Bush Environment Record an Issue in Nev.

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
".......More broadly, Republicans do not see the environment as a bright spot for Bush. Jim DiPeso, policy director for REP America, a pro-Republican environmental group based in Albuquerque, N.M., pointed only to Bush's new goals for increasing wetlands and rules to reduce diesel pollution.

"There isn't much that he has to run on to turn out environmental voters for him," DiPeso said. "It's not their strength; they know it's not their strength."

He said Kerry could benefit in Western states like New Mexico and Arizona where ranchers, hunters, fishermen and environmentalists all worry about oil and gas drilling on public lands and logging in national forests..............................................................................Rodger Schlickeisen, president of Defenders of Wildlife, described Bush and Kerry as polar opposites on reducing air and water pollution, and protecting and using natural resources."


I hope Dubya's terrible record on the wildlife/environmental issues is what get's him defeated in Nov.. Maybe that will wake up some of the other anti-environment politicians. That would be a good thing for hunting and fishing.
Ithaca ,
FYI , the nuke dump at Yucca mt. is a done deal , and NO president past , present or future can do anything about it . I get a kick when I hear John Kerry-Heinz say he's going to stop nuclear waste from coming to Nevada .
No he isn't .
Besides , Yucca mt. is an outstanding place for a nuke dump , it's already contaminated .
Other than Yucca Mtn. and Las Vegas, I wasn't aware there was any other environment in Nevada. ;)
Hangar ,
Other than Yucca mt. and Las Vegas the rest of Nevada is awesome environment . But you probably wouldn't think so , especially if you think football looks good on blue carpet .
Ben, I was just kidding - see the wink? No intention whatsoever to offend Nevadans. I think the basin / range through the middle of the state is some of the coolest geography in the country.

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