camp pics

hey guys,not much to say,got our staff party tonight,might have a big head tommorow,i would like to see some snow on the ground so i could do a little scouting for next year,sorry i could not meet with you guys,i wish the oppertunity would have permited me ,mabe next year,if any of you guys are coming to moncton give me a shout,later all.......big ben......
where off to see the butcher , the wonderfull butcher of ours.

Good morning everyone , Nice to hear from you as well ben. You want snow you can have ours that we been getting the last week. Well yesturday was a good day to go out but I stay home instead. this morning it was snowing out and I said the heck with it and got dress and went out. First thing was off course turkey yappen away then the squirrle was running around. Then they started to wine to let other animal know there was danger sround. Next thing I know I here one climbing acouple tree away from me and was wound up so I turn and there at the base of the tree was a red fox looking up and me looking down and he never seen me and walk off.I watch him move off til he was out of site and I turn back around to see a deer heading my way so I watch then another deer. it was a doe and a kid and every time she move I did and I got ready when she went behind a tree. She came out the other side and stop and I took aim. The old 20 pump bark and found its target . she drop and slid down the hill and it was over. I could of shot the kid but new he was last years and be ok on there own. But then again with all the deer there is no way he be along for too long.So here is a few pics and it will take at least a week to get it back which this time I under stand as you will soon see as well guys. Here a few pics--->


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here is the butcher yard

By the way I took a neck shot and that be why she drop fast :D here is why it is going to take a week.


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last pics

here is a couple buck pics as well.have a good weekend all , I to am going out tonight with the wife to her party from work. we are going to the sunset which dave if you come here I'll take you there on a friday for seafood. any ways later guys.


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These last couple of pictures make a good case for home butchering. My cuts aren't the prettiest but I know they ain laying around for weeks.
wow lost a long message grrrrrrrrr :BLEEP: , any ways make this short. they are cover from the snow that been comeing down here. mine and the rest are probly under snow by now as well.By the way nice bear pic you got there whisker :D
like wiskers said,what are those deer doing on the ground,is that a hillbilly butcher shop?i sure would ratter cut it my self if thats the case.looks like hunting season as been productive up there, see you later trent
legal or ilegal

I was up and watching the real tree hunting show this morning and I saw the stranges thing that shock david blanch and another guys boarding a plan and arriving in Alberta for a white tail hunt.Things was going great they got there late sunday and said they didn't have time to test fire there weapon like the rest of the guys that got there early on sunday. And they want to make sure they was still sighted in. Well here is where the shock took me by surprise. Show david the next morning seting up for a shot and I was watching as ha put his back pack on the hood of the truck and I'm thinking (NO WAY) but sure enought he pop off a round laying the gun on top of that truck. Guess it is ok in certain parts of alberta to fire from a truck/car ? I thought the only time you can discharge from a vichel was if you was a disable. What do you guys think about this ? Have a good day all later.
I don't know what happen to my post from yesterday but lets try this again.
I was in Houlton Maine this weekend and we headed up to presquile (spelling ay be a little off) to do some shopping. We hit the walmart and I found out that they had a sale on there buddy stands and had marked them down to $40. But they were sold out in no time. This is the stand I wanted as it gave you two harnesses and a stand that could hold 2 adults or an adult and a kid. At the end of the day we headed back to Houlton and I thought we would stop at Walmart in Houlton to see if they had any and how much they had brought the price down. The regular price was $98 and they had come down to $80 and they still had about 6 left. I told them what Presquile was selling them for and they said they would come down to $60. Knowing that in Canada it would cost me $69 for just one harness i said sold. Man I can hardly wait for next year now. :D :p hump
I can take my kids out and not have to worry about them falling out of a home made stand. I love it.
Trent, those deer pictures are gross. Can't imagine the meat being much good. I couldn't take my deer there. Some nice racks in there though, I don't agree with the deer laying around on the ground and I wonder how long the hides are left on.
Nice to hear Bruce and Ben are pumped up about next years hunt already. Trent was the only guy I knew that was like that. By the way, Bruce, I know where you can get a real cheap hunting lounge, ha, ha Trent. No, I know where Trent left one of his stands in the woods for next years hunt. Take 'er easy guys. Talk later.
let's try this again

Ok got to clear this up for all that see this the wrong way :) When I got there those deer were being brought out from inside where they was hanging . They are deer from yesturday and that day its self.I ask them how long they been there and they told me.If I got any hint/suggestion that they been there longer then that, I leave with my deer. Allso this is the same guy that did my 9 point and it is great eating. you can not tell the differencefrom wild meat or beef. The ones that have the snow on them was the first ones they brought out and by the time I got done putting down what the daughter want for cuts the doe was cover as well. I know what a bad butcher is , one that leave meat hanging for over ten days and god only knows how long it would of stay that way if I did not keep on him.Trust me if that doe ends up bad then my little video I got will be sent off and allso the first butcher as well will be in for alot of explaining. Cause you are not going to be greedy with money and waste my deer.All the deer go inside where they are hang and then brought out in the morning so they have room to hang skin and tranferr it to the cooler where it stays til they/you want it to hang. Like you said dave you like yours to hang skin for a week or so. I can see mine not getting skin that day but it better be the next day.Like I said I got any idea then I be park in the distance and videoing the daily events there.There enought said,Buddy stands not sure what they are here but I think I'm might drop off a application @ bass-pro for a secondary job.I'm going to wait another week and then ask daughter if we can hunt there for turkey dave and if so , would you be able to pick a week in may or do you want to do it like you said and we all travel back together at the end of may the long weekend for us here? I got to see what the wife time off looks like first,then we can go from there . if she can not get any time for the trip back home then you pick the week in may and I will take that week off my self.I went for a walk during my morning break and want to see if the deer are moving in a different area cause of all the active where I been videoing and sure enought they are right in alittle spot that I just might hunt for the evenings. Day light time not on my side as far as getting home getting ready and getting out there then I got a hour left if that. So might hunt there tommorrow night and the rest of the week til the weekend gets here and go out and join the gabbing turkeys in the morning.Well enought said for now and no one answer my question about the shooting ontop of the truck ? legal or ilegal . later guys.
same here as well it is illegae , so what do you think i'm a member of real tree . should I ask themwhat was that all about ? or is it ok in alberta.
Well Bruce I figure I send a message so message is sent as of now. just wondering what it was all about.There are so many rules to hunting here in this world. I just found out the last couple days that you don't have to wear orange while hunting in shot gun season.They are going to try to make it law and I be the first to back them up.Show a guy with orange on and he was talking about it for a few minutes then another guy that was standing there right be side him in camo took over. That was way strange all that time I didn't see him either. Here in the refugee you got to waer it and it should be all the time (Except archery). Know wonder there are so many gun injury/DEATH . Stupid chit like that. I pray and hope that they approve it for next year hunting. I hate to shoot a deer and the lead go threw it and hit a camo hunter on the other side that I would of seen with orange and not taken the shot til it was clear.any way it is off to work I go yeaahhhh, later all.
We even have to were orange (solid orange at that) during bow season. Some folks will wear it untill they get to there stands and then take it off and sit there in there camo outfit. but after this archery season and seeing deer up close and me in orange I am not so sure it makes that much difference.
Morning dave I see you are up and @ it first thing. Hows the weather there ,it rain here all night and now it is going to cool down and turn cold from now to friday.Hows that deer of your's taste.Think I will go out tonight and see what I can do . as long as the weather holds out.later dave and all.
Hey Guys ,hows It Going,i Came Down With The Flu,be Glad When Its Gone,i Was Suposed To Go Shooting Archery Tonight,at The Club,they Are Open Now,probably Next Week I Will Make It,got To Do Some Adjustments On Bow.i Imagine I Will Be Pretty Rusty,take Care Guys
They are open now ? What do you mean ben . Is this a new archery club or did they shut down for hunting season. Here the club I go to is close for hunting season which I don't under stand cause if I need to check my gun if I drop it then I'm screw.Hope that you feel better soon ben,hate this white stuf here, going to go out for a hunt tommorrow and what bothers me the worst is waking up to a cover ground of snow. Cause my tire are no good . this morning I left for work and when I went to stop the truck kept on going and if it was not for the light changing green just as I was entering then main travel road I could of been in some major problem.So there is another cost I was not exspecting. But this time I'm going to get winter tire's and keep the others for summer. Wow the sun peek threw the dark clouds for a second, must be a sign for me to go hunting tomorrow *LOL*. Any ways get better ben and hope to hear from you and the rest soon, later.
Morning everyone , For all that come in here I like for you to visit a thread call-> (A New Meaning To The Word Quick Draw). And take a moment to say hi to Erin.
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