Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

camp pics

I'm here. Just not to much going on and it looks like the weather we been missing is going to hit us full throttle tonight and tomorrow. I feel it is going to be a day at home time.They think we might get up to three feet of snow here. well time to get a bbq in befor the bbq gets burried, later.
Hey Trent. WOW 3 feet of snow. I hope you don't get it all but if you do be safe. Hope you had a great BBQ. You are right it does seem slow in here lately. What ever happened to Ben anyway?
Yes Still, I think I will go have a look this weekend, unless we get alot of snow between now and then. I am just itchin to get outside for an excursion, just to do something.
Don't forget Valentines Day guys, keep'em happy.
valentines all taken care of.I got up and it was nasty out side and there was no announcement of our place closing. everyone but us and I went to work to find another standing out side in the weather. After a hour of listening to the radio and calling places I find out that it is close here as well. I tell you someone going to get a ear full tomorrow. And you bet you azz i'm claiming milage and the time I was out in that weather as well
The wife would kill me if I got somthing for her for valentines as she sees it as a waist of money.

Well snow has started here and I hear the roads are getting slick so be carefull out there folks.
get out side just to do something dave. Go up to the camp for the weekend and if you are really bored you can shovel the drive out or hang lights :D hate to see you get to bored hump well I got to clean the truck off again so I can go down and pick the misses up.This is more snow today then what we got the last three years total. Now tomorrow it can all go away and start the down hill slide, later.
You got a little snow did you Trent, maybe 4 or 5", LOL. Being a CDN you should be right at home. You will probably still have flowers popping up in March.
Yeah, I probably should go to your camp for a night of solitude and relaxation, but I never played one-handed crib before. I would still lose.
Looks like I am going ice-fishing on Saturday, weather permiting. That should help me get the fresh air I am lacking.
I'll keep you informed of the 'catch-of-the-day', I hope there is one.
Well you know you can go any time you want to go there. I'd be there if I was not so far away. I'm hoping that the flowers are poping in march here. I think I'm going to cut this message short and check out the archery 3d at basspro and how much it cost to join up. later all.
Thats not fair Trent. Telling us archery addicts that you have an indoor 3D range and you are not a member as of yet.

Have you folks seen this one.

Archers anonymous

These twelve steps to realizing you are addidted to Archery were laid out at the first AA meeting I went to so I thought I would pass them on to you good folks here. Remember to give you name and addmit that you are an addict.

Hi my name is Bruce and I am a archery addict. I have not been at long but have been hooked from the first shot. That was less than 2 years ago in June of 2005. It has taken control of my family as well and now I have my Daughter, son and wife out shooting with me and when it warms up we will be out there at least 2 times a week after homework is done of course. I spend way to much time on the internet looking for equipment and useful hints and I have found archery even more addicting than hunting with a rifle.

Step 1: is to admit to the problem
Step 2: would be to realize you can do nothing about it so give in to it and have fun with it.
Step 3: Make a decision to turn our will over, and our money, to the all demanding mighty bow.
Step 4: Your accuracy and speed will NEVER be sufficient. Just remember - the bow shoots better than you do!....
Step 5: Come to believe that you don’t have to buy every new product. But its fun.
Step 6: even though you realize you don’t have to buy all the new bells and whistles YOU DO IT ANY WAY.
Step 7: Always up grade and buy new stuff just to play with! Never settle for what you have. You must always have more.
Step 8: get as many others addicted as you can.
Step 9: When you think you have it all, all the latest gear your bit by the traditional bug. Now you have to buy the traditional equipment. And make your own arrows. The fun and excitement never ends. (Like you would want it to)
Step 10: cut someone’s Hickory tree down to make a bow.
Steps 11: spend 4630 dollars a year on 3 D shoots to try to curb your addiction. But you keep doing it any way.
Step 12:...Keep going back to 3D shoots, even after 10 year olds beat you!!
I noticed that everyone of the locks that they did this to including the buisness door were all dead bolt style locks. so now what I am wondering is if this works on the standard home knob lock systems.
I'm not sure about the standard locks. Well I just got back from walmart and they are knocking down the rest of the hunting gear. Those "hotshot" hand/feet warmers that come with six in a pack for hand and three huge body ones as well were regural price $2 something are clearing them for the low price of .50 cents. And those screw in climbing steps that are made of steel. well the steal there is .75 cents.Great deal if you don't use a tree climber. well time to go and see what else they got there as well, later all.
Got my breath of fresh air and sun shine. No fish though. No problem getting there. We dug over 20 holes to try different depths. Ice was over 30". Just because we had a gas auger didn't mean it was easy. I was sore as hell yesterday. Couldn't lift my arms over my head without pain, but I was still happy I got out. My son said he was never going again, but he is kinda like a whuz. He was smart enough to bring some mickeys (French Kiss), I took the coffee, but guess which we drank. It was a beautiful day, wind was alittle high. I am not beat though, as will go back. As for ice fishing, it won't be for a couple of weeks as I have a annual curling funspiel this weekend, and my brothers wedding the next weekend.
Take care guys, Trent is today a holiday in US ( Presidents Day)??


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Today was a hoilday for some of us (Jeanne) but for me the first day off is in may. I love to be there fishing and where was you at, any lakes I know. Are you talking about your brother that live in the sticks that is getting married? Wish him the best from me.As far as micky he should of took good old "fire ball" for a warmer uppper ;) Dang I wish I was there we be out a fishen and hiking like we did befor. Me wading up to my nuts on the route road with you and your lorn or was it your other friend. Well time to get my tummy full.
We were at Oromocto Lake near Harvey. It is one of the few lakes in our area that we can ice fish.
It is Brian that is getting married. He and his girlfriend are going to get married on top of a mountain , Turtle Mountain, out in the middle of nowwhere. We have to snowmobile or ATV there. Very unique but that is what they want. It is his third and her second, so they feel an expensive fancy wedding is not required. They are more comfortable this way. Anyway, I'll definitely send some photos. Hopefully it is nice weather.

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