Kenetrek Boots

camp pics

There is some c'here deer here, LOL, thats a mouth full. There is enough here and I'll put it down prior to your visit. When are you coming up? Season starts Oct 26 and ends Nov 21. I'll put some apples out at stand as well. Looks like me and my grandson will be up to your camp this weekend, I'll put some bait in and check your camera. Talk to you later, and good luck on the turkeys.
Thanks dave, by the way since your out that way can you find a chair to throw in the stand. allso do you got any black felt left from your house to cover the peek so if it rains it dose not come threw. If there are pics on the camera and it is stuck just take it out of there and I will take the whole thing to walmart to retrieve the pics. that place you said is away up the road might be worth looking into. I got a pop up blind that can go into there. eleven more days til archery season starts here. getting alittle pump. Oh almost for got, they say if you put salt on the apple the bears won't touch them. something to think about. well enjoy this coming weekend. I will be there around nov 6 there about.
It opens here nov 21. I will be heading back that friday morning the latest. so the six til then gives me two weeks there and I may try to get out of here sooner. When I get back here I got the following week off as well. plenty of time to put acouple deer into the freezer I hope. But then again if I am able to take acouple deer in archery season then that last week off here might roll over to three weeks there. time will tell.
Well you are going to be here for the best of the season. I am looking forward to it. I'll be able to get my daughter to watch office some and be able to have more time to hunt, I HOPE.
Maybe you can get out to see your brother early season then you got it out of the way. I'm getting set for this coming saturday. don't look good weather wise, but we got five days for that to change.Do you got a heater there I can use for the tree house or do I need to bring one of mine?.







How is the leaves there right now. here is a pic from the camp.

We are suppose to get a frost tonight. hope we do so I can see up the hill alittle better come this weekend. Getting the itch alittle more, was out for a turkey hunt saturday morning and after a hour it start to rain so I hunted out of the camp.

Well I hope you had a good weekend. How did you make out at the camp, were you able to get out and see any thing. get any pics on the cam.
What a great fall day. Fairly windy, little cool but nice and sunny. Got a lot accomplished today. Did some office work this morning. Then Cub dropped in and we went out back to pick a spot to build a tree stand. We found a spot and put my trail cam and apples out. We will be back to build stand next weekend I hope.
Then we packed atv and went up to your stand. Found that your trail cam was busted open and had some teeth marks on it. We put some apples out and some C'mere deer. Put some roofing on your stand and went up Franks road and put some apples out at the spot i mentioned to you. Cub did shoot 3 birds from the short period ( 1/2 hour) from the mouth of the road ( your tree stand road) on Franks road up to the spot where I put the apples which is .9 km ( 3/4 mile) and back again. Probably would have been a great bird day but we had to get back as Cub had a Thanksgiving meal with his inlaws and I wanted to do some work on my garage.
Anyway it was a great day.
Oh yes, trent, your camera isn't too bad a shape. One of the lenses on the box is punctured by a tooth and the box can't be locked anymore ( the normal way). The film indicator was on 'S' and I have a feeling there are no pics, as when I opened it the film was not wound up. That thing works crappy for me. I'll check the apples later.
Send me some pics of your turkey.
bear hitting the camera I see. at one time it was a great film camera. but after six years it wore out. The S symbole mean the film did not take when you loaded it. I walk infront of it to set it off so it takes a pic or two. I'm bringing you that ladder stand so you can have it out back your place. good thing I have the bear box with my cuddeback capture. funny thing I bought it cause a guy said the bears love the taste of the cudde,laffs. No turkey pics yet. this weekend I hope that the weather stays good on opening deer season this saturday. five sleeps til the hunt.
Here is a few pics. Couple of Noel and his moose, and Cub with his three birds.


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yuummm getting hungry. speaking of birds . what shell shot should I get for hutning. what you using for your twelve? looks like you got some rain in your yard. so I have to ask how the stream is as far as crossing to my tree house.right now it is raining and i'm alittle tire of it. keep me posted if I need to bring wadders.
Funny you ask about the stream and what water is around. I had a little chuckle to myself when I was in to your stand about what I was going to tell you to wear. I was thinking NY hunting boots (sneakers), LOL. But no, just a pair of rubbers (insulated of course) is fine. We had no problem with stream.
I have lots of shells for your twelve, so don't bother bringing any. I have gotten away from using 7 1/2 and 6s to using 4 and 5's as I find this allows less pellets hittting bird and better penetration with the few that may hit it. I do have lots, so don't worry.
Rained again yesterday, clear and cool the rest of the week. I think I'll sneak away from office and check my trail cam today. Have a good day.
cool but then again there is a few weeks befor I get there. just hope it does not rain like it did last year. Is your trail cam set up in the same place as always,down to your family house.Got any plans for the weekend there. I'm going to take the wife out for dinner tonight then right after that i'm heading straight to the camp and setting up the ladder and putting in the seat for tomorrow morning. got to do it in the dark tonight so i'm not messing around with it in the morning.well time to get the weather foecast and see whats happening this weekend. have a good one.
(Saturday) Weather here was nice, at 9:16am I had a six point come off the hill behind me and he watch the cows in the field befor walking down the fence line away from me. and at 9:36 another four point came out of know where and was past my first shooting lane. I was ready for him to cross infront of me. But he got wind of me and head full throttle back up the hill half way then walk away. Sunday 7:25 had a fox walk threw 7:35 there was a doe in the big field and little one that could not cross the fence yet,mother turn and went back to little one and left. 8:12 doe and two kids came off the hill but stay out of range and walk right by me. good weekend even tho I did not connect. funny thing I seen nothing in both evening. this weekend coming it is going to be morning hunts only. got to get ready for my three week trip.
Cub and I put up the lounge out back of my home. We were going to build the full fledged tree stand, roof and all, but the neighbour across road saw what I was doing and came over and made note that he hunts up back as well. I didn't even think he hunted. Anyway, we came to an agreement and now that I knew someone would know that I had a stand up there, I don't want to go full scale. Besides I wasn't quite pleased with the spot as the only legal weapon I could use was the bow or shotgun with buckshot. I finally got my trailcam figured out again, with the software to view pics. It was quite a project as I couldn't find cord so I had to buy another USB cord. The cost of the cord would have went a long ways towards another trail cam. So I went to lounge stand to set it up and I see there was a bear at my apples. Looks like a beer license is in store. Anyway the neighbour said there are alot of deer in the area and he described their moving habits. He said there is a large 8pt in area for the last couple of years. Cub mentioned a friend of his saw a large buck by my house last week, whether its the same one or not I know as long as there are lots of does then there will be some bucks sooner or later. The neighbour did come up to my stand so I would show him where I am, and guess what, he had started a ground blind not 50 yards away in the woods. Anyway as I mentioned, we will deal with it.
On another matter Trent, if I do wish to get a trail cam down there (moultrie $99) do you have the funds to pick it up and I pay you when you get here, or what arangements can we make. I am not sure I'm going to do this as I want it for Cub's xmas gift. I would like to save it until xmas but I know if I get it now then I will probably give it to him now.
Talk to you later.
Morning dave, you can call basspro and tell them that i'm going to pick it up for you.Either way we can get the camera for you. Neighbour across the road is a macdonal? I'll bring the ladder stand for you to throw up in there.Stand did not cost me anything so if it disappears then we know what neighbour you got around there.50 yards from your stand with a rifle hummmm don't sound good. On another note I Took tuesday off and you never beleave it that the six point came in the same spot and did the same thing,walk the other way. But this time I seem a few deer go down in that corner and did not come out into the big field.So that tell me they are bedding down there threw the day. So what do you think I can use as a scent they don't like and place it in there the evening befor the next morning so they decided to come my way. I found out he comes off a trail and hits that ATV trail and walks to the end of it to look into the field. Going to place a drag line there this saturday morning. But I want to make sure they don't just go down to the bedding area. what do you think, Wife hair spray soaking some cotton and laying it out. Ok remember opening saturday I talk about the four point coming off the hill, I got a pic of him and if you can zoom the pic you will see me up to the right standing in my treestand. here are a few pics and I wish I would of took monday off.
Four point opening day




Hey Trent, How did you make out with your latest trail cam? I checked mine last evening, and my apples were gone and there were no pics on cam. It was showing low batteries and I am pretty sure the batteries were only two days old. What a piece of S--T!
Cub and I went for a drive to Lyons Stream/ Cork then to camp for a moose tbone and potatoes. The camp was very nice and cozy after we got it warmed up. Outside was pouring rain and cold. We did get a couple birds. Apples were gone at ground blind spot, so we put a few more out. Cleaned the camp up a bit and I will drop back out there on Friday evening to put a fire on, maybe I'll spend the night there and hunt Saturday up that way.
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