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Still No Luck Tonight Boys,seen One Yesterday Though,one Of My Buddys Got One Tonight,i Need Some Luck Sent My Way,will Hunt Hard Again Tomorow,good Luck Guys
We are all here bruce , I take it the rain let up if you are going out today dave. I't finaly let up here as well so I went out tonight.Nothing show up til it was all most over with. (Loosing pin sight). I look behind me and there was a buck coming from where I enter and if his course was as the rest of the deer he would allow me a 13 yard shot. But I lost him in the dark pines and when I seen him again he was at the edge of my daughter field so I stood there a few more minutes . After that I look down and had no vision on my pins so I sat down and watch him walk along the tree edge sence it was light out there I could see him. You know if I try my old scent threw there he might of came right in. Saturday I'm going back out and might try draging a scent for about 50 yards. Ok here is a question for you guys, This buck went threw a area that the rest of the deer have been travleing threw. They are about 30 yards off . The only thing is that there are way to many limbs (Million) for a shot. I could move the stand but my view would not be as good. And I be set up in away that I have to draw back ahead of time and hold it til they came out of the brush. Well I guess I talk myself in staying right where I'm at. They will use that trail again and they have been after dark cause there are tracks in my fake scrapes the next day I go out.By the way as I was on the ground and getting my stand ready to haul out. The wood lit up with coyote every where. They was about 200 yards off heading in my direction. Any ways I got to go for now, later.
OK I have a question for you all. I was out with a buddy of mine tonight who has hunted for years and taken many deer but it has been 12 years since he got one. We were carying our rifles and when we came out into the first field (my buddy in front) he sees a deer and pulls out the binoculars to make sure it was a buck and it was. A nice 6 point and very large, he starts to take aim and the buck begins to walk so he fires. Never touched it he then lines it up again as it walks quickly for the edge of the field and I notice the tail come down and he stops. As the deer stops he fires again and misses again. I am now in a position to take aim and now the deer is not running but jumping across the field headed to the woods so i take a shot an don't touch it either. He is pumped and is now very upset at missing. He admits his heart was in his mouth and I think he buck feaverd and he says nope I have never buck feaverd. I look at him with a smile on my face and ask " Did your heart start to race when you saw the deer and did you have a hard time swallowing?" He says "yes".
I think it was buck feaver what do you think. :D :D He says no way as he has never had it before. :p
No, I think the problem is just heat of the moment, shooting at deer isn't something a person does everyday so we get a little excited when we do. Its easy to look back at the mistakes we made after the fact when thinks don't go the way we hoped. I think buck fever is when you don't even get a shot, you just stand or sit there and watch the deer look at you or have it walk in and out of easy shooting range without you even pulling on it. I don't ever remember having what I feel is buck fever, but I definitely have made alot of mistakes. It seems they are the deer that I remember, not the ones that I have got. We learn from our mistakes and we all make them.
Had a little bit of an experience last evening, when I went hunting, mostly scouting, I came up on a tree stand with someone in it. This person thought I shouldn't be there, well it was the first time there and quite unintentional. I left area as I was due back home at 6:30 and was running late. Anyway this guy calls my telephone number and asks me why I was in his area, I tell him I was hunting and when I hit his trail into his stand I mistook it for another trail that I knew. Anyway, he feels I shouldn't even be hunting, I guess. He claims he owns 200 acres ( not where the tree stand is though) and all the land in this area is only big enough for him, so to speak. Even went on to say that he better not catch me there again. You know its guys like him that ruin hunting. Of course, now that I know where the tree stand is and someone is hunting there, I wouldn't hunt that spot. That is etiquete. But I'm not going to stop hunting the area. Its crown land and lots of area for hunters. Trent, I'm pretty much sure you
know who I am talking about. I have heard stories about this guy years ago. Enough said. TGIF. Weather sounds good. Happy Hunting guys. DS
:D :D
OH I don't know but I think the first deer I ever shot at I Had buck feever.

I had a hard time getting the hamer back on the 32 special while this large 8 point (if I remember corectly) looked me in the eye. my dad beside me saying now can you see well.
IN one ear out the other I never even looked at the open sights :eek: and pulled the trigger. Was used to a single shot breakdown shotgun so I never even got a second shot. |oo |oo
I never even took the shell out of the gun untill dad said don't you have a lever action? OK why didn't you get a second shot off? He had a silly grin on his face while asking. :rolleyes: :D :p
My dad still laughs over that one and I am laughing right along with him.
That is what I thought it was but I see your point as well Mooseheadred. :D

But the memories with my dad are well worth the ribbing I still get over that and that was over 25 years ago. :D :D
Evening guys , Well dave three people come to mind that fits the moron catagory. Two of them there names start with a (J) and the other one starts with a (L). Any ways you got to show this trail so I can walk in there and in fact I will ask them if there is any room for me there as well. Or I can sit at the base of there tree. hump This is the way I see it , if you don't like sharing the area then quit hunting. You know I was born in the woods on that road and I hunt where ever crown land is. Anyone gives me a hard time and I will pull up tent right beside them.If you don't know someone is there then it is a mistake but to call you is another thing. Enought said on that *BS*. My day here was ruff , me standing at the big doors looking at all the sun and glory amd not being able to get off work.I have a headach that will not go away.tomorrow is a over cast day now sun/cloud with a chance of a few rain showers. You know dang straight that THAT cloud with the rain in it will be hanging over my stand.So I go to plan (B) if I wake up and it is raining I will see what the weather guy will try to guess for the whole day. And if it does not look good then I will get things together, Like putting my cap on and filling up my truck. need to get some food as well together. Well I need to find a few things and get ready for tomorrow. Later guys I got to get over this headach thing.
I was out with my 8 year old this morning and We saw three does but no tag for them and he pointed out a coyote that was quite aways away but I gave it a try for his sake. Man did it make his heart race. then he got cold so instead of turning him off of hunting because we stayed out to long I brought him in long before I wanted to come in.. but he is still only 8 and we were in the woods in the cold for over 2 hrs. I can not comlain about that.
I think he had fun.
Life is Great

Afternoon guys , it is 3:43pm here and I'm sitting down relaxing and having a cold one or two .... My dyas event, Got up and it was not raining so I decided to go out and give it a try. I got up @ 5:41am and jump online to see what was new. Good to see you are taking the little one out with you as well Bruce.I left here around 6:10 and by the time I got my things together and my stand on my back it was about 6:40am I head out to the woods and once I got near the place I decide to try a scent I bought call bucks surpreme tarsal. And place it on my pads that are hooked to the bottom on my feet and made my way towards the tree. Got there hang my bow and went over and made a couple scrapes then drop two drops in each hole. Got up in tree and sprayed myself down.(Scent zapper) Which I ca not find any more for the life of me. Look at the time it was 6:58am and I started to relax. I could see something in front of me but I could not tell what it was at first cause it still was not light enought at that point.I figure it was a fox and it was confirm at 7:31 when he came back and went across the field.So once again there I set waiting and at this time I can see the bins for shooting.So the morning started out as routeen with the squirrles around. I happen to look straight infront of me (8:33am) and there coming down the hill was a buck so I got up and got ready.He was I say about a small baster rack 4/6 pointer. He got to 20 yards and stop and was acting spooky cause he was right where the fox went out into the field. He made his way down the hill and right under my stand and was still skidious. When he hit where I walk threw head drop head and sniff and then turn and follow my tracks backwards from where I came in. He got close to where my first scrape was and went he seen it from a distance he drop his head and headed for the scrape, Which was a 13 yard shot. I drew back and as the arrow slid head bolted and took off about 30 yards but behind a tree.So there he stop and started back then change his mind and walk away. I sat down and watch him walk away feeling good knowing that he could come back later that day.So there I sit again and watching the squirrle chasing each other all over the place,I herd somthing behind me and turn and it was squirrle fighting. I turn back around and once again another deer coming down the hill and I was waiting to see the head so I new when to move and it was another buck coming threw following the same trail as the first one. when his head ducked behind the tree I look up and grab the bow and when I looked back there was another buck right behind this one. First one was a tall 6 pointer and the other one was a wide eight so I thought. I got up fast when both was not able to see me and stood ready with my knees shaking alittle.The first one hit the fox area and stop and acted funny like the other one. When the 6er move so did the eight pointer . The six came down the bottom of the hill just off my scrape and the eight came down and place his head right into it.I could do nothing cause the six was looking around.Then the six move and the eight start to pick head up and move and as he did he went behind a tree so I pull back and when he came out the other side he stop leaving me a 14 yard shot and I let it go.The arrow hit him and down he went and the other deer went up the hill and look back and I got another arrow notch and waited. he try to get up afew times and I try to get another shot on him but he was in the thicked. So I wait and wait then he gave me a open window from the front shoulder up and I took a steady aim and release and place another arrow in his neck. 15 minutes later he was down and out and I sat there another 30 minutes watching the six trying to figure out what the hell just went down and was wondering why his bud was laying there not getting up. After he left I got down and found out he was a 9 point and I'm as happy as shit on rice.I suppose you guys like to see some pics ??? well here are a couple and I guess we are going out and picking up the wife deer tonight.
10/29/2005 hunt

Here you guys go.


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last bunch

heer is the last couple picks


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Geese anyone

By the way the field here are full of these geese.


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Nice going Trent. I still dont understand why you want to come up here hunting when you have all that game there. Kevin and I were out and about yesterday. Saw 15 deer, no antlers. All but 3 deer were in fields that were too close to dwellings to be able to hunt. Some deer sign up in Vespra, and where we did go in the woods there was a fair amount of sign. Got your stove hooked up, tried a fire in it but didn't stay around to see if it heated things up. Val went across lines at Houlton, but she might be coming back thru Vanceboro and be able to get info you require. Talk to you guys later. DS
Thanks guys , and nice seeing you Russ, been awhile.Well dave it is like this i'm coming up there to relax and hunt for a few. kinda like a hunt/vacation for me. Beside it is not taking a animal that makes the hunt complete. It is spending time with friends and shooting the chit and playing crib (How the practise coming). I miss the smell of the burning off the wood stave and the quiteness and the land that I can rome at will. I will finish my two tags in shot season when I get back here if I get a chance. If we get one more we will have enought for us and I figure since the daughter likes it as well I take one for her since her and her husband allowed me to hunt there.Well guys it is early and I need to get things done. have a good one.
Nice Going Trent,real Nice Deer,saturday Was The Best Weather For Hunting So Far This Year,but Did Not See Anything,and Not A Whole Lot Of Deer Sign As Well,i Went To One Of My Old Honney Holes ,but Since They Lumbered The Place Pretty Much All Down Everything As Changed,they Sprayed The Chopings To Get Rid Of The Hard Wood[food For The Deer]any How Will Have To Work Extra Hard To Get A Deer This Of My Buddys Invited Me To His Property,seems Theres A Nice Buck Hanging Arround,he Got His Deer Already And Would Rather See Me Get Him Than Some Of The Ya Hoos Around His Place.and Dave Man O Man I Would Go To That Stand In The Middle Of The Night And Cut That Stand Down,i Mean Its Just Plain Rude What He Did To You And On Crown Land On Top Of That Wow,he Needs A Good Lesson.i Will Always Go Out Of My Way To Avoid Other Peoples Stands If I Know They Are There,i Will Respecta Certain Area But They Do Not Own The Woods Espescialy Crown Land.bruce You Gonna Show Me Some Pictures Of That Buck?seems You Are Having Better Luck At Seing Deer Than I Have So Far.good Luck To You Boys And Again Congrabulations On That Great Buck There Trent And Thanks For The Pictures.
ok I got a question for all , I'm not happy with the butcher and he knows it after telling me that the deer the wife got will be done tonight. I went on to say to him that this is way to long and he said he have it done tonight.I told him I was leaving soon and want it done tonight.I told him tomorrow I'm coming here and getting my wife deer and to have it done. He said he start it right now. I reply to him do you want me to leave a nasty message on your answer machine to make sure you don't for get.This is going on the tenth day and tomorrow if it is done I will be swinging to the other butcher as well and getting my deer.Here is the two question , one should have been mean to him and two what are your rights as far as this if you have any at all. Mind you I will never go there again.Night all later. By the way how long does meat last hanging in a cooler ?
You know Trent, I have found that it doesn't hurt to be hung that long. The local butcher here will keep it that long for me, up to two weeks. Some butchers charge per day that you hang an animal in their cooler, most don't, but some will. The only thing I find is the outer layer of meat turns dark, and makes more work for butcher to trim, and I will trim what he misses when I thaw out the meat to cook. But you know, the meat is some good. If I remember correct, the going rate around here is $.30 Lb for cut & wrapped. Sausage is more and I think he charges for the suet he uses in hamburger. The only problem I have is the plastic wrap he uses ( styro trays are ok) is very thin and meat will get freezer burnt quickly. Sometimes I will double wrap the meat when I get it home. Also I try to pick up meat from butcher as soon as wrapped as blood will seep out and get on outside of other packages making them a mess. Man, just thinking about this makes me want to get out there and 'Bag me a Deer', eh Bruce.
Good to hear from you Ben, Hows your hunting? From your previous photos of home area, it reminds me of Memracook area. Where do you live and what areas do you hunt?
Bruce, maybe Trent and I will get in to Fredericton and meet you at the Hilltop. Ben, any chance you will be in the area over the next couple of weeks?
Happy hunting Guys, I am knockin off work a little early today, so I get get some apples out and sit in tree stand. Let yoiu know how she goes. Later DS
Mooseheadred let me know when and I will try and be there.
Trent I leave getting up set for the last but I have given it to people to make a point. Once you have your deer make sure you make it very clear (in a calm but firm voice) that you will not ever be back and if asked by anyone were to take your deer he will not get a recomendation from you.
Drive carefully coming up and I hope to get to meet you but I understand if you are to busy. Family can take up a lot of your time.
hey guys,trent i know im mad as hell when i bring the deer to the butcher shop and he cuts it right away,i like to have it hanged for a week,if its not too warm out i will even hang it in my shed that way i know the butcher wont touch it too soon,i find it to be beter meat.that said,if you wanted it cut asap and he did not cut it ,i would be mad also.hey dave,i do live in memramcook,have you been in the area?my hunting has been slow lately,i can,t seem to find any fresh deer sign,ive been out to my best spots and still no luck.catch you guys later ,o and let me know when you guys meet my e mail is [email protected]
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