PEAX Equipment

camp pics

My father and I were headed to the woods one day and he went up the road before me. He headed into the woods and watched two deer jump out in front of him and turn on the tear down the road. he thought that is odd and didn't even think about shooting the deer. He waited a second or two and out came a coyote. Coyote ate a 30-06 lead at a high rate of speed. we didn't find the yote that day but we did find the bones of him in the area under a tree the next year. Gota love that kind of shooting.

One week ago today work was close due to cold high winds and snow. Today it was a new record in temp and felt like summer. I had to share these pics I just took a couple hour ago. Week ago there was snow on the ground out front of the window and today take a look.
Is that strange or what.
Well I don't see that happening bruce since we rent. The owners job not mine. Its been raining since yesturday morning and I bet the rest of the snow is gone. Allso it just stop raining and change over to snow. But it won't last long now. I went to a kind of tractorand farm store yesturday and see they sell deer feed and deer blocks as well. Apple flavor it was called ;) This place is for all the farmers needs and more for what ever animal you got on the range. Well time to get ready for work, have a great day guys and I hope you get the 65 plus temps that we got yesturday, later.
well bruce that is the front and that is the small part of the lawn. I'd take pics of the back yard where my picknick table and bbq is but from what I hear. Starting around 3 another snow storm is heading right for us. last night it was 3 to 6 inches now this morning it must of got bigger cause it is 8 to 15 inches. I got video from last night at the daughter place where there is hardly any snow and that is about to change again. Well time to put another day in efor I can relax.
Hey Trent
I am sitting down in the basement of the Hampton inn in Waterville Maine and we are suppose to meet up with the inlaws today as they come back from Florida. Yup another storm came into town today and left a mess here. We were going to do some shopping today but may not leave the pool all day long. We pulled in here at around 7 pm and the snow flakes started at that time. Wish us luck for a safe trip back tommorow.

Spring is just around the corner and i want picks of any turkey hunting you do on here the next day.:D
Drive safe bruce, I see our weather change here over night as well. The lawn out side is not there again and the weather is heading that way.But this time next week we will be back to lawn again. it is going to be in the fifty starting thursday and friday. I will post a couple of befor and after pics of the front lawn. While I do that here is a couple vids
For got

trying to remember the way I post the pic here lol


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brag away elkay :D if I had that kind of weather I be braging as well hump But then again at the end of this week we are going from the teens to the mid 50. Allso welcome elkay, I thought it was just the three of us that hang in here. Moosie says he come in from time to time but I never here him bark lately like he did on what ever page along time ago. well i'm being attack by ferrets and the cat. don't be shy elkay and stop by time to time. I hope that the video is working for you as well. Have a good week.
finialy got a chance and hookup to the net that could handle the vidieos and there are some pile of deer down there arn't there? Gonna start this weekend shooting again, around 12:30 Dave if you want to join us. You can come too Trent or is it to much of a drive for ya?
drive not the problem, I need to save my five weeks vacation. You no hunting here and there plus my spring trip there. Beside I don't have a bow that I left behind and i'm not going to pay $25 for a weekend shoot. But thanks for the offer. Hey you guys can come here this weekend and practice. What time will I be expecting you all and I will get the bbq out. I'm bragging now like elkay with the beaut of a weather that is shaping up this coming weekend.
well if it is going to be nice then you had better get a bag target out back and do some shooting.

If you get the stretch wrap that is around most pallets and open it up, then take it and evenly distibute it in an old feed bag stuffing it quite full you have one nice field point broad head target.

like the one in this pic.


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