camp pics


I guess it is evening here still , well I'm up and rest it some what.Got a few pics to post then i'm off again.Will start out with my sis and I will not mention her name or show her face cause she ask me not to.So here is a few pics of my hunting trip back home. enjoy everyone.


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some more pics

here is that morning with the sun coming up.Allso a cow moose which is not a great pic because of the tree's in front of her. But you get the idea


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another few pics

this is some water pics when me and dave went out to his brothers camp.


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sent marking

Well dave you should out of all people know to watch your self around me and a cam corder. dave was setting a sent trail here.


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last post for the night

Have a great evening all.


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Evening dave I see you are viewing the pics I hope you like *LOL* , Well I got to get going for now and will post the real naked pics of sent marking J/K later.
Hey there dave , How is everything sence I came home.I know the weather man was wrong about the weather again that is why I left to egt ahead of the storm.I tell you it took me 15 & a half hours to drive a 12 hour trip to get home. It was nasty from there to the far other side of bangor and I was smart enought to pull over a few times and take power naps. I'm here safe and sound and by the looks of things I'm glad I left when I did. Calling for snow here today coimg from the NW and heading your way,I look out here now and see a few flurries starting.Glad I'm here and not starting now cause I be driving longer in it and sharing the road with alot more traffic.Any ways I'm here and where is the rest of you guys Ben/Bruce. How are you doing bruce hope that you get your deer as well, we are all rooting for you.Ben you got to post a pic after you get that mount boil so I can figure if I like to try that as well if I get another chance at a buck.I got to days left here for archery but I'm not going out cause my luck I see bucks only and I can only shoot doe's. So I'm going to wait til saturday for shot gun and go out that way I got both tags. Going to try to get the wife out with me as well.I like to see if she can take her first deer with gun now *LOL*. way I see it she can show me up any time she wants to.I almost for got dave if you have not herd but jerry from the rooth took a buck tuesday on the gas line I guess.That is what noel said and it was a nine point. He shot at a bigger buck that morning and didn't hit it I hope. hate to see a wounded deer not found. I know that feeling all to well.Guess that be it for now,Like I said befor I'm getting more excited on seeing what is left after hunting season here is all said and done. Can not wait to get that cam back out there. Well that be it for now good luck Bruce and good luck to your son/brother/dad as well dave.Later
Thanks Trent and glad you got home safe. I realy don't expect to get anything now for this year as I only have one more day that I can get out. But you never know. Maybe next time you are up we can get together then for a coffee or something. We will eventualy catch up with ya sometime. If you come in the summer bring the bow and we will have a shoot at my place. I am hoping to extend our back yard range up to 40 yards next spring.
Opening day for gun season here.

Well I decide to go out today to try to fill my two tags we need to get threw the year.My morning started out me getting up and relizing the time change so I was late getting off.Got there and it was just breaking day light and by the time I got my stand and out there and up in it, it was light out. First thing I saw was a fox running across the field towards the geese in the pond. Then the silence lit up with world war II. After a few minutes I saw movement and it was a deer heading straight for me and I got ready. You never guess what it was, Remember me telling you about this huge doe and kid? Well I was watching her head for me and all the sudden she stop and stood there looking my way but she was way off to notice me. I notice the wind was right so was wondering if she remember the last time we cross path's. Any ways she did what I thought was so crazy she turn and took her kid into and across the huge field to the other side.About 10 minutes after she vanished into the woods a shot rang out and I new she was toast.(Thats what she gets for screwing me ) :D So after a bit I notice movement again and there was a doe and two kids , same thing across the field and into the woods. I'm thinking at this point that someone over there is going to have a good opening day. But there was no more shots.30 minutes later I notice a doe heading across the field again that I did not see her coming at all.So to this point the score is Trent 0 and the deer 6. So I shook my head and new that they all go that way so I thought.10am I look up and here comes a doe and she has allrady passed the trail that the rest took across the field and was heading for me this time.She was acting spooky so I watch her and took my time and decide to let her pass and shoot her from behind my stand.She walk the same way the nine point did that I shot. I got up turn and got ready I could see her and I place the scope on her but it was to much branch to make a clean shot so I waited cause she was heading for a open spot. She started to walk and three more steps she be mone but she stop and look the way I came in and she bolted out of there. I was piss for not taking her down when she was infront of me but that is what life is about making mistakes.I notice some thing moving where she look and I turn to see a dam coyote and I said that s.o.b was a gonner and waited for a shot but he turn and went back where he came from.At this point it was 0/7 and I was cold so I got down and head it for home for hot chili and a power nap. I'm going out tomorrow and hope to get another chance at those deer. OOOO Allmost for got I sat back down and next thing I new there was sound coming from behind me like a stampede and I started to turn to see and I herd a chirp so I didn't bother to turn I new what it was and 5 minutes later there they was walking by the stand I counted 26 turkeys heading up the hill. So that was my experience on opening day of shot gun. Hope to hear some good news from some of you guys until then have a good weekend and relax, Later.
this is the way my last day went.
Well I was out yesterday for the last day of the season for this year. I got to go out with my 79 year old Dad and we had a great time and met back at the truck for lunch. We stayed out for most of the day but the only thing I herd was what sounded like a buck rubbing a tree behind my stand. I could not get him to come out but it was neet to hear. We did see two deer but they were in a farmers back yard and he would not appreciate me shooting from there.
So all in all it was great year lots of deer seen a great first year for bow and even a great year for rifle but no deer. Well there is always next year right?
Good to see you had a great last day even thought you did not get a deer but it was great to see it ended great all-in-all.I was out again today but there was nothing but turkeys and squirrle all around me. Think the people next door from daughters place shot a turkey. I herd the shot close and after that there was feathers floating every where.Nice set of pics you got there ben . And where are you hiding at dave? Well I hate to say it but tomorrow it is back to the grind again.Good thing to look forward to is it is a short week here it being thanks giving and all. Our company gave us thursday plus friday off as well. So wednesday looking pretty good right now hump . Dave you need to come here and clean up on the turkeys here so I can try to hear movement other then squawking all day.Well guess that be it for now, take care guys and keep those pics coming in.
where did everyone gooooooooooo, dave what's up are we getting ready for old man winter (Never ready for that). I got up and the ground here is covered.What is new from you all, hows that deer taste ben.I took out two packages of steak for a bbbq last night and had to throw one away.I figure I cut off the dark part of the meat and it be fine, But when I open the package it stunk way to bad for me.I tell you if I loose over half of that meat then this guy will know of it. Any ways I got to get coffee into my near dead body to regenerate. Touch base everyone to let me know how you guys are and how is the family doing.
Hey Trent I have been around but have also been trying to catch up on the stuff I forgot...... Ok ignored while hunting season was on and man o man did I get reminder about some of them. :D |oo

OH well keep her happy for 10 months and she will forget before next year. |oo |oo

Your right she will never forget but at least I can get away with again by then. :rolleyes: ;) :D :p
morning all

Morning bruce I see you are online as well. And I here you there with the catching up and getting ready thing with the wife. Today we are off to daughter house for turkey and then who noes. Maybe a evening hunt. Yesturday I went out for the evening and on my way in I spook a deer . there was tracks where they ran right past my seat that I put there a few days ago.I seen a fox and had him dead to rights. But pass on it. Well not sure what to do with myself til this afternoon, we will see.
Hi guys, sorry to hear about your meat Trent. I have yours packed away in a freezer up here. Turned out pretty good. The butcher had weighed the quarters and yours was 133lbs. Mine was 132lbs. I had weighed mine field dressed at 190lbs, therefore with that logic yours was approx 191lbs. O yah, better add a pound for bigger head gear as well. I found your grunt in the ATV seat. Kevin and I spent 7 hours in the tree stand ( where you took your sister) on the last day. Saw 1 cow,2 calves moose and nothing else. I hear the deer take this season was way down.
Bruce, we will have to hook up for a coffee some evening in Frdn. I got a couple stks for you.
Good luck on the rest of season Trent. Keep us informed. I like reading your stories and pictures. DS
Hey there dave, good to hear from you and did you get any pics of the moose on the last day? I like to get one last deer for the daughter and I be done hunting as well. The second butcher we went to did a great job.Even the daughter could not tell the difference about wild game. But then again getting it befor they have a chance to rut is the best way of all. was gear to go out today but morning came and just didn't have it in me.Not sure what to do right now,Think I will get house clean up some what and cook dinner for tonight.Good thing about going out for turkey you don't and any leftovers and no cleaning dishes either.Well today is black friday so I will go out and see how crowded it is at the stores.So I need to get a list together and do alittle shopping. think we are going to have stew . wish I had my moms brown bread to go with it.Any ways enuff said , later.
I'm inpress

You swear I was trying to get lucky or something :D I think i did good today . I didn't go hunting and instead I clean the floors and had a few beer or so. I started out going to the store and getting stuff for stew and around 1pm I put the meat on. And I @ that poit I figure I get my hands dirty and clean so I did the dishes and after that I hit the floors. Then I relize I need it some floor stuff so off to the store again I go and get a mop and then off again I go to get polish to make it all come together. After that and a few more beer I freshen the room up with some sent candles (Nothing in the rut flavor). And listen to music and clean and cook all at the same time.Well not making you guys look bad or any thing, Beside how many of you guys wife read the message here?. If alot then you got some explaining to do *LOL* :cool: Well the wife going to be home in 15 so I will get off and make sure things are set for dinner/super.sorry for the pause but had to sprinkle stuff on the apple pie I git in the oven :p any ways feeling bad yet guys ? Well what can I say I'm just a loveing kind of guy :D Take your wife out and make her feel the way you like her to make you feel. (Get you mind out of the gutter). Have a great evening and if you are man enought you will show your better half this message as well. ooooppss the corn bread is done , later.
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