camp pics

Well I talked to the wife this morning about me dissapearing on the fathers day weekend and mentioned that I probably not go. :rolleyes: All she responded with was 'Why not it is your day. Do what you want". ;) :confused: :D hump
so I am in for either weekend. :eek: :D :p

here is a few pics of the weather suitation here. I tell you it was 60 friday. I love this weather.


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here is the blind from the outside view looking in. front and back views.


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try this again

I got booted off for some reason. Any ways pics from inside looking out.


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second time I got booted , last pic of my first visitor just two feet away from blind.


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Here is a pic from Cabelas when we went a few years back, I look forward to go there again cause it was great.


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Where's the snow?? Looks like you got grass growing again. Place looks good to me ( for turkey). I went out today looking for sheds. Saw alot of coyote tracks, a few deer yards and some moose yards. No sheds though. There is still a fair amount of snow in the woods. I will go back in the spring when there is no snow and maybe the sheds would be easier to spot. I hope to get away trapping tomorrow, so maybe I'll post some photos for you then.
Hey guys. What a shi.......... crapy weekend. It rained continualy up here and then on sunday turned cold enough to freeze those things off a brass monkey. What is going on? I couldn't even take the dog for a walk.
Hi guys, went out yesterday with neighbour to check his snares. Caught one coyote, one crow and a rabbit. We couldn't check the traps we set for beaver/otter last week( previous photos) because of the high water. Anyway another dog down. Talk to you later.


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ok Iknow nothing about Turkey but for some reason they all are gone and not even a track to be seen in the snow.So are they like deer and herd up in the ceder/furs for the winter and come back after spring is here ? But what we seen (With no camera at all) I was going to take it but diddn't. Was a ring neck phansant on the side of the road. I pick up my camera tonight cause the weather turn cold and everything froze on it even the battery were toast.So it is home and staying here til later in the year.Very nice pictures you got there dave. Keep them coming and I got a idea for you too trapers to try out. If the dogs are hitting the roads after dark like they did across the tracks to the right then try dragging bait along the road and off to the side in a few feet. leaving a ground trap just in out of others seeing it. I bet it will produce realy good. Enought said I got to get my self to bed, later all.
I have been reading up on Turkeys and their different habitats ( web site for Turkeys in New York State). As Trent was wondering where the turkeys may be, One of the bits of info states that some turkeys will winter close to Farms that may spread manure on their fields. The turkeys pick through stuff that is spread and get some feed. As being close to farms as I am, I know that cow dung doesn't have any unchewed feed in it, but what the turkeys could be getting is seed from the bedding and uneatten hay that is sent to manure pile. Another part of article states they can move at 3-4 MPH as they are feeding and their range can be 400 to 2000 acres. This means we will have to be lucky that they come to our little patch where we will be hunting as it is small in size, but the good part is that they seem to roam quite a bit, therefore a better chance that sooner or later they will show up.
Also guys, I have the camp booked for June 16th, 17th. Still, As per your question on bringing a friend. I have no problem as camp has 1 dble, 3 single and two couches. The only problem is in the boat, I would prefer to take just Ben and yourself in the boat and be comfortable fishing ( not too many rods), if your friend has a boat, all the better.
Something to think on anyway, we will discuss location and grub later. Camp cost is $60 per nite, and I usually split this among the group. My son, Kevin will be with us and paying his portion. I will probably send him to get a few fresh trout for us to grill. I think this place is something you guys would like, nothing fancy, but no neighbors and peaceful.
Talk to you guys later. Trent, what county do you live in? Is it the same county we will be hunting in? That turkey site has stats as well.
fishing trip

hey dave,i can bring my boat down,nothing fancy,but it floats,i have no problem with you guys bringing somebody else,well keep in,are we aloud to bring beer :D
I beleave it is a cardinal sin not to bring beer on a hunting/fishing trip. I stock up most of the time I cross the border for november hunting. But this past year I didn't make as many trips.Hows the arm coming ben, Bruce you got that puppy train I hope. Dave nice to see the traping is going great.Wish this was friday cause I go to bed right now and would't care if I got up early tomorrow I can always take a power nap. But I got to get another day in yet.Well have a good weedend , later.
I did talk with my buddy and he says he thinks he is busy that weekend and if he did come him and I would just use his canoe. you can catch a lot of fish from a canoe.
I don't drink myself but I can be designated driver if you need one.
No problem with beer, Ben. Actually its a great place for that, as I mentioned, no other camps around, so its as laid back as can be. If Ben can bring a boat, then don't worry about a canoe Still.
Trent, you sound like your going docile, keep eaten and sleepen and you'll get as fat as me.
Man, here we are at another Friday. The weeks just seem to fly by. I hope to get away trapping again this weekend as its the only exercise I get. Supposed to come in cold, but you never know what its going to be like. Seems to change every couple days. But since it is still winter, were going to get cold and snow sooner than not.
Take care guys, and have a good and safe weekend.
Hey Mooseheadred. Is 3 open face and 3 closed face reals and a fly rod to many rods to take in the boat? How much trouble would a fellow get in if he only stayed Friday night and then fished all day Saturday? If to tired at that point stayed the night and headed out in the morning or even left Saturday evening sometime?
Trent you going to be able to make it up here for this fishing trip?

By the way how did we get off the first page. I hade to go the second page of posts to find this?
Well I'm here Bruce and to be honest with you as far as making it there in june it does not look that good. My wife works at a bank and she needs to put in her two weeks time for the whole year.So we are taking time off in may together and then in november as well.Plus I got time in may for us to have a show down with a few turk's as well. As far as the second page that we was on we are all suffering from hunting with draws and being bore for the winter does not help as well. Enought said for now it is time to go , have a good day and hope to here from all you soon.