perps were known by teachers/police and/or FBI, and the ball dropped. More efficient follow-up maybe? But that requires actual effort, whereas simply banning guns (and if you don't think that's the end goal, you're not listening) is easy. And won't change a thing.

And, to apply an old business adage, "standing still is the worst thing a company can do" isn't actually true. The worst thing it can do is go in the wrong direction.
Man your taste in sensationalized news is the same as your taste in optics. #VIP ;)

But for real, this thread has devolved even faster than usual. Offseason sucks. ✌️
I have lots of optics brands... I just dislike when people shit on one brand because they enjoy complaining... I mean if they were really that bad, people wouldn't use them.

I don't watch the news, I usually look at facts. You can't get the truth from any news source.
i am still working my way through the book "The Narrow Corridor: States, Societies, and the Fate of Liberty"

they run through a lot of historical examples of despotic societies and analyze the various outcomes from the policies put in place. they analyse the conditions that bred despotism, the potential motivations of the despots in their policies. they look at the rise and fall of the economic conditions in those societies from the policies, the stability of those economic conditions. particularly, i was just reading section about particular country, I think it was Georgia, and the implications of seemingly innocuous laws put in place that can quickly and suddenly put large masses of the public instantly running afoul of the law. not so that you can instantly go and arrest all these people, but so that you now have the option to legally do so to maintain your control. in such situations the police typically turn to bribery to deal with all these "lawbreakers" and now the police are running afoul of the law. so now the government has even more control over the police, because all of them are breaking the law.

scary things to think about. especially when you think about government as almost these large organisms that will naturally trend towards despotism unless the framework is such that the people can counter it.

i very much feel the sentiments of the extreme angst and distaste for some of these truly useless gun laws and the kind of long term implications they realistically can have in the context of despotism. but we still exist in a rather rare society that hangs on to it's liberty. from the book, definitionally, where the people wield an enormous power over their government and at the same time the government also wields a considerable power over its people, which is necessary to allow flourishing which can't happen without considerable protection and services, a steering and curation of useful society. but where we can stand toe to toe with them, and curtail its power when seems to grow too fast, or at least have the ability from a framework to, if we choose to actually participate. we are able to maintain this tug and pull with our leaders. so this is where i tend to agree with wllm and SAJ. we need to participate in this democracy. not just sit there and yell "over my dead body." i'll add, maybe most importatnly, guns are not the primary mechanism the framework of our country provided to counter our government, at least IMO.
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Look all I’m saying is this, the state of California passed legislation that said I had to register or forfeit my 50 bmg. At the stroke of a pen I had to do this or I was a criminal. I’m a completely law abiding taxpayer. At the same time my cousin is driving in the carpool lane alone, drinking a 40, twice convicted felon with a sawed off shotgun in his trunk. Gets pulled over and they give him a notice to appear. And somewhere out there is a fellow gun owner telling me if we just came up with or passed more laws to appease the other side that it will be ok. I say bullchit.
Seems that you could have just registered the 50 and remained a law-abiding citizen. Instead, which I am pointing out seems to be the trend in America, if you don't like the law you claim to be a victim and ignore it. I'm sure your cousin felt the same way about law making it illegal to drink the 40 while driving.

We can discuss how confusing it is that concepts of "States Rights" and "Originalism" make it difficult for Americans when what is legal in one state can suddenly be illegal in another, but that will probably continue. I would rather see it solved in a high court, but that isn't up to me. I do know society has agree that not every law-abiding citizen gets to own dynamite or a bazooka, so there are accepted limits spelled out in the law. In your case, I can use the same answer they give NRs for permits. If you don't like the law in CA, move. ;)
Seems that you could have just registered the 50 and remained a law-abiding citizen. Instead, which I am pointing out seems to be the trend in America, if you don't like the law you claim to be a victim and ignore it. I'm sure your cousin felt the same way about law making it illegal to drink the 40 while driving.

We can discuss how confusing it is that concepts of "States Rights" and "Originalism" make it difficult for Americans when what is legal in one state can suddenly be illegal in another, but that will probably continue. I would rather see it solved in a high court, but that isn't up to me. I do know society has agree that not every law-abiding citizen gets to own dynamite or a bazooka, so there are accepted limits spelled out in the law. In your case, I can use the same answer they give NRs for permits. If you don't like the law in CA, move. ;)
The idea that I’m visiting my family in bullhead city Az and make a wrong turn trying to get to Laughlin and end up in California accidentally and am now technically guilty of 2 felonies because my ar-15 and 30 rd mag that are completely legal in Az/MT are in my truck is BS. At least in my opinion in America. Obviously it’s unlikely that I would be stopped, or convicted with no other criminal past. But stranger things do happen when the letter of the law is followed.

I did move. To Bozeman. But then I guess that’s why they say what happens in California ends up in Montana I suppose. Just a big circle.
There’s never been a time in this country where there’s more services available for mental health, substance abuse, domestic violence, etc. There’s an abundance of services out there to folks who want them.
The idea that I’m visiting my family in bullhead city Az and make a wrong turn trying to get to Laughlin and end up in California accidentally and am now technically guilty of 2 felonies because my ar-15 and 30 rd mag that are completely legal in Az/MT are in my truck is BS. At least in my opinion in America. Obviously it’s unlikely that I would be stopped, or convicted with no other criminal past. But stranger things do happen when the letter of the law is followed.

FOPA if they are in a locked container ie case in the cab or in the truck/bed locked then you would be protected by federal law.
I think people should be able to buy mini guns and howitzers otc. It’s all about intent. I have several safe full of guns that have “high capacity mags” guns that can shoot long range, suppressors, and plenty of powder. I don’t ever intend to harm anyone.

Regulating intent is the same as banning murder, it’s already illegal. Taking a gun out of my hand benefits society way lessthan taking a pair of scissors out of a murderous criminals hand. You can’t judge intent.
I think people should be able to buy mini guns and howitzers otc. It’s all about intent. I have several safe full of guns that have “high capacity mags” guns that can shoot long range, suppressors, and plenty of powder. I don’t ever intend to harm anyone.

Regulating intent is the same as banning murder, it’s already illegal. Taking a gun out of my hand benefits society way lessthan taking a pair of scissors out of a murderous criminals hand. You can’t judge intent.
I think meth and cocaine should be legal, if I want snort a line or shoot up and speed climb a mountain how am I hurting anyone.

Can’t judge intent. ;)

Why is adderall legal, but meth isn’t… I mean how do you even define a schedule 1 drug…

(Tongue firmly in cheek bros)

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