Kenetrek Boots

camp pics

Hi fivepoints, yes those are just the tops of stands that Trent wanted to show me. Usually when Trent is hunting he is very high in the tree, even higher than what those tree stands allow. I am the one afraid of heights and use the stands that are only 12 to 15' high. Although in my defense, sometimes in the woods that we hunt, the higher you go the harder it is to see any distance as the foliage is thicker higher up.
Happy Fathers Day to all!
I'm a 20 plus climber. like dave said,depends on the terrain. but hunting open cuts and where there is no underbrush i'm aways up there. Those stands were given to me, so I post acouple pics.Happy farthers day all. it is raining here and it might stop by the afternoon. (So the Weather person says). I'm not holding my breath.



Hi Trent, Looks like there are a few turkeys hanging around. We moved into our new home this weekend, and we have a pile to organize. I received your deer license today, and I will keep it in safekeeping. I am not sure when the deer draw is, but i see there are fewer tags drawn in zone 21 this year. Guess we will see how it goes. Gotta run. Talk later.
You need to post some pics of your new place. email them to me when you get time.I figure you be busy for awhile.Just got to hope we get our tags this year.I'm looking forward to explore those cut in the back right side right where you set up on the road with the lean-to last year. That corner seems far enought away that no one will see one of the ladder stands I'm going to hang. Plus with the decoy and alittle sent, things might work out good.
Nice to see a set of antlers. I haven't been out scouting yet. Too busy with new home. We are in home now, and trying to get organized. I have attached pic of house. It has been so wet here, I can't get on lawn to put down topsoil/grass seed. Lots to do. Looking forward to hunting season though.


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Looks nice there dave. which room is mine this fall :D Wow can you beleave it is going to be Aug1 saturday. I think I need to hit the bow alittle more. I allso been biking all summer as well. Hope you are able to get out and do some fishing befor it is all said and done.
I am missing the fishing big time. The next three weekends are a bust. This weekend is slated for trying to get a back patio and front walkway into place, and lots of other touching ups. We decided to have a 20' x 24' garage built to store all my junk. This may be your room, LOL. No, of course we have a spare room and a den that is usually empty. I plan on getting a big screen tv (50") for the living room, so we can watch the hunting shows to get all pumped up. I was dreaming last nite and you and I got 3 turkeys all at the same time, with a bow mind you, just one bow. That would be quite a feat, LOL. I will probably drop up to your camp this weekend and leave a few things for future tree stands, etc. I most likely won't get out to your stand until after Aug 15 (Kevins wedding), may even go fishing after that weekend as well. Take care, talk to you later. I have attached a couple pics of your spare room and den.


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Trent, I was up to your camp on Wed evening to drop off some PT boards and other wood that might come in handy to build a tree stand. Noel must be keeping lawn mowed as everything looked very nice. I see the lumber companies have two roads crossing the train tracks, one being across from Tracy Brook Road and the other across from the camps (Tracy's?) at Rooth. There are no cuts as of yet. Your camp road isn't showing too much travel, but I do see someone hauled out the old culvert and leveled the hole there close to the start of the camp road. We had our wedding rehersal party last evening and the weather was great. Big wedding tomorrow and the weather is going to be clear and hot.
humm keep in touch with the cutting. next time you are there take a drive up the road and see if there been any work on the road. I'm concern about the camera. laffs, that be my luck I set up a tree house in the soon to be middle of a cut. Think I will call xmas and see if he knows of anything going down.







