Kenetrek Boots

camp pics









This dog is out there all the time. getting alittle tire of him running around. But don't want to get my daughter neighbor pissed.





pic how my camera is set up.

Last time I left there I notice there was eight deer laying on the hill side. I took a quick pic then had to move on because of a oncoming car.
Thanks for the pics Trent. Looks like all animals eat the bait. Is it corn? Its cold with snow flurries here today. Not much going on here, last weekend I was up to your camp and dropped off some wood to make some tree stands. I was just cleaning up around my yard, and thought it would be easier to take it up there now when things are frozen, then in the spring when it is muddy.
I have to get my ice shack ready as fishing will be starting soon as river is safe.
Take care you guys, talk to you later.
Wow has it been that long since I have been in here. I was sick over Christmas break and was not on the computer much at all. club is going real well. I think I posted pics of the article in the Daily Gleaner here in town on our club and my interview. check out the posts under the bow section on the first page of the forums.
Things are going OK but not great. Just means that things can only get better right? hope they do soon too.

anyway gotta get back to work. Happy new year guys.
Morning guy. Well one proud gramps today.
Sorry about the wait. I'll post more pics later of him. Got to make sure it is ok with the parent.

Was a busy mid week all around. Got to relax alittle and finish burning the last brush pile I had. Here are acouple pics of a relaxing weekend.






Wheres the marshmellows? Congrats on the grandson. Hope some day down the road you teach him the finer art of hunting and fishing.
Cub and I got our fish shack set out yesterday. Our first one ever. Now we don't have to worry if a shack is available or not. All we have to worry about is if our shack gets vandalized. We only have about $50 into it, but its the time spent getting it done (3 yrs) LOL. We only fished 1.5 hrs and caught nadda. All reports aren't good yet, but at least we will be ready when the smelt start to run.
Hopefully I'll get a few pics later to pass along.
Enjoy your week guys.
I don't know about the finer art. But I will teach him something laff.Great job on the shack even thought it took a few days to build.I hope to see pics soon of all the fish you catch and the memory you share out of that shack. I been laying low for a week and relaxing. waiting for this snow to go away and start planing trips. Got three set and need to be more healthy to keep up to the little one. Have a great week everyone and I will see you on here later. Right now a power nap would feel good.
Took my grandson to ice shack for a couple hours fishing and all we caught was this Tommy cod. Smelt fishing isn't very good right now. Probably towards the end of Feb should be better. But it is nice to get outside every now and then.


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need a pic of the shack there dave.look like it was nice and warm in there. The smelt will be there soon enought. next time you go out take a pic of the snow as well. Allso are going out with your neibor traping? hope the temp are ok. Well time for the work week to begin.
Yes, I'll get a few more pics. It was nice and warm in there. Even without a heater I had to take off my coat. Once the sun got down behind the mountain it wasn't long cooling off. Cub and his girlfriend went there yesterday for a couple hours and all they caught was a Tommy Cod as well. I haven't been out with neighbour trapping yet as I always seem to be doing some work on Saturdays and Sunday we usually have a family day. He is doing fantasitic trapping though. Up to a couple weeks ago when I was talking to him, he already had 17 coyotes and a couple cats ( other stuff as well). I think the only season open now is for coyotes and maybe cats.
Lots of snow around here and the snowmobilers are taking advantage of it. I think the cold weather has everyting froze up pretty safe as well. Calling for snow at the end of the week, but that can change.
Have a good week guys.
Well everyone got the winter blue yet. I think this weekend i'm heading for the camp here. Stop in and visit the grandpup. I got a feeling I will have to shovel the yard there in order to park. Need to work out alittle anyway.Just remember to take my camera, I put everything in one place to make sure I don't forget it. Taking my gps out as well and see if it is time for a new one. Since it was acting up on my last trip there. Speaking of trip there. Looks like I be on the road the last week in may. I hope that the snow there is gone by then.I know your going to laff when I tell you I got another ground blind dave. But this thing is sweet. I'll take pics of it. Takes about a whole minute to set up or down. well time to get ready for our last day or work. enjoy the weekend all. Bruce where you hiding at. hope thing are going great at the church. I read the story that was in the paper,sweet.
Here are acouple pic from this past weekend.




I like this seat and can not wait to try it out. well dinner done and I need to relax. later guys
Must be nice and toasty in there as you are wearing just a t-shirt. Is there room to draw a bow or aim a shotgun? I like the blinds and think there use in certain places are pretty good.
Ice fishing was a no go this weekend. I went trapping with neighbour on Saturday and yesterday we had a Birthday party for my father. Man, there is alot of snow in the woods. Buddy caught another cat but it was half eaten by another cat as the tracks by the carcass were in fresh (2 hours) snow .
Gotta go. See ya.
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