Kenetrek Boots

Cush, Redman, and CPO's elk trip....

Sorry bout the pup!! Hope all was enjoyed prior. Actually, who am I kidding. With that group of course it was enjoyed. Can’t wait to hear some stories from the trip.
Your rot had one heck of a long great life, John. Sorry to hear.
Look forward to hearing of the gang's adventures!
Ok here it goes...
Casey had been dealing with multiple surgery's since February both times she got a blood infection and the last time she came home I had to send her back to the hospital via ambulance. I pretty much had told the crew I wasn't coming... Casey got much better so I said that I would possibly be coming depending on if Casey continued to improve. Finally Casey demanded that I go and wished she could go. Her health improved dramatically and said if we had someone to watch the dogs she wouldn't mind going. We'll found someone to watch the dogs and I booked her a last minute flight. We were met at the Cheyenne Airport by Cush, CPO, and friends. I jumped in with Cush and Casey with CPO's crew. We headed to the mountain stopping for gas and a 2 a.m. breakfast. After sun up we made the "exciting" trip to camp...only to find out that CPO was no longer in front of us because a tree was blocking our route! Cush and I didn't have the chain saw and I was contemplating wacken on the tree with Cush's hatchet. We decided that I would walk down to where I could possibly see CPO and crew. When I got down to the bottom of the mountain CPO was setting there letting his transmission cool. I grabbed the saw and cut 2 fallen trees out of the way and we made it to the campsite. We all quickly pitched in and set up camp.and then proceeded to cut and split firewood. We finished chores had a few barley pops and hit the sack. Interesting sounds came from the tent..Cush and Casey were having a snoring contest (Casey won) and CPO's son makes...what I can only describe as a cow moose in heat moan in his sleep. We all slept in and in the afternoon a few of us went to scout for our quarry. I went to an area where I normally find bear and elk which I had tags for both. The others saw some mule deer but no elk.


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First couple days of season I was hunting my bear spots because according to Cush's Inreach we were going to get snow late Monday night to early Tuesday. Try as I might I couldn't turn up a bear...or any other big game animals. However had I had a .22, shotgun, archery gear, or even a sling shot I could have fed up for a year on grouse!!! Just couldn't bring myself to take their heads off with my 7mm Rem Mag. Each evening found us cracking up around the stove after some very fine vittles (complements of Cush and CPO!
We got snow and a lot of it that didn't stop til Wednesday. Tuesday evening I told everyone that I would head to the point and if anyone wanted to go with me they were more than takers, I believe the 2 foot of snow may have had something to do with it plus it was still coming down.
Wednesday morning found me at the point, which is close to camp. Snow was falling but no wind, I dugout a spot around some fallen logs overlooking a large area of open grasslands surrounded by aspen draws and dark timber patches. As I often do I watch the some come up, say a prayer of thanksgiving for friends, family, God's creation, and a chance to fill a tag. As the sun came up I attempted to range some places and make yardage notes but through the snow falling my rangefinder wouldn't pick up. Wasn't seeing anything not even a fox, which seem to be plentiful and not shy at all. Right about 9 a.m. I looked south west across the little creek by the thick pine timber and 2 bull elk busted out running towards me. From where I was setting I couldn't get a clear shot due to a bunch of aspen saplings, I quickly but cautiously moved around them and used one of them to rest my rifle on. The bulls made it across the creek to my side and slowd to a stop. Again I tried to range them but the snow wouldn't allow. I knew they were over 150 yds but under 300 yds and my 7mm Remington Mag is zeroed at 300. I looked both bulls over, both legal, I picked the bigger of the two. He was slightly quartering towards me. I rested my crosshairs on the front part of his shoulder and took the safety off, squeezed the trigger, boom, smack, and he went down! I quickly put in another round in and put the cross hairs on him while the other bull stood there and stared at him. He started flopping and trying to get up. There was a patch of timber across an opening that I could get to so I hightailed it over there for a better shot angle. The bull made it back to the other side of the creek and laid down, I put another round through the boiler room (probably not needed but shoot them till they are dead I always say) and he laid his head down and was done! In the short distance that I had to walk to him he was already covered in snow! I punched my tag then walked back to my pack, emptied it, left my rifle and took off some layers. Walked back over, took some pictures, and got to work quartering him up. While I was working on him I heard snow crunching and looked up through the brush and saw orange and yelled out hey! I thought it was CPO coming to help but it was 4 hunters. A father and son from Colorado, a guy from Georgia, and another guy from Oklahoma. I invited the guy from Georgia to come on down and see what these elk were all about because he had never seen one before. He touched and looked it over and we all talked for a bit then they were back to hunting and I was back to work. I finished my work, hung the meet in the trees and arrived at camp around 2 P.M. I told everyone about the hunt and told them all to go hunting and I would pack the meat out the next day.

Seekins PH2 7mm Remington Mag
Ziess Conquest Z4 4-16x44
Barnes 139gr LRX 3350 FPS


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Wednesday night we had Green Chili for supper celebrated my elk and went to bed. Wednesday everyone went out and I slept in. When they got back to camp we hiked out and packed meat. CPO took a hind quarter, his son took a front, and I took a hind quarter and all the trim. We were exhausted when we got back to camp and I told them I would go back and get the rest. CPO insisted on helping....I told him NO go hunting and I will get it but he wasn't having it. I told them I was going to the outhouse and made a detour with my pack to get the rest of the meat hoping they wouldn't notice. I was just putting the last sack of meat in my pack when I got caught. CPO said "You actually thought you were getting away with this?" Soo I let him pack the back straps and I took the last front quarter. Easy pack out compared to the last! That nights supper was a mystery meal which turned out to be spicy beans and ham hock! So Tuesday beans and ham hock, Wednesday Green Chili, and Thursday more beans and ham hock. Keep that in mind!
Wednesday night we had Green Chili for supper celebrated my elk and went to bed. Wednesday everyone went out and I slept in. When they got back to camp we hiked out and packed meat. CPO took a hind quarter, his son took a front, and I took a hind quarter and all the trim. We were exhausted when we got back to camp and I told them I would go back and get the rest. CPO insisted on helping....I told him NO go hunting and I will get it but he wasn't having it. I told them I was going to the outhouse and made a detour with my pack to get the rest of the meat hoping they wouldn't notice. I was just putting the last sack of meat in my pack when I got caught. CPO said "You actually thought you were getting away with this?" Soo I let him pack the back straps and I took the last front quarter. Easy pack out compared to the last! That nights supper was a mystery meal which turned out to be spicy beans and ham hock! So Tuesday beans and ham hock, Wednesday Green Chili, and Thursday more beans and ham hock. Keep that in mind!
It got a bit ripe in the tent lol
I woke up around 2A.M Friday with my guts rumbling! I ripped open the sleeping bag, dashed out the tent door, and sprinted to the outhouse. It was cold but sweat was dripping down my face as I barley made it to desecrate the commode....picture the scene in Dumb & Dumber after the spiking of the drink with Turbo Lax!

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