Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

camp pics

Funny I never hunted turkey the whole time I move here.They say once you make a call and a gobbler answers you back you are hook.Will see the out come this may. Dave incase I for get to tell you later, pack a bug suit cause they are out now.I was just over to the old site (NAHC) and they are mad at the site and fighting like catsNdogs.I'm glad I found this site here and it is free (Thus Far) Hope it stays that way.Not much to say for this weekend because it rain saturday and looks like the sky could open up here any second. (I think it is waiting for me to go out side) The leaves are half out so this time next week we will have ground cover.Oh yeah I know Kevin Mott we worked together, I didn't know he was in bad shape there for awhile, good to see he fought back.I even work with his wife Lanora as well. Well I think I will make it rain and go out side, later all.
ok what is your input on this ?

Ok I got the film back from the tree cam , and out of 24 pics I got 7 deer 2 racoons and 1 of nothing and 8 turkeys. Allso I got to just out of the corner of two pics a atv and a good pic of two people on a atv.Ok what is you input on these people on my daugther and her husband property ? I think I know who the person is (Not personaly)But it is there nebior two house up that owns the property on the hill (Alot of it). Daughter told me he talk to her last year and was saying if anyone shot a deer and it went onto his land to let him know and he would go out with you and look for it.But I don't want him spooking the birds or deer and I don't no if he been doing this all his life. My idea is to go onto his property when I see him out there let him approach me and explain to me where his line starts. That way he is confessing that he knows he was on anothers land.Then we could come to a mutaule agreement :D What do you guys thing ? By on the other hand I need to let the kids know as well and they might straight up and say he is not to do that again and let him no. ok I got to go for now so let me know what you all think.
Wow you got a tricky one there Trent. I wonder if you come on his property and let him come up to you, introduce yourself and tell him you have pics from a trail cam showing someone trespassing on your daughters land and it looks like the wheeler may be crossing his land as well. Ask if he has seen anyone and let him know you thought he should know there may be tresspasers in the area. Let him know you are hunting your daughtesrs land and that you don't realy want the person spooking the deer or the turkeys. Especialy the turkeys right now as you are trying to gear up for a turkey hunt with a friend from Canada. Let him know that you want to make sure that this is an experience that you and your friend can remember for a long time.

You may even get a OH MY that was me I am sorry about that. now that I know what you are trying to do I will avoid that area as much as possible.

Just a thought.
I got a few for dave and I tied down bruce , Here they are and I allso got alot of deer pics as well but I am going to post just the one.


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ok here are the ones I got tied down so far


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I know I know what you are thinking bruce , It is going to be hard to shoot those turkeys but someone got to do it. My ears will be burning some time this week I can feel it now.
LOL:BLEEP: :BLEEP: |oo |oo

Burning? Your ears should have fallen off when I started saying those words.:D :D
I hope you guys get your limit.

Well here it is the first of May and I just picked up bow for the kids this weekend and I am waiting for one for my wife next but we will see. It seams my wife and Daughter have been talking of about switching.:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Oh well as long as they are happy. Next shoot I will take some pics for ya all.;)
Do you guys see all the turkey pics on the home page? With those and Trent's pics, I can't wait to see some real ones.
What a great weekend weather wise eh. Fiddleheads not out yet, but we did get a few fish. My wife out fished me 4 to 1. All between 8" to 12", but they weren't real tasty. They weren't fresh searun, they must have been in river all winter. They made a meal though. Thought I was going to get away today for a fish, but looks like it won't be until later this week. Piskehagan on Thursday, Robin Hood Lake on Saturday, and then Bartholomew River on Monday. Hope the weather holds good and I get some photos for you guys.
Take care guys and Trent, turkey time is coming. And far as I read in the game laws, Jakes are keepers as well. Not sure, can you ask somebody in the know? Talk to you later. DS
hey guys sorry i havent been arround lately,im chasing all over for prices for my garage,permits,cement ect... i know its no excuse,how you guys been ?summer seems to be arround the corner,are we still on for the fishing trip dave? still shooting bow bruce,we set up the 3d course over the weekend at berrys mill, did you get your house trent?take care boys,catch you all latter:D
Bigben we are trying to shoot everyweek up here but if you are setting up 3d courses I would love to know about it. I would love to go shoot a course and try it. Keep me informed.
welcome back ben, hope that you had a good time. And good luck on the garage as well.I just got back from daughters house and the cam is showing (Close you eyes bruce) 16 pics dave.Allso you are right on the beard thing. As long as it has a beard you can shoot it . I guess hens are known at times to have a gotee as well.I got my freezer full of fiddle heads and I think (Weather permitting) I will go out and get another bag full to last for awhile.100% yes on the bug suit as I was jumping around checking out the cam and setting it up and turning it on.Not to much going on here other then the weather been treating us right and it looks good for tomorrow as well.Well i'm getting tire and think I better be heading to bed. later guys and welcome back again ben.
Hex I thought I be missing some post in here and pics from you guys since we went with out our computer for a few days.Long story short someone was playing roulet with the cable down stairs. now that the company had a open window they pop by yesturday and hooked our back up.I told them now that I know where our jack is I can play the game as well.First offence I unhook theres :) second I go to there appartment and give them a verbal :BLEEP: (just kidden on the verbal) and third offence there cable will some how get cut :rolleyes: I got the cam pics back , only one turkey on it the rest are deer,coons & fox. I think once I set it up again I will set it at a better angle to see more of a view.Since the leafs here are covering the area alot better I'm able to set the cam in place where the sun use to affect it but not now.Well not sure on the weekend here thus far, going to have another coffee and relax and if I do something so be it if not so be it.I think if I decide to do something that is when those dark clouds out side will open up and the drops will fall. Enought of me babbling on , later guys.
Hello all
Trent I read your post last night but was so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open. :) I was out fishing with a hunting and fishing buddy of mine and we took my son in the canoe with us. I was not sure how that was going to go and it takes about 1hr to get to the fishing hole shown below.

We paddled and fished all day and my son caught a pile of perch and only one trout. :rolleyes: On the way out my friend asked my son if he had fun (my son is only 9 by the way) and my son replied yes I had a great day.:D He even said that it was more fun than video games and watching TV. :eek: We came off the dirt roads and hit the asphalt and he was out sound asleep in 2 min. :D :p He never complained once all day that he was bored.:eek: What a day.
Only 3 trout caught all day but man was it worth it.:D

by the way that is the same area that we shot the moose in last year.
nice picture bruce and it is good to hear the your son likes fishing better then the games.Bet you are going to have a hard time getting out the door from now on on fushing trips.That pic remines me of a place on the little lake road about half way there to the left.Well got to cut this short , need to take lawn mower back to daughter place . I had time to fix it at work today, later guys.
couple past pics

Here is acouple pics from a few weeks ago april 21 was the trout and the 29 was the fiddle heads.ok got to go later.


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