Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

camp pics

The big field is right behind the blind dave.



Oh man, wish I was there (with a gun) on March 20th 7am and turkey season was open.
All my dreams would have come true. Scroll back in the photos to see what I mean.
Not much on this weekend. Did some work around house Sat AM and then Val and i went to Saint John to visit my aunt/uncle that we hadn't seen since Christmas. Sunday I spent getting caught up doing taxes and then we had our usual family supper. Did buy a new rod/reel combo in Saint John. It is a trolling rod and a reel with a builtin counter. I always wanted one, I think it is important, when trolling, to know how much line you have out. The old method of guesstimation by looking at how much line is left on spool isn't quite acurate enough. Works, but I think the counter is going to be great.
Kevin went ice fishing on Sunday and got 15 smelt. Trent, maybe by the time you come up in May we will have enough for a feed, LOL.
He would been about 40 yards away. The twelve gauge would of made it. But I don't know where the pattern would of been the most. Great news is they are use to the blind already. Well this past weekend was strange, neighbor next door came over saturday and said there was a racoon down by the truck. He said it was acting strange. As we made our way down the hill it was on the lawn and could not stand up. It sat on its rear and even fell over. New right then it had rabie and as we got about thirty yards it notice me and started growling and headed for me. So did the semi started to growl as well. needless to say the semi had a better bite to it. I thank the neighbor and we had it pick up. Glad the daughter was not coming out with "Little E" and it was under the car.
I for got to add this in as well. Knowing you got alot of snow there yet. Maybe this will convince you to come down for a may hunt.
Well here is a few pics of deer. I was at the camp yesturday and around 4:10 there was a lonner tom walking the hill looking for a mate. I check the camera and he either walk behind it or out into the field. I'm heading out and might move the camera. The deer are way off but you can see them. I think I will shoot a few arrows today as well. Enjoy guys.









That deer looks alittle interested in the camera. Are you turkey hunting on Friday or waiting till Sat. I am fishing on Friday unless its bad weather. Looks like our house sold so by middle of July I'll be in my new home. Our house was on the market less than 3 weeks. Sold to the first inquirer/offer. We got a bit more money than the minimum we were actually wanting, and a closing date of July 20th(by their request), which we needed so that we could get our house built. So I guess we were very, very fortunate.
Hopefully the ground will be started by the time you come up Trent. Kevin has bought a new Mini home and is getting his lot/land prepared now. He should be in his home by the time you come up. He is doing his bow license testing today. Next to you Trent, Kevin is the second person i know that gets so pumped up for the next deer season. More power to you guys. I am kinda anxious to check the ground out behind where my new house is going to be. I have seen lots of deer (does/lambs) around there but i have to find where the bucks hang out. Look, you guys got me excited now!! LOL Take care and talk to you later.
That is great news to here. Glad the house sold so quickly. Now don't forget to put alittle extra in the back of the garage. Where my spear room going laff. I hope that kevin did great on the archery. The prices here are going up another $20 on license. So I'm going to buy my NY lifer license. In four years it will pay for it self. Kevin going to have a shotgun wedding? I bet that would go over well with the misses. I'm heading out to finish cutting the grass, the tire was flat so I need to get a pump. I got there friday around 4pm and when I got out of the truck there was four toms walking up the hill in the left corner. Great to see them alone with out hens. Got a better chance to call them. Good luck on the fishing this friday and yes thursday night i'm at the camp waiting for opening day.Oh by the way I seen a nice blind that was $59 they knock off $40. Time to go and it is good to here you sold the house so quickly.
Well the neibor next door to the daughter house said he was up on there property. last night. I figure they said it was ok. The only reason he said this cause he stated that my cemera scared the crap out of him. Then I find out that they did not give him premission. Guest since he was busted he thought he cover his ass and confess. To me, he comes off as one of those people that think they have the right since they live there befor my daughter they have that right. Well he going to get a wake up call next time I see him.
And since it was not there property I can post there pic.Just wish I could fix the blurr in it.



He's probably looking for the plants he figures you have planted since you are there all the time.
Well it is final, the sold sign is up. I have to build a home and be out of mine by July 20th. Good thing we are going to contract it out or it wouldn't get done for 10 years, LOL.
Tomorrow is the opening day for lake fishing here. Calling for wet weather, but I still gotta get out. Let me know how you make out with the turkeys, Trent, and hopefully I'll have a few fish pics to show.
Good luck to all!
I seen the pics there dave. I even post a message as well. And it is gone as well. Long message stating no turkeys this past weekend. But today was a new day and last day for a jake to run freely. I'll post pics soon enought.
Ok here are a few pics from past weekend and todays hunt. The bird weight around 14lbs. And there was nospur cause it was a jake with little nubbin. beard was a whooping 3inchs long. But as I said befor i'm a hunt for food and it will taste great. First shot was about a 50 yard shot. then I finish him off with in 30yards. Funny thing there was only three holes in him. one pellet was just inside the skin and one on the rump. and the last was threw the neck.










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