camp pics

Hi guys, Good to hear from you. Still, My view is that you are doing it right, you have to have that bonding time now and teach your kids right and wrong, plus show them the outdoors as who nows what will become of it. My young fella is 20 yrs old, works 60 hr weeks and the rest of time is with his girlfriend, so we dont get alot of that father/son time anymore. So again, do all you can now as time with them will get less and less. Anyway I had a great weekend, fishing is spot on. Friday evening I took my father fishing for 3 hours and we got our limit. 13.5" was the largest. Nice clean and red inside. The photo with cleaned fish in creel were the owns we got. I was at my brothers camp and he had a few of his working buddys show up for some beer, entertainment and fishing. I hooked up with a guy that loved to fish as much as myself, so we fished most of the time Saturday ( and caught most of the fish). The other guys caught some and the biggest of the day(19.5" at 2 lbs 8oz). These guys were having a ball, not really into fishing. They were coming along side our boat when the hooked up. I even netted it as they didn't have a net. What a laugh. I couldn't believe what it caught it on. Small, I mean small spinner with hook attached. But it worked. Photos attached for proof. Sunday was a day off, and yesterday I fished Bartholomew River. Water was low but we got through with minor scrapes. Caught our limit and had to hook/cook. Nothing real outstanding but nice fish. Got some fiddleheads too, but believe it or not there was a frost Sunday nite that killed any that were already up. No pictures from this trip as I played it safe and didn't take a camera as I didn't know what to expect if we would have a dunkin or not. Talk to you guys later. I gotta get back to work.


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Good to see that the fishing back home is going great.Seeing that your brother had a few guys over to the camp dave makes me think of our camp and how nice it would be to be there right now.Speaking of limit what is it there now?Not to much going on here just siting here waiting for my vacation to get here so I can relax alittle.Not sure how the weather going to play out for hunting here but we got to take our chance.Right now the sun is still out (8pm) and still great a few things to do around the house and to the daughters house as well.Have a good remaining week and enjoy the weekend, later.
Well last night we had great time even though we only two adults and 2 kids show up.
My son decided he wanted to try the 3d deer and we moved him up to 10 yards to shoot. First shot was dead on right in the center of the heart. :D From them all was lost as he thought he should look were the arrow was going so he was droping and moving the bow all over the place. :rolleyes: :p That poor deer had arrows sticking out of its rump, belly, shoulder, and even in the ground underneath of it. :D
hey guys

good fishin boys,sure looks nice,still working away on the garage,gess what! i made the front page on the moncton times and transcript,we had a training in riverview for the fire department and they took a picture of me, the photographer said he was going to put it in the paper,i figured id be in the back somewhere.take care guys mmm,those fiddle heads look good:D
I guess you are a celiberty now making the front page ben , By the way mothers day for you guys to pass on.Which remines me to call my mom as well.How is the weather holding out there dave,They call for rain fir the next day days starting this pass friday morning and so far they are way off.It rain once and that was right after I wash the truck.By the way I like the vid you sent me. I was going to show the wife but when I seen the cat one I figure I bettter not *LOL*. if you get to many trout befor we get there save me a feed to try out :) Today the sun is shining for now, not sure what to do today , Need to go to bass-pro and pick me up a long sleeve camo tee-shirt to keep the biters off.You need to buy your wife a new matthews solo cam bow for mothers day bruce or the latest one the switch back. With any luck she will buy you a new ATV on farthers day. Well guys as my mom would say get out side and get that stink blown off you :D Time to get productive , later.
Hey Big ben

I am considering going up to the 3D shoot in Woodstock on June 3 and see what they are like. They said we could come to one without being a member of a club.:D
They were saying there could be shots up to 50 yards:eek: :eek: :eek:
I think I had better do somthing as i am set up to only 30 yards. Well it should be fun anyway.:p
hey still

3d shoots are fun,i have never been to a competition before but i did set up the course last year in moncton for our shoot,the thing is with 3d you have no set distance,you have to guess.and in the woods it is hard at times,is it 20 yards?30 yards?35 yards?thats the beuty of it,sometimes they look close but they are far,and sometimes they look far and they are close.i am sure you will do well,a good practice is walking trough your yard and shooting at your target at different angles, and different distance[do not stepyour yardage]good luck,but mostly have funhump
Evening guys how are we all doing today, I'm here at daves house and the weather here is over cast and yuckie.Not to much going on right now, just setting up for a game of crib.Time to go and beat dave I hope.later guys.
Trent and Dave
so sorry that we didn't meet up last night but that is life. I know if the weather breaks you are going fishing but we are going to shoot a bit tommorow morning from 10 am untill we tire out or get hungry. If you are in town stop by again and chat.

Good luck with the fishing guys if you go.
Hi again guys we dave and I made it here around 4:30pm and we are ready for bed .Tomorrow looks at this point it is going to rain. If it does I will show dave around.If not then hopefully we will have a turkey on our string and with in our sites.Allso dave seen his first wild turkey as we was on the out skirts of bangor.We allso counted 9 moose as well.Right now it is 9pm and time for a long over due nap. later bruce and ben.
Afternoon everyone , well here is what took place so far to date.I guess you can say that monday was a training day for us as far as time and prep. We got up about 5am and it was coming around day break so we was late and then we didn't have time to pack a lunch.But as we got there we seena deer in the field and it was acting funny and took off on the run and I seem why it was acting wierd.There was a fox jumping over the tall grass running after the deer (What he thought he was going to do if he had a chance to catch it) was another story. We got set up and I for got the seats at the house. I sat on the ground for a few hours then my legs could not take it no more. I got up and we decided to fixs the blind up some more. And as I was walking out of the back dave wisper there was a deer infront of us so I duck down for a few til she made her way off.We pick up the film that was full and left the area. Today we got up at 4am and got out there but it still was light befor we made it to the stand site,I heard turkeys clucking alot 30 minutes befor light and that is why we try to get out there early, But just the same I heard some turkeys clucking off in the distance (Not sure if dave did). 5:35 here comes a deer in front of us,6:35 another deer.. And then we heard a gobble not to far away and we try the call.I think he was either to far off or had a hen with him and didn't want to leave her.But the way you can only hunt (If you didn't know) Til noon time and that is it for the rest of the day til the following day. First day on our way back there was two turkeys in a field feeding, So as dave would say turkeys 3 Dave 0.Well we are both clean up and good looking (Me better looking ) and we took turns sleeping as I waited for dave and he is now on the coutch sleeping now. Never thought that siting and waiting would take so much out of a person.We will try to get out there about 20 minutes sooner so at least if we don't see some we can hear them more befor they come off of there roost.By the way it been cold as hex here those pass two days.I swear i'm going to take the sleeping bag tomorrow, til then have a good one, later.
Day 3 and still no luck , we keep hearing them but nothing stupid enought to come our way. We was entertain with deer circling around the decoys this morning. We had a doe and a kid go but then later three buck stop by and two was wondering what the tukeys was not moving.Well I'm going to make this short as we have the daughter here and we are going to go out and help her move a few things around the house. Later~
day 4 turn out as the rest of the days, But we was close today.We pulled stakes early and went to state land and after we made sure we could hunt there we try a stalk on to birds. But we got a reality check on just how good there eye sight realy is. They was away out there in the cut field and we try to go around the other side to head them off and they seen us and it was over. They went from 0to60 in a half second. Tomorrow will be the last day for us two to take one down, tile then have a good one.
Well we were out again tonight but again forgot to take photos.
I have been all over the place with my shooting this year and been unsure of why. A frined and instructor kept asking what have you changed? I figured it out last night. My anchor point had moved and was not consistant. When I went back to my usual anchor point and reset the sights it all came together.
I have been shooting 40 yard shots and was missing to the left quit regularly so once I set my anchor point again and my buddy helped me set my sight back to were it should be ............... I fired an arrow at 40 yards and put it in the 9 ring. I could not believe it so I put another one less than an inch above that one.:eek: :D :p
Now the third one was another story as I took one of my sons tricks and released and then started looking for were the arrow was before it got away from the bow.|oo |oo :rolleyes:

My buddy got his bow tuned in untill he was taking the bull out on a regular basses at 30 yards.

My son shot a few and couldn't stand the bugs so he went in.

All in all a great night. :D

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