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camp pics

The video worked good for me Trent. There is a yellow sign on a tree ( at around the 1.40minute), I didn't remember that when I was there. What is it?
Lots of deer sign, they will probably disperse when the grass in the fields starts greening up. Any turkeys?
Here is a couple photos from my brothers wedding this past Saturday. We ATV'd to a mountain out in the middle of nowhere. Great vantage point and weather was grand. I was using my new camera and most photos are too large to download here. I am unsure how to resize, but I will send what I have.


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Some other photos of wedding. I think I took more scenery than actual wedding.


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I been there befor and it is nice as well. I see you got alot of snow there or is it a dusting. Can you walk in the woods right now with out wadding up to your chest? I got a video of some turkey the other day dave. Not sure if you remember the house's that was on the left side just befor the daughter place. They was at the bottom of the hill and I think they was mobile home. Any ways I will post the video soon.
Thanks for the show of turkeys, Trent. Like you say, I hope they will be there in the fall.
Still, the mountain was Turtle Mountain. You get to it from Westfield ( off Route 7). You get to most of the lakes and water ways from Clones Road, Clarendon. Alot of country, but it is all open via ATV trails or logging roads.
Today work was close due to the high winds and it was cold as well. I went into work to unload a truck that was suppose to be there at 2:30 but he came in the morning so I left at noon time for the rest of the day. Came home and cook potato salad and a ham for the misses. and now i'm going to watch a hunting show or two and then relax and watch tv later. Here is one more vid til I get out there again http://s174.photobucket.com/albums/w83/Targetlocated/?action=view&current=100_0961.flv
ok here is this HUGE :rolleyes: camera that can take up to a full 27 minute. Brace yourself when you see the size of this thing.


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I for got but I remember

I for got the heater pic I was going to post a day ago so here itis now. It can run off two cylinder or a 20lb tank. run up to 220 hour. I'm betting that is on low and that not to bad. once you get the room heated on high then you can turn it to low. Allso got a built in fan that take 4 D's or a 6 volt plug in.


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we will be putting that to use this year dave. It is a indoor/outdoor approve system. I need to get it out and try it to see how fast it can heat a room up. Suppose to heat a 400 square foot room. We will see soon enought :rolleyes: night all and stay warm cause I know I will :D
:cool: another weekend gone :( guess we got to go to work tomorrow. Someone has to keep the cycle of life going |oo Dave win the lotto so we can retire :D I wish I would of won that mega lotto here this past wednesday that was $370 million :eek: chit I would be gone from here the next day for a long long over due vaction that never stops hump . Ok now that that is out of my head here is a video from saturday ;) http://s174.photobucket.com/albums/w83/Targetlocated/?action=view&current=hunt.flv
Too bad about the deer, only good coyote is a dead coyote. Did you leave the deer? If you did, I wonder how long it would last? If I saw a deer and a coyote, I wouldn't hesitate to shoot the coyote.
Deer still there, not to much has touch it since I came across it. I'll be out there next week to see what is left from it. I'd set a trap but with the domestic dog that live next door and I seen him up there befor. So better not take the chance.
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