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camp pics

Let me see if I can get this all on here and right. We did in fact have our wild game dinner at the church last night and I was able to make it for the most of it. I also remembered to take the camera for a change.

They had got someone to bring in a few mounts and had them set up more over by were the dinner was in the gym.

Also just inside the door someone had managed to get some door prizes for a draw at the end of the night.


I was a little disappointed in the fact that only one of the three that said they would come and set a small display of there business and talk to people about it came. But he did get to talk to most of the folks that came in.
Thanks to Jack Mason of River Valley Archery.


I did in fact set up a quick display of what we have as a set up at Arrows4Christ and set up a laptop with a power point presentation showing some photos of our shoots and trips we made to shoot in Old Town this summer.




We started to eat around 6:30 with the meal



and around 7:30 our guest speaker stepped up and give his lecture.



There was some good information about our area and what can help us up here while hunting. Things like the shades that a deer can see, why the rut starts and they say it is not the cold weather but it does help but it is the length of day that is the real starter of the rut. The shorter day and more darkness there is then the rut will start. If you find a good path that is wide and beet down it is probably a doe path. The bucks will be 20 yards to the side of the doe trail that is down wind. So leave the beet down path and look down wind of the prevailing wind and you should find a smaller less noticeable trail. That is the buck trail so let your stand in that area if you want a buck.

I had to step out around 9 pm to get to the high school to help with the take down of the set for the production that my daughter was in this week. Ended up that I didn't need to leave as soon as I did but ....... All was good. We got the set taken down and finished around 12:45 and only had to wait another 45 min before my daughter showed up from the cast party and said Dad I am tired can we go home now. 1:30 leave time instead of about 2:30 I was in.
Took her boyfriend home and was in bed around 3. Up at 9:30 to get breakfast and then back to bed until 12:30. man it felt good to sleep that long. I would have to say it was a good day all around even though it was really tiring.

Hopefully we can make the wild game dinner bigger next year but for a starting year we got around 50 people so we were pleased.
Very nice set up you have there Bruce. Inpressive that many people show up so close to xmas. Guess all you hard work payed off. Maybe you can get out the flyer in store and see what the the school say about coming in and putting on a show some day. Keep up the work and the crowds will pile again after xmas. Have a great week and i'm thinking of taking this thurs/friday off since the 7th is the last day of shot gun and for me to hunt. Even thought there is another week of bow and muzzel I quit after gun season. later all.
Kudos to you and your gang on the meal/seminar Still. Looks very organized. I'm kicking myself for not taking the time and attending. Hopefully you have a second one and I'll make time.
Hi Trent, I'm headed to camp this weekend for some cleanup. I'll let you know if I find any lost treasure.
No worries as there is always next year. One fellow even won a weekend duck hunt down in the canan area I do believe. It ended up going to an older man that it will be great for him to get out like that.
The more the better Dave. I'm off for the rest of the week. Tho they say tomorrow is the best day of the week . snow/rain off and on the rest and mixed for the weekend.
Have a good one and I will keep you inform.
Afternoon everyone. Well wednesday was a great day weather wise. Around 6:51 a fox came running off the hill. Then as it was daylight I herd the turkeys stirring up. Around 7:07 I herd a strange noise then as it got closer I new that sound. It was a loner coyote coming to the field edge. Still way up on the hill and to far for the 20G to make. He turn and headed up the trail and I made a squeeking noise and he turn and start back but then decide he wanted nothing to do with it. And all the sudden the wind shifted and blew up the hill.After acouple hours I got down and sat in the blind for a few then call it a morning. That night nothing, not even a cluck from a bird. Thursday was not as good weather wise and after a few hours I call it a day. I spent the night home cause I want to watch survivor with the wife. So I left all my cloths at the camp. I thought going to the out house first thing in the morning was bad. Dang try putting on cloths first thing that are cold. So I got ready and out I went to the tree. Around 7:18 I caught movement and it was a deer so I turn and waited. Not sure how big it was ,cause it was running around and I kept getting glimpes of it. Because it was on the other side of the hil and poping up here and there. I figure it was either a buck running a doe around or a kid horse playing. Then half hour later I turn and here come a doe and another doe/kid behind her. I got ready and she stood there sincing (As They Always Do) That something was not right. I was ready hoping to try for a double and end my season. I seen another deer out of the corner of my eye jump the fence and headed across the field. I new the rest would follow and as soon as the doe seen the deer in the field she turn to go back. 7:57 baaaa/BOOOOMMMMM doe down. The other doe and kid ran up the hill and I turn to see what went into the field and it was another doe/kid witch seen the ones heading up the hill. They came back across jump the fence and head up the hill as well. So with all the rust from sleeping in this morning and geting out paid off and here she is.

Tomorrow is the last day for gun. But the weather suppose to get nasty. So I came home and think it is going to be over. Onless I get up to good weather laff. Well I need to get thing unpack and relax with the wife and watch a movie she pick up.By the way here is a few pics of the deer posing for my camera. I think they are rubbing it in just alittle,enjoy.













That be it for the night. I allso change the timer to a minute.
If need be I will change it again. have a good evening all.
Yup all toms and saturday I had 33 turkeys come out into the big fields. I count eight toms and two were "HUGH" and there beard was draging on the ground when they walk, One was strutting. Allso there was 11 jakes there with the little goatee. By the way how did you make out at the camp, Find any gold/silver/$$$? Did you make it out to the road on the right. And did you guys get any snow yet. We got acouple inchs. I hope that it stay so I can burn those brush pile and relocated my ground blind close to the hill to over look the big field and clear alot of dead trees for turkey to see the decoy when coming off the hill.Interest in a trip in may Dave? I think I can get a boat with the whole system set up for lake ontario. I know I can get the boat if they still have it. not sure about the fish finder if there is one. huh huh laffs. Well time for me to deadicate myself back into the work force and stay put til spring. stock pile the vacation. Later and hope thing pick up at the archery club bruce.
Thanks Trent. I know it will once we hit the full out winter season. Glad to hear you are managing to get the freezer full buddy.
I have started a post in the bow area that will have updates on the club. just thought more might want to see what is happening.
Pretty quite in here, I just got back from the camp. I was going to pull the camera til spring. So I did not bring my sd card to swap with the one that is in it. After viewing the pics I left it out to see if I get a front picture of this nice buck. I even move the camera to the lower trail where all the tracks are going and set up a scent as well. I beleave it is either a 10/12 point. Best deer I have seen since moving here. I'll post pics next week and hope to get a few more of him.
Ok here is the pic of the buck that is out where I hunt. I think he is either a 11 or 13 point. I'm almost temped to borrow a gun and see what happens. But I got enought meat til next year. Just hope he is on my camera next Oct.

Have a great weekend guys.
I know everyone been busy befor xmas and honey to do list. But come on where are you all hiding at, Santa steal your computer's. How have you all been back home and did you get what you was hopping for. All the girl show up xmas eve here. So I got my xmas present to have the family together. Think the shooting will pick after the new year Bruce? Going to make a few more trips to bangor I'm betting. Dave got that blue print down to a science. Where is my spot at? I like a tower to look over the field there :). Hope the weather is not to bad there. We got alot of snow here, then it turn warm follow by rain and when I went to bed last night and got up today most of the snow was gone. Today i'm off to check out a future shooting range.I hear that it reach out to 400/500 yards. Give me some practise on long shots and allso sight in my new scope for my 300. Well let have it, how is everyone doing?
Wake up people laff. I got acouple pics to post. One is where I set up the camera in the snow one day. And the next day most of the snow was gone. And after speaking to you on the 30 dave when I said there was no snow here at all. Well guess what I woke up to the next day. Even our work close that day but I was there when they did and stay the whole day. Have a great weekend all and happy new year.


Here is what was in the field the day I took my rail down from the stand.

And of course the day after my phone call to you dave.