camp pics

Nice pictures there dave , I'm glad the weather there is so great and even glad to see the coyote numbers are droping as well. I'm going to bring a remote call with me this coming hunting season to try out in the cuts for coyote as we sit in the stand and get a view from far off.if it works as good as I think it will then we can help cut those numbers down even farther. There being no snow here and there the dogs are having a hard to to run down the deer as they would in deep snow. Another plus for this year so far and we just got to wish it stays this way til spring.I just got back from looking at a house and I hope that the wife likes it and that we can purchase it. It is about two miles from daughters place as well.Plus five miles from state land as well to. speaking of land I'm going to check it out on the map photo, Later guys.
Mooseheadred keep up the good work getting rid of those critters. I realy don't like them. Just checking in to see what is up but I guess not much. I can't remember if you told us or not Mooseheadred or not but is it the Rangers camp on Oromocto lake you have booked for us?
Hi Still, Nope its not the Rangers camp, that camp is on the main lake, boy have I got a story to tell you about that place and the 'swimmers itch'. I'll save that one for latter when we are sitting around the fire. We will be in the 'Basin'. If you look on the map it is on the right side (lookin north). There are two points on land that close in on each other then opens up into another big bay. The points of land we call 'The Jaws' and the bay we call 'The Basin'. The road into camp is off of what we call the Lake Road. This is from Upper Tracy out to Peltoma Lake/Little Lake/Kedron Lake. The road into Oromocto Lake off this road is marked Public Landing. This road is getting a little rough and grown in, as there hasn't been much work done to it. Also some times it gets pretty chewed up from fishers going in to lake in early May to fish Landlocks. I will be meeting you guys out in civilization ( if you want to call Tracy/Fredericton Jct that) and then show you the way. We can keep updated on this as time goes by.
Do any of you guys fish black salmon?? I hear it probably wont be a good year as the ice in the Miramichi River went out in last rain. Ice has formed again, but I imagine alot of fish went out with ice. Same with the lakes around here, the ice will probably be out long before May 1st. We probably wont have that good fishing period of when the ice just leaves the lakes. Anyway, you guys keep on doing that 'Robin Hood' thing. I think I might dust off my old Browning Compound and take the Archery Course, just to have it in case I might use it. The other course I have to do is the Firearms, so that I can get a PAL. I missed out on a 22-250 + scope, for a good price because I don't have a acquisition permit. My own fault though, because I been talking about it so long. I wonder what the new Gov't is going to do with the gun registery? There wasn't much talk about it at election time. Gotta go, Hey Trent hows the house huntin?
I have been in touch with DNR about the same course to find out if my daughter could take the course at age 13 so she can be ready to hunt at age 14. the next course will be offered in the fall and I am going to register her and myself (need the course to get the FAC as well). you should take it at the same time. Just a thought.
in order to get a FAC do you need to take a course or is it like hunting as long as you was born befor a certain date or have a hunting license you can pay the cash for a fac. Wonder how it works for me to come there and let others use my guns? or for me to borrow a gun incase mine breaks down on me?. House hunting going ok dave , we have a eye on one but trying to get the agency to show it to us is a different story. We was out there last saturday and the side door was open and you know me , In we went me and the wife and a couple others that seem that they didn't like it. so I guess time will tell and we hope to geta phone call tonight. Time for dinner later all.
You have to have the firearms course before you can get an FAC. I have not got a clue about non residents lending and borrowing guns. I hope the new Gov. will change all that but with a minority I highly doubt it.
was going to give the house hunting a rest dave but after last night and this morning :BLEEP: |oo :BLEEP: :BLEEP: There is no way in hell I'm staying here much longer. After I got off the phone with the landlord I call the lady we was with a week ago and told her we want to see that house she email us. I love kids (THAT ARE TRAIN) But when the parents have no controll over them and I hear pounding at 5am on a saturday then that is it.Any ways as you can tell my weekend not starting out to good *LOL*. How about you guys, how is everyone . I herd throught the grapevine that your son was up at the camp dave :) Good to see someone is using it ;) Wish I was there this weekend. The ground here is cover with about 3to4 inches, might be gone by tomorrow you never know.Well I'm going to go now and try to get a power nap in , we hopefully are going out at 2pm to look at this house. Anyone got any ideas on buying as to what to ask etc then fill me in. I guess there is a first time buyers deal and I was told as well that here in ny I can give my wife a one time gift (Not sure how much) and not have to pay the taxes on . Not to sure about that yet so I will check it out. Maybe that is the way there as well and alot of people don't know about it. Any ways give any info you guys know of and I will ask if it is the same here or simliar, later all.
There is alot to know in buying a home. There are main features that you have to look at heating/electrical/plumbing & septic/water supply/roof,, lesser items would be windows & doors/ floor coverings/ exterior covering/ steps,decks,railings. There is alot of stuff to look for and usually in the heat of the sale things can be missed. After several visits and you are thinking highly of buying then you 'may' get a house inspector in to go over house and find any problems. They are more familiar with what to look for. The only problem is that they are working on your dime. Not sure what they may charge down there, but in most cases you would recoup costs as on older homes they usually find problems that you request seller to fix prior to your buying home thus saving you money. Its a big decision, buying a home, so don't rush into one. Its alot of work and time. Dont get me wrong, I am sure that 99.9% of the homes you will look at will have some sort of problem. But the decision is if you can live with the problem, fix the problem or not buy because the problem is too severe.
Hopefully I dont scare you off house hunting.
Yes I found out Kevin has been at your camp 3 times. I advised him that he will have to replace firewood and make sure to clean up. He should have asked you first. Is it okay to use, it is just him and another guy, they go there for a beer and a feed of deer meat. Let me know?
I am headed away with neighbour this afternoon to check half his snares. The others will be tomorrow. Tomorrow Kevin & I are going out to woods to check a stand of 'Curly Maple' and ' Bird's Eye Maple' that he had found. Might be some money to be made, or might end up in jail. We will see.
Still, I had heard rumours that they might put on a Firearms Course here locally, this spring. I will find more about it and advise you. Take care guys and have a good weekend.
I already new about those things to look for dave and your son can go there as much as he wants. don't worry about tje fire wood . long as there is enought there for us *LOL*. we are looking at this house we been watching for a month. got most of the info about it and when I get there going to go out and scout the exter for lots of things. Last place I went to I notice a few things right off . niebor was a pig and there was a trail right next to it. Beside we didn't care for it when we went inside.Well got to get ready the wife should be pulling in any minute and we are off , later.
Trent good luck with the house hunting. I do not think there is anything more tir...... will make you wore out faster. I wish I could spell. :rolleyes:
I had a buddy I hunt with come over today and did you know it is still fun to shoot a bow in the cold. :p Changes alot though when it is about -10 deg. celsius. Your muscles luck up a lot quicker. :eek: :D
Still it was a blast even my son was out again with us and he had fun but got cold fast. He also learned that if he wants to shoot it is his job to look after getting the equipment back in the house. I have to take down the recurve but he had to learn that is was not Dads job to return his equipment to the house. ;) He was a little shoked that I would not do it but he said OK and did it in fine style. :D
hey guys,been pretty buzy lately,i am going to build a garage this summer and plan on using my own sawed lumber,i have cut and yarded out to my fathers house 55 trees,i hope i have enough to frame,i see youve been shooting bruce,kids seem to be having fun also,dave you keep getting them coyotes ,trent you gotta find a house with a honey hole for deer in the back yard :D take care guys :p

The house we been looking at we are going to put in some pictures and a offer to the bank and see what they say. If all goes well then we got to come up with the closing cost and paper work after paper work. There is deer tracks in the snow right in (Hope to be our ) Lawn ben. I got to cut this short,I got to take taining today cause state inforces it every year in order to keep my job. Fighting sleep is the most hardes thing to do in a boring class. Well take care guys and have a safe week.Where are those picture dave , keep them coming in.Hi guys i'm back , just turn on the tv and seen that ny city got hit from the storm and it was heading straight to you guys. We got not even a dusting on our cars. So I just came in to see how everyone made it threw the nasty stuff.Off again.
Hi guys, good to hear from you Ben. Have fun building your 'male sanctuary from the female species', I mean garage. Its nice to have a place to do some male bonding (drinkin, fartin, cussin and laughin) without upsetting the missus. I had a nice garage at my last house, but not where I live now. I sure miss it. Good luck with the house, Trent. Send any pictures you can. We didn't get too much snow. The wind swept some areas clean, but other spots might have a foot of snow. Roads are bare now. No dogs on the weekend, did get a cat though. Just a couple more weekends of season. Hope to get another couple of dogs. Still, how is that bow practicing going. Myself and other family members were in town dining Sat nite and after thought we would go bowling. Went to Kingswood, what a zoo! Man is that place ever being used. We would have had a long long wait for a couple of lanes together so we went back home to a game of dominos. Saturday nite, yawning and playing dominos, man, am I ever getting old. Anyway, from your pictures of fun in the back yard, I know you are out in Hanwell, but the pictures remind me of the subdivsion in back of the Kubota dealer "Harpers'? Did I guess correct? I know there are alot of subdivisions out the Hanwell, but I don't know the area well.
I did get out on Sunday to check on Birds eye and/or curly maple, but the other experienced person didn't show up, therefore alot of the trees I was looking at I wasn't positive if the were or weren't of special value, Some looked to have marks, but they weren't plentiful. I have to find someone that is experienced in this. I have talked to many with varying ideas, but what I need is hands on experience. More on this later.
Good quote from, Red & Green. I have one for you.....Take off you hoser.....who said that?
Hiker that would be Bob and Doug Makenzie EH.

Mooseheadread you are absolutly correct. I am at the back end of the Brookdale subdivision and you know it was a good move to make. We left the O'leary road and I did not want to leave but the wife and kids have made some good friends here and are loving having people around them. So what can I say. You are more than welcome to join us when we start shooting bow again but I realize that is a long way to go for you.

Hope all of you had a great valantines day.
Why thank you Hiker.

Have you got kids and have you watched the movie Brother Bear with them yet? I think the moose voices were Bob and Doug Makenzie. Laughed my guts out when they came on the scene in the movie.
:D Stilllearning,
Yes 4, What a gift from heaven!
No, we haven't watched it yet, but might have to go out and get it.
Those Makenzie brothers are funning!!!!!!Kinda wish they had another show.
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