camp pics

Trent, You can go fishing April 1st? You are lucky, I gotta wait until May 1. The ice is going to be out long before that, but we still have to wait. Ya, I'll have to see what kind of fish you got down there. Might have to stock up on some fishin gear at Bass Pros too. Times coming soon.
yeah we will have time to go to bass-pro a few times *LOL*, Well I just got in from out side changing my oil. I change it all the time but this time the filter decided to be a :BLEEP: %^%%^ |oo pick with out the R. So there I was swearing til the sun was allmost gone under. I had to walk to advance auto to get a filter remover thingy. Got back got my head light on and finished the job a hour after dark.But that shower felt some good and i'm going to relax and go to bed, have a good one.
what are our plans ?

Hope everyone has a great weekend, Our ann is tomorrow . (No it is not a april fool joke). We are going out after the kids leave and then who knows after we get home hump :rolleyes: :D . Well it is to nice here I'm going to put my shorts on and scare the world in hopes to get a tan today. later guys and have a good one, Keep the stones on the ice dave and I to never will be perfect bruce. Shooting with the bow takes lots of practise, and even when the time comes to pull back that bow for a shot you will swear that the mucsule got sucked out of you. Beleave me I had a hard time to pull back but after a couple trys I did it. later

Morning all , thanks dave. How was the curling ? Well I'm going to cut this short. it is beautiful out side so i'm off to hollands island for a bike ride , later , try to get a few pics as well.
i'm back

Well I got very few pics while out biking. My butt not use to the seat any more either :eek: . Never got to far from the house and seen turkeys but by the time I got off to the side they were all gone into the woods but a couple. I did get a picture of them thought. And stop by the daughter house to check out the camera and she said they been hearing turkeys as well. So things seem to be looking great.Here is the few pics I got today.
Allso got a couple geese as well, The one in the water was trying to lure me away. The other one thought I didn't see her.


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keep the pics comming trent You have to love them. A friend and I have herd that there are turkeys here in New Brunswick now. We are going to go out this spring and see if we can find a bird or two. Take it easy folks.
Good morning everyone. Mooseheadred it looks like a great weekend for a bow shoot and we should be out at about 10 in the morning. Give me a call if you can come and I will give you directions.

Ben how was your trip. Also if you are up here on a Saturday look me up as we will probubly be shooting if you would like to join us.

Trent you are more than welcome as well whenever you are around.
Good to see the weather there is starting to take shape.I remember this time last year when everything was flooding back home.Dam I just looked out side and it is snowing like a :BLEEP: out there. Oh well nothing will stick and stay , it will be gone this time tomorrow if we get alot of it.I don't know what to do this weekend. I guess I will just play it by ear and see what the weather does as well.Ok time to go and relax brfoe the wife gets home, later guys.
I was just looking at the pics up there and when I got to the turkeys I remember that they was having a sale at bass-pro so I will go there and see if I can get any deals.I allso need to see where the bird shot is grouping from the turkeys shells I got , so we know the yardages we are safe at for a good put down if we get the chance.
morning all

Good morning everyone , I beat the early bird today in getting the worm. I was up and out the door as light was coming threw the sky's. I bet there are a few people that like me this morning near the members shooting club. I wanted to see where the pellets are hitting with the turkey shot. So I was out and try 3 rounds on different parts of the neck to the top of head. And here they are from first shot to last.
Here they are from first to last shot, the black marker is where I place the cross hairs on the scope.


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By the way the second shot was the best of them all , I'm going to go to the bass-pro today and see what else they have for shot.I for get how it goes . The high the shot the least it spreads , or the lower the shot ? What do you guys think? well time to go and figure out what to do for the days event.
HI Trent, The second shot looks like a killer to me. I am not sure what you mean with higher or lower shot, but I know here in Cda that the higher the number shot size (ie. #7.5) means there are more but smaller size shot in shotshell than say a shot size #4. I think you would use a magnum shot, this would provide more powder thus better penetration, I am not sure what size shot is recommended, but I would think a #2 or #4. Maybe we should have your 270 as a back up, ha, ha. Nice to see you being able to notice some turkeys in your area, looks promosing does it?
well dave I got the cam out and the dead leafs are being scrape at. not sure if it from squirrel or turkey. There is at least 5 pics of the cam and today I move it for a better view and lower it to pick up smaller animals. I allso went out and got a full turkey choke and just got back from the range. out of 4 shots at 20 yards 3 are great hits and the forth so so. The third pic you see is the so so one. But what a difference the choke made.
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