Caribou Gear Tarp

camp pics










Nice to see so many herd it up. I see it is a NB site only as far as joining. Is RR you son? or it just a site you hang out at.
Just a site I read. Too many inquisitive people for me to post any action on site, especially in the fishing forum. I do get some interesting info every now and then.
That what those places are for. When are you going to post some of the white stuff in here. I for get what it looks like already. Temps are suppose to climb starting tomorrow afternoon. By friday it is going to be in the upper 50s so they say. Looks like a solo trip to the camp this weekend. Will see what takes place.
Not many pics. But I thought i would give you this one. Banks are dropping now and I suspect with plus temps this weekend there will be somemore drop. But there is still alot of snow to go before fishing season April 15th. The good part of all the snow is that it has insulated the ice and there shouldn't be the real thick ice that we had in the past years. I hope to try smelt fishing again this weekend. I'll let you know how i make out.


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Well it looks like I'm staying put for awhile. Here the snow is gone and last night it rain all night. Plus it was thundering out as well.I went to lowes saturday and pick up some roofing supply to extend the deck. Would of been nice to sit out there last night but the rain change my mine. I'll post a few pics from the cam. Not to many pics cause the battery finaly die out. it stop working on 3-3-09. So I got a couple day since last saturday.
Looks like this weekend might be the last try at icefishing. We are going to take shack off ice as required. We will try fishing that day as well. It has been extremely unproductive fishing for us, and what makes it worse is that some areas have had the best fishing in years. Guess thats just my luck, LOL. I will get some pics this weekend.
Good luck this weekend. I'm once again off to the camp and this time I hope to have a roof over the deck. Here are a some pics of the weather here and the cuddeback befor the battery went dead. Tonight we are off to your favorite place. "Chillis".









By the way I talk to Helen this past friday and told her I was sitting on the deck here in a t-shirt. She could not beleave the difference in temps over a 12 hour drive.
Here is a vid of all the snow geese that was flying by. I was not thinking at first til two hours went by I could be filming this crazy chit. There was thousand and thousand of them. So I took a vid of a few.By the way it is raining here as well.

Well soon you will look like us here. And then I will drop in for a visit. Today I bike to work and was hot coming home. I bought a full strutting tom this past week. Getting set for spring hunt. Work is slow because the contracts are going to china grrr. Thing look bad this year. That is about wraps up the week here. You got all the house plans set. Got any buyers for your place?. hope thing go great this spring for you. And if you see bruce around give him a kick. I think he move into the church and living there.
We got the ice shack home last weekend. There was still 18" of ice, but the rest of the weekends are pretty much booked up, so we got it now. The fishing was terrible again. We wont go there next year. Will try another location. As well, the setup of shack will be a little different.
Your looking forward to May 1st for turkeys, but we look forward to the opening of Lake fishing on that day. The opener is on a Friday, and although I don't have vacation, I dont plan on being in my office that day, or the weekend for that matter.
Yup i'm set for this spring hunting. I hope that you find a better place next year. You guys never had that much bad luck in one area. Guess the next time you make a cast will be on the lake's. I hope by then the snow will be mostly gone. I talk to mother last night and she said it was raining. Allso told me that there are deer hanging out by her feeder. Might have to bring my bow this fall. Well the weekend is almost here again, I'm heading to the camp and will take a few pic of the extended roof. I had a few pics and they seem to be gone so I will take acouple more. Here is some from this past weekend that I was able to find. Maybe the wife can find the rest when she gets up.


Here acouple pic of the fire we had by the camp and in the woods.I lost my pics of the blind set up as well.



Your camp is going to be pretty nice Trent. Wish I was going there this spring to do some turkey hunting/lake fishing. Next year maybe. That would be a great vacation.
well with the gas droping we could get out for some lake salmon. I know of a boat that we maybe able to use. Just got to fill it up and away we go. Thats if he still has it, I will check it out this year and see what there plans are for keeping it one more year.Well I just got done looking for those pics and nothing. Guess I learn a lesson today. I'll make sure they stay on the camera till I know they are on the computer.
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