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camp pics





Whats the easy way to clean a bird,anyone?

Kevin and I went down to Brian's yesterday early as we had to be back home by 3. Of course it rained and was windy, but when it was time to go it went calm and stopped raining. We caught our limit and probably threw back as many that were not hooked too bad. Kevin also caught a legal size landlocked.
Enjoy mothers day. We are going to have the usual Sunday meal ala BBQ.


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Nice looking feed of trout you got there. Allso notice that there was no fly's in those pics, still to early I take it. It is late here but I think I will go out for a hunt just to see what happens. we was out all day yesturday driving around looking for a car for the wife. Then after we found one we thought we pick it up next week. Come to find out they could have it ready right there for us. So we brought it home. I'll post acouple pics later, but for now i'm heading out for awhile.
Well i'm back and no luck on another turkey. Did have two deer walk by me around 9:35.
Here is acouple pic of my wife car. It is a Kia Optima and it is her first new car.

Well I try to pry it from her next weekend. But she did not go for it. So it is the truck that going to take me home. I think I got mother talk into making so brown bread when I get there. Looking forward to just crashing saturday with the smell of the woodstove burning. Think it be cool there in the evening and morning. Counting the days/hours/minutes til lift off.
i dident read the hole post but thought ide post some pics of some of the camps ive ben on here in az. ok guys give ma a break im new here .tyring to get my post count for the day.


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Those day are long gone for this kiddo. My back would kill me if I did that. Just thinking about it make my back sore. Nice pic airmark,new or old welcome.
Nothing like sitting around a campfire enjoying the sounds of the night.
I was in to your camp last night Trent. I opened some windows to air it out some, and I'll get back to knock some cobwebs down and dust it out. Maybe even hang some bedding out to air.
The blanket have been taken care of. It's friday and I don't got to babbysit. So I think i'm heading out right after work. weather not looking good for saturday and sunday. So i'm not sure what i'm doing yet. So you got the ground broke yet and the basement walls up? Or is the lakes still echoing in your ears laff. Well making this short and need to get the last day in. I'm at the woodshop today and there is not much to do.
I have a wedding to go to tomorrow ( supposed to be sunny all day). Sunday is slated to rain all day and Monday (holiday) should be a fishing day, yahoo!
here are some camp pics from this past years javi hunt. date stamp on digi is cam is wrong. jan 08 az archery pig hunt


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Hello Airmark, I always wondered what wild pig tasted like compared to pork. Which do you think it is better or are they comparable? Your hunting country is alot different than ours. I see in every pic there is some kind of cactus or pricky bush. Must be tricky on the ATV tires. I could use some of your hot weather up here, everytime I go fishing it rains, windy and cold.
Hey Trent, By the way when you come up make sure you bring a warm layer of clothing. Long range forecast shows good, but by God when the weekend comes around that seems to change. The only day this past weekend was nice was Sat and it was the day we had to go to wedding/reception/dance. Sunday was rainy all day, and Monday(holiday) was supposed to be cloudy/sunny periods and cool. Well, it was cold, cloudy and showers on and off, then turning to rain when we started our cookout. Nothing better than fresh pan fried trout and BBQ'd potatoes/onions.
We had no luck fishing until the third lake we tried. Wasn't great fishing, but at least we had some success.
Talk to you guys later and take care.


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as a everyday meal pork (farmed pork) taste better. i do like the taste of the javi tho that pig was my first archery kill and second (big game) kill in az. i was allways told bad storys about javi's so after i took this one i decided to butcher it my self. since i went to the trouble of all that (debone,cut,skin of the sinew,and wrap) i figured ide give it a try.with the help of some freinds at online hunting sites i tryed my first roast. wrapped in a pound of bacon,one bottle of my faverate bbq souce,a can of coca cola,some spices and fresh garlic. i put it in a crock pot for 8 hours.it was the best pulled unpork sandwich i ever had.the wife and fam loved it 2.so much the wife wants me to put her in for this year javi hunt so maybe we can have 2 pigs this year.i told her only if she goes archery only .she is still trying to make her mind up on that one. shes just scared of there looks. i did the skull my self allso.:D


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