Caribou Gear Tarp

Colorado Assault Weapons Ban Submitted

We did have an ban on ARs from 94-04', that had bipartisan support. This didn't really become an issue until the market was flooded with them.

The first gun ban was signed by Regan in response to the black panthers... no one had issues denying their 2A rights.

Let's at least be honest about history.

I have a driver's license, passport, credit cards, a CC permit and global entry. The gov has all my details and my fingerprints like 5 times over.

I have no problem with gun licenses, that would be my "do something"

We have 3 threads going about suppressors right now, apparently half the forum has one... so that hassle isn't a big deal but absolutely no discussion about anything else?

Bows and ARs f-them bolt gun hunters amiright
Dude, I just don’t know what the license will do besides be another hassle in all of it busy lives.
And when you mention liberals putting people in concentration camps, Bill Mcibben, who is a politically influential person was literally just on blister podcast saying him and his supporters are willing to go to jail over their THEORIES that are causing them no immediate bodily harm so can’t you understand how that could make guys a little nervous.

Also, I’m not really stoked about rounding up the documentation needed to obtain a real ID.
Im lazy AF, I don’t have time for that.
It’s all so silly.
Is Medicare expansion opposed because the folks voting in opposition don't want to increase the the number of professionals in the field or because a bunch of other items get rolling into Medicare expansion that they may oppose? Not a smart ass response from me, I genuinely don't know and could not find anything specific to blocking an increase in mental health professional.
I think Medicaid is the bigger issue (Medicare is for 65+), and 13 red states have refused the Medicaid expansion that is available from the feds. I don't think there's a bunch of fluff in that, they're just turning down free money because it's "big government."
Dude, I just don’t know what the license will do besides be another hassle in all of it busy lives.
Hassle is entirely the point, responsible gun owners will just deal with it folks. Probably lower the rate of gun deaths slightly and more importantly gives a "we did this" thing our side can point to.
Bill Mcibben, who is a politically influential person was literally just on blister podcast saying him and his supporters are willing to go to jail over their THEORIES that are causing them no immediate bodily harm so can’t you understand how that could make guys a little nervous.
Yeah I had a class with Bill and he was my roommates adviser, he's not rounding up folks or committing violence.
Hassle is entirely the point, responsible gun owners will just deal with it folks. Probably lower the rate of gun deaths slightly and more importantly gives a "we did this" thing our side can point to.
But how much hassle from an outside force can the responsible gun owner take before it starts affecting their mental health?
But how much hassle from an outside force can the responsible gun owner take before it starts affecting their mental health?
@wllm i probably process these feeling and emotions wrong, but I’ve 100% felt anxiety, fear and anger when trying to renew my foid card and the site keeps messing up.
I’ve also been a nervous wreck swinging into get some shells on the way to a squirrel hunt with an expired license because gubment hadn’t mailed me my new one yet.
Hassle is entirely the point, responsible gun owners will just deal with it folks. Probably lower the rate of gun deaths slightly and more importantly gives a "we did this" thing our side can point to.

Yeah I had a class with Bill and he was my roommates adviser, he's not rounding up folks or committing violence.
And then what happens when the hassle becomes too much for the average guy so he never buys a gun and never takes his son hunting and then hunter recruitment goes to hell and there’s no hunting left?
We did have an ban on ARs from 94-04', that had bipartisan support. This didn't really become an issue until the market was flooded with them.

The first gun ban was signed by Regan in response to the black panthers... no one had issues denying their 2A rights.

Let's at least be honest about history.

I have a driver's license, passport, credit cards, a CC permit and global entry. The gov has all my details and my fingerprints like 5 times over.

I have no problem with gun licenses, that would be my "do something"

We have 3 threads going about suppressors right now, apparently half the forum has one... so that hassle isn't a big deal but absolutely no discussion about anything else?

Your attitude specifically is the problem, I agree with you on the 2A, I don't think that AR's should be banned hell I've called my congress folks numerous times but because I call you out for saying we should shoot cops and for not coming up with constructive solutions I'm suddenly anti-gun.

The cold dead head purity test is a $*)Q!#@$ joke and more than anything is what will cause bans to happen.
You can stop saying I said we should shoot cops. You're spewing bullshit about me now and I definitely won't put up with you slandering me like that. Instead of trying to argue with everyone on a post, read the whole response before responding.

Apparently you aren't able to understand figuratively speaking. If I was calling for violence, it would be worded a hell of a lot differently.
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The problem is that folks are saying shootings are a huge problem and gun owners are saying “well I don’t know the solution is but it’s not guns, also I’m going to vote against all your solutions”
and then we act surprised when new bans and laws are proposed.

Maybe being anti big government ie against healthcare spending isn’t a great idea if you don’t think guns are the problem.
Lots of gun owners and 2A supporters "saying enforce current gun laws" Jail time for violent armed criminals>> Chicago?
These are the rules now?
We can’t buy ar’s anymore?
IF and only IF this doesn't get tossed out in court it allows purchases through the end of the year. I'm thinking there will be ANOTHER huge rush to buy guns and mags before the ban begins. Of course, you would have to REGISTER each and every one of them! .50 cal. weapons AND AMMO are also included. Thumbhole stocks on turkey shotguns classify them as "assault" shotguns. Hell, I have a thumbhole stock on my muzzleloader. Stay back folks! It's dangerous! Honestly, I can't really see this going anywhere.
Seems like you just rephrased my comment... 🤷‍♂️

Either we agree or you're making a straw man argument.
You keep saying defend the state (I keep writing it with a capital 'S' to avoid any confusion between a hypothetical entity and one of the 50 US States). And I keep saying it is an individual right.
You keep saying defend the state (I keep writing it with a capital 'S' to avoid any confusion between a hypothetical entity and one of the 50 US States). And I keep saying it is an individual right.
I agree it is an individual right to own arms.

The 2A doesn't not provide a right to do anything with those arms in and of itself, that was the point I was making.
Lots of gun owners and 2A supporters "saying enforce current gun laws" Jail time for violent armed criminals>> Chicago?
Are they voting to give LEOs the tools they need to do that?
You can stop saying I said we should shoot cops. You're spewing bullshit about me now and I definitely won't put up with you slandering me like that. Instead of trying to argue with everyone on a post, read the whole response before responding.

Apparently you aren't able to understand figuratively speaking. If I was calling for violence, it would be worded a hell of a lot differently.
I'm sorry I misinterpreted your post,

I'm guessing you don't own any ARs. So wouldn't care if people had to give them up. First they want your ARs, then they want your pistols, then they only want you to use double barrel shotguns and single shot rifles. Give up all you want. I hope others have a sturdier spine. Guns have never been the problem.

This is a purity test.
Watched the news tonight about our new "law". Our county sheriff, as well as several more in the area, said he was not going to enforce the law. Pretty SURE it read that it would go into effect next year but the news sounded like it's already in effect. We'll see.
There are various types of mental health professionals, we don't have enough of any of them, each type is limited by various ways.

As far as Psychiatry, you are an MD. the number of new MDs trained is set by congress via the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, CMS. CMS provides payments to hospitals for residents, and is capped. Funding was frozen in 1996. Since then a bill to increase those numbers has been introduced in every session of congress since 2007 and has been defeated.

In 2019 the Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act was proposed which would have added 3,000 slots and allowed CMS to say which states and areas they go to... essentially to bolster rural area shortages. That got killed.

There is also a compounding factor that because of how our system is setup, student loans/insurance payments/ etc MDs are driven to certain area of medicine which make a ton of money. Psychiatry is one of the lowest ones.

I'm sure counseling, psychology, etc all have different yet similar under funding stories and recruitment issues.

Are a bunch of other items included, they weren't on the 2019 bill. 🤷‍♂️

Point being is the "fix" is probably a ton of small fixes all over the place not one big bill and when you elect folks whose only goal is to stop anything from being done... well you get what you voted for...
Spot on! Don’t even get me started on Community Mental Health programs.