Caribou Gear Tarp

camp pics

last few pics

here are the last few pics of last night gobbleing.


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hey guys ,i believe baging a deer is wraping it in cheese cloth,and bringing it out,thats my guess,but ive been wrong for sighting your riffle dave,you can get a permit at the rangers office,you need to have permision from the owner of the pit,have an adequate backstop,and be far enought from houses,i went shooting again tonight.i made a rig for sighting in riffles.its a gun vise,i strap the riffle in,the front moves up and down to adjust,and i use a cable from a power take off to puch the trigger,it works some well i will try to post pictures sometime of it,no human error,less bullets to sight in just lock the cross hairs on the x of the target and bang,i hade a tree shot group i can hide with a dime[with reloads ]trent,i figured you would have that deer by now,are you waiting for the big one?bruce you seem to see alot of deer,seems the deer herd is looking a little beter,happy hunting guys,and good luck
what can I say

I'm not worthy I guess , We got out and got set up and after a few minutes here comes a deer running down the hill and another one following . She stop up and the other caught up and next thing we know they are doing the tangle hump then they contiou towards us. It was that little butting buck again and he found himself a girl friend.Guess he is practising for next year. So we watch him and her go by then out of sight and we was watching where they went and I herd something on the hill I look up and tape the wife saying here comes your chance. She turn and there coming down the hill was daddy buck. And as he got closer she got louder (hearing her heart) and I try not to laff cause she was tasting what we experience every time we get a chance. She look up at me and said I could take the shot and I turn my head indicating no. Never know when I get her out there again so we wait and I talk her threw trying to calm her down.told her to draw and she did and telling her to relax and focus on that honey hole and I shot him in at 14 yards and told her to aim a half inch high using the 10 yard pin and when she was ready slowly BAM she let it go and didn't she nail that suck right on target. we watch him run up the hill and next thing we notice he started to sway and I just sat there shaking my head. Then after forty minutes we herd movement from where the little ones went and hear coming up the trail was a HUGH doe and her kid. I reach for my bow and she was big , bigger then the wife buck at that. She got right under us and stop and smell the area then for some reason she look straight up at us and next thing I new she was out of there. After that I look up the hill and said to the wife do you feel lucky, she ask why I told her that turkeys are making there way down the hill and when I said that I notice another deer straight in front of us and it was to small and then two more deer came out and walk straight into the field. one of them was a shooter but they was to far away. The turkey figure it was safe to go out into the field since they seen the deer go out so they too took the same route as well. Well they say the proof is in the pudding so here is the pudding.
wife deer

here is what they look like


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sorry for the size , but I can not seem to use the wife camera at all on here. I know next time I'm going to use mine all the time.Well I going to bed and get up tomorrow to take deer to butcher and then i'm going to relax for the day and just do what ever.Any ways here you guys go and way to go honey. Can honestly say you GOT-R-DONE night all.
Tell the little lady NICE.
My day went like this
Well I took today off work and went back to were we put a tree stand in before the season. I was comming out for lunch and found a partrige to try my shooting on with a bow. Well it ran on into an area with alot of twigs but I wanted to know what would happen and this was a great time to find out as it was a partrige and not a deer. I took the shot and spent the next half hour looking for my arrow that hit a limb and took off. Missed the bird learned a leason and still found the arrow no worse for ware.
I went out to the truck for lunch and headed back to the stand ariving there at about 3. saw a rabbit run across the field and watched him play for a while. Around 6:15 I hear somthing behind me and start looking as far as I dare turn. I then see a set of legs comming and it turns out to be a doe less than 5 yards from the stand but behind me in the bush. I do not have a doe tag so she is out of the picture. I continue to listen and out she walks to the left of the stand and then I see another set of legs comming out. The heart begins to pump and they stop finialy they come out to reveal another doe. Well no buck but those does had no idea I was there and they were only 10 yards from my stand. Another good night.
well I screw up.

I hit the wrong button and lost my first message :rolleyes: any way I didn't go out today at all cause it rain all day. just a steady light rain and tomorrow may be the same. |oo I'm not sure what to do but since my days are getting shorter here for archery and I will be coming home soon I think I will go out if it is not to bad . I like to get a chance at that hugh doe we seen. Thing is she didn't get that way by making errors in her life,So she will be watching the tree I been using so if I go out tomorrow I will be scanning near by trees on the oppsite side. so while she will be watching I hope to be drawing down on her.Well guys I guess tomorrow morning will decide my faith. have a good week and I beleave that monday is the grand opening for rifle? Who all is taking it off cause of the fever (buck fever) . have a good night all later.
Trent you are right that Monday is the first day of rifle season and guess what ???....... It is suppose to rain up here on Monday. Supprise. Well we did see some deer today on the last day of bow season 4 does and a buck. buck was about 125 yards away.. I may be good with a bow but not that good. Even though we can hunt with the bow during rifle season I think the boom stick (303 British) will be coming out to pay a little visit on those deer that have been staying out of range of the bows.

I almost forgot to post the picture of my view for the day. you gotta love the outdoors.


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Congrats on the deer, Trent. Tell wife that she did pretty darn good on her first deer, bow and all. Hopefully she doesn't get the idea that it is too easy and lose interest.
At least you got rid of the 'not having any meat' pressure. Now you can shoot one of them darn Turkeys. Sounds like you had quite a day. When I was reading your post I thought you were going to end it by saying you were in tree, fell asleep, and were dreaming. Then I saw the photos and you are right, 'the proof is in the puddin'.
Saw your posts too, Bruce. I see you hunt close to Mactaquac. Do you see many geese? Do any of them frequent the fields you hunt?
I finally have my tree stand the way I want it, I am ready for season. Deer are coming in alot. I am not pleased with camera. Pictures are fine when photos are taken, but in most cases the motion sensor doesn,t trigger. Manual says good to 30', with a field 48' wide. At 13', field is 15' wide. Seems to only pickup an animal at 10' and direct in front and not all the time. I like photos, software and the fact it makes no noise at all. But the little, little green light that flashes to test area is so small you can't see it when you get 10' from camera. Its called a Stealth Cam, there must be a better product out there.
Happy hunting guys. Ben and Bruce, you guys getting out this week?
Well dave the pressure is off for meat but I like to get enought to last next hunting season.Geese are a pain in the ass here like the crows are back home. I call them the nusience bird here. And I was out here this morning in the rain and seen three turkeys in the field. I got up and it was misting out so I left the cam home.Dave I swear that once you see the vid I bring up you will want to come back with me.I wish you guys luck monday and save me a spike so I can have something to try my gun on as I didn't have any chance last year.Next friday is suppose to be the better day and allso saturday as well. If it is then i'm going to try it one more time then and after that hunt sunday morning and then put my cap on my truck that afternoon.I guess by the way you talk you not happy with the camera dave. find out where your boy got it and if you got the recipt. I had my hands on a few digal cam and not one I like yet. But I tell you one thing you will be inpress with my cam I got ( Cuddy Back) I love it and we will set it up some where in the woods.Well guys I got to get breakfest in me and a power nap will soon follow, So have a great one and once again good luck and post pics of those deer you get. Later
well we just got back from shopping and while I was there I decide to get my turkey license. Cost me $5 for two fall/spring turkey. weather or not i'm going to take the extra weapon with me is another thing. Could try it with the bow and if it does not work then try the 20 guage on them. will see what happens and get back to you on the out come.I'm back just answer the door and was given two dozen eggs for free. can not beat that. well the wife is done in the kitchen so I need to go and make dinner. have a good one everyone.
Mooseheadred you are correct I was up on Keswick ridge and got a nice view of the head pond. Geese are their as well and lots of them practicing formation at about 5 pm every day. Won't be able to get out till next Saturday morning and will be taking my son with me so I hope I can get my eye on one of the two bucks that up there. Even though I did not get a deer with the bow it was still a fantastick first season with a bow.
Take it easy folks and we will keep you informed as to how the next 4 weeks go. :D
yeah I figure it was like that there, here it is the same thing and I'm suffering from with draws the last two days. this weekend suppose to be great but I wonder if this is true. The weather report here is not batting a good average most of the time.Keep chin up be and soon it will give way. If not then I will try to bring the sun shine with me next week.
Well it is the same here as well and since I post a a few hours ago I am sitting here watching tv and I look out and next thing I know the rain is mixed with snow. it is snowing here right now.I try not to bring that your guys way.Well tomorrow is hump day and then fridays here befor you know it. Have a great evening. I got to send a email then I'm off to bed.later....
if you got snow it is easier to track and see were the deer are going. But on the other hand is not fun to sit in a snow storm eather as it is so darn cold. Take it easy on your trip up and if you have time look me up and maybe we can at least meat in Fredericton long enough to have a coffee together in an evening. Phone number is under my name Bruce O'Blenis.

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